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Unit 8 Sports & Hobbies

Text “Surf’s up!” p.94

  1. to ride the waves кататися на хвилях

  2. the thrill of a lifetime – любимое, захватывающее увлечение всей жизни

  3. addictive звикання

  • Heroin is highly addictive.

  1. addiction to alcohol

  2. to become addicted to drugs / alcohol / gambling

  3. incredibly = unbelievably = extremely неймовірно

  4. Waves crash onto sandy beaches.

  5. to check the weather forecast

  6. totally unspoilt paradise / countryside

  7. to do exercises with weights

  8. an expert surfer

  9. a wet suit - мокрый гидрокостюм, лёгкий водолазный костюм (не изолирует тело человека от воды полностью)

Vocabulary Practice p. 96

  1. a weightlifter

  2. enormous muscles

  3. positively = безусловно, абсолютно; на самом деле, поистине, воистину

  • Some diets may be positively dangerous.

  1. Julia doesn’t mind working hard.

  2. courage = bravery

  3. to remain steady on the board

  4. new / future generation of

  • My family have lived in this house for generations.

  1. disappointment

  2. in search for sth

  3. to catch a wave

  4. to miss the opportunity

  5. to learn the technique

  6. amateur (adj, n)

  7. to succeed in sth

  8. tracksuit = спортивный костюм

  9. to beat sb to sth = to do sth before someone else = побеждать, побивать, опередить кого-л.

  • She beat me to the top of the hill.

  1. to beat sb up

  • He was badly beaten up.

  1. to win а game / match

  • He won $3000 in the lottery.

  1. to defeat (Syn. beat)

  • He defeated the champion in three sets.

  1. car / horse race

  2. international chess tournament

  3. perfect waves / location

  4. poor conditions

Phrasal verbs

  1. He has grown out of his fear. = He overcame his fear.

  2. You’ve grown out of your shoes again.

  3. His skill in computer programming grew from his interest in computer games.

  4. She grew up (= spent her childhood) in Boston.

Prepositions *****

  1. to dream about sth

  • I dreamed about my old home last night.

  1. to dream of sth

  • She dreams of her own business.

  1. to be in search for

  2. mile after mile

  3. in any weather

  4. to protect oneself from

  5. at the right moment

  6. without any difficulty

  7. in action

Language Development p. 97

  1. painting

  2. skiing

  3. motor racing

  4. weightlifting

  5. to go snorkeling - the sport or activity of swimming underwater with a snorkel

  6. stamp collecting

  7. pottery

  8. knitting

  9. to rush down a mountainside

  10. a lump of clay

  11. solid muscles

  12. golf course

  13. at 200 km per hour

  14. undersea world

  15. snorkel

  16. helmet

  17. needles and wool

  18. watercolours and brush

  19. potter’s wheel

  20. kiln = печь для обжига и сушки

  21. magnifying glass

  22. to play cricket / rugby

  23. to go horse-riding / ice-skating / motor-racing

  24. to go sailing

  25. to go snow-boarding

  26. to go fishing / hang-gliding / cycling / diving

  27. thrilling

  28. competitive world of business / spirit – соревновательный, состязательный

  29. competitive prices

  30. challenging

  31. violent

  32. to do archery / weightlifting

  33. boxingboxerring

  34. athleticsathletestadium

  35. tennistennis playercourt

  36. golf – golfer – golf course

  37. ice-skating – (ice)-skater – skating rink

  38. cricket – cricketer/cricket player – pitch

  39. football – footballer /football player – pitch / stadium

Ex. 6-8 p. 98

  1. saddle

  2. tennis racquet

  3. flippers

  4. shuttlecock

  5. bow and arrows

  6. golf club

  7. fishing rod

  8. team spirit

  9. to be cooperative

  10. determined to do sth

  • I'm determined to succeed.

  1. accurate

  2. accuracy

  • She hit the ball with great accuracy.

  1. graceful

  2. dedication

  3. to hit the target

Ex. 9-10. p. 98

  1. tuition

  2. coach / coaching

  3. to be constantly on the move

  4. It’s a really cutthroat world.

  5. to come along well at sth

  • You are coming along really well at it!

  1. stamina - запас жизненных сил; внутр. резервы организма; выдержка, выносливость, стойкость

  2. Boxing requires a lot of energy and stamina.

  3. There is nothing like boxing!

  4. to be permanently brain-damaged

  5. barbaric = 1) варварский; первобытный 2) грубый, примитивный; некультурный 3) жестокий, дикий

  6. What is more, …

  7. In addition, …

  8. In addition to that (this), …

  9. Moreover, …

  10. Furthermore, …

  11. However, …

  12. On the one hand, …

  13. On the other hand, …

Ex. 11-12 p 99

  1. benefits of exercise

  2. to feel refreshed

  3. to free sb from tension and stress

  4. mental performance

  5. It doesn’t tire me out.

  6. to pass the time

  7. to spend time doing sth

  8. seemingly = на вид, по внешнему виду, казалось бы

  9. humble

  10. to wonder at / about sb/sth

  11. a large amount of money

  12. on condition that

  13. alongside sth / sb = next to or at the side of sth - около, рядом, у

  14. antique porcelain

Ex 13 p.99

  1. top scorer

  2. to be oversold

  • Seats are oversold.

  1. a referee

  2. an unfair decision

  3. to encourage sb to do sth

  4. to set a good example

  5. to a large extent

  6. to prevent sb / sth from doing sth

  7. to keep things under control

  8. to make sure that

  9. to make sense

  • What you say makes sense.

  1. to build muscles

  2. educational

Grammar Reference p. 168-169

  1. He claims to travel round the world every year.

  2. He claims to have traveled round the world 3 times.

  3. He claims to be travelling round the world now.

  4. He claims to have been living here for many years.

  5. She must have been working late last night.

  6. He can’t be working now.

  7. She denies living there.

  8. He denies having stolen the bicycle.

  9. She called to invite them to her birthday party. (purpose)

  10. I expected/hoped/planned to see her there.

  11. He appeared not to know what was happening.

  12. She happened to be out when I called.

  13. I would love /would like/would prefer to go there.

  14. He was too tired to watch the film.

  15. The boy is old enough to go to school.

  16. She was the first to come.

  17. It was kind of him to give you a lift home.

  18. He went to buy the suit only to find it had been already sold.

  19. For Sandra to spend so much money on clothes is unbelievable.

  20. To tell you the truth, …

  21. To begin / start with, …

  22. To be honest, … = what I really think is …

  23. To sum up, there are three ways to deal with the problem.

  24. He can see something in the distance.

  25. You had better see the dentist.

  26. The teacher made him sit in the corner.

  27. (Passive) He was made to sit in the corner.

  28. I saw him cross the street.

  29. I saw him crossing the street.

  30. Living in the country is peaceful.

  31. He misses living in the country.

  32. I can’t stand waiting in lines.

  33. I detest waking up early.

  34. He risked being arrested.

  35. He was busy writing a letter.

  36. It’s no use crying.

  37. It's no good complaining they never listen.

  38. This idea is worth considering.

  39. What’s the use of crying?

  40. I can’t help admiring this beautiful building.

  41. I feel like eating out tonight.

  42. There’s no point (in) discussing it.

  43. I had difficulty (in) / had trouble translating the sentence.

  44. In addition to breaking the vase, the cat eat all the fish in the water tank.

  45. I had hard / difficult time explaining to her why I came home so late.

  46. I look forward to seeing you again.

  47. I am used / accustomed to living here.

  48. He admitted to making a mistake.

  49. I object to your going there.

  50. What about going to the cinema?

  51. You’ll waste your time trying to reason with her.

  52. She forgot to buy some milk.

  53. I will never forget winning the game!

  54. I remembered to lock the door.

  55. I can’t remember eating at that restaurant before.

  56. I mean to finish reading this book by Christmas. (= I intend…)

  57. I won’t take English lessons if it means studying all the time. (if it involves…)

  58. I regret to tell you that…

  59. I regret not talking about it earlier.

  60. I tried to open the door.

  61. I tried opening the door with that key.

  62. Stop talking!

  63. I stopped to talk with her on my way home.

  64. - I don’t like watching horror films. - Neither do I.

  65. – I like classical music. – Sо do I.

Grammar / Use of English p.100-101

  1. to qualify for sth / doing sth

  2. to bet on a horse

  3. This horse is sure to win the race.

  4. She ought to take up gymnastics professionally.

  5. to exhibit one’s skills

  6. to be keen on doing sth = to want to do sth or want sth to happen very much

  • John was not very keen on going to the party.

  1. to score a winning goal = забить победный гол

  2. a major sporting event

  3. World-wide

Letter Writing B p. 103-105

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