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Unit 01 Enterprise 4 List of new words and expr...doc
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  1. Similarly, ….

  2. to reveal sth /

  3. Revelations

  4. strain = the problems and worries that are caused by having to work hard or live in a busy place

  5. The stresses and strains of …

  • They moved to a little house in the country in order to get away from the stresses and strains of city life

  1. intensive training

  2. to get along with sb (other members of the team)

  3. people with different backgrounds

  4. All in all, …

_______Listening task – p. 14

  1. a job-hunter

  2. a handy tip for a gardener

  3. Let me give you a few handy tips on buying a house.

  4. to make sure that …

  5. up-to-date

  • It is difficult to keep up-to-date with all new software programs.

  1. to possess a range of skills

  2. to do sth on a regular basis

  3. Sth is common sense.

  • It's common sense to keep medicines away from children.

  1. to arrive ten minutes early

  2. to be extra nice to sb

  3. to have a large say in sth

_______WRITING p 15-17

  1. facial features

  2. heart-shaped face

  3. a stunning feature

  4. Not only is Claudia a professional model, but also… (inversion)

  5. charity organizations

  6. children in need

  7. sparkling eyes

  8. spiky hair = (of hair) sticking straight up from the head = волосы ёжиком

  9. to pull on sth

  • Help me to pull on these boots.

  • Harold pulled (away) on his pipe.

  1. Childlike appearance

  2. to be determined to do sth

  • She is determined to finish law school.

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