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Unit 7.doc
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1. Are the following sentences true or false? If false, say why.

1. Paul and his friends gathered together to look back at the times when they were little kids.

2. Brian went on a trip to his native town where he experienced nostalgia for his happy childhood and youth..

3. At the baker's near his home he ran into his school teacher, Mr. Norris.

4. Carol was fond of playing games for the school.

5. She was lucky because of the place where she lived.

6. Carol came from a big family and all her brothers and sisters studied together.

7. Cindy went to a co-educational grammar school.

8. Cindy's classmates learnt the truth about her sister from another child's mother.

9. Cindy didn't like the teachers because she thought they were rather dull.

10. Her classmates treated her cautiously for a few weeks.

11. Alex was upset at school because the other students hit him.

12. He often got into trouble there because his classmates were aggressive and made fun of him.

13. Charles went to a state school for privileged students.

14. He didn't like studying at Eton because the students there were arrogant and snobbish.

15. Charles was keen on music magazines and he would spend hours reading them.

16. Kelly was only good at Arithmetic at school.

17. She lost interest in Mathematics because the teacher didn't answer her question properly.

18. While Paul was listening to his friends' stories, he started to worry about their future.

II. Here are the answers to some questions about the text. Ask the questions.

1. _? — To talk over their schooldays.

2. _? — Only a week ago.

3. _? — It was very special.

4. _? — He wandered in the park and visited some of his old neighbors.

5. _? — Yes, her schooldays were very happy.

6. _? — On the edge of the country.

7. _? — She used to play games and swim in the river.

8. _? — Yes, it was rather difficult for the teacher.

9. _? — When her parents moved to town.

10. _? — It was a big comprehensive school.

11. _? — No, Cindy didn't like that school.

12. _? — To mix with children from other schools.

13. _? — She was twelve or thirteen.

14. _? — For two years.

15. _? — Yes, finally the truth came out.

16. _? — A bit strangely.

17. _? — Very embarrassed.

18. _? — Alex was five.

19. _? — They played jokes on him and called him names.

20. _? — He got over it when he left the school.

21. _? — He went to Eton.

22. _? — Because people think that those who study at Eton have everything but brains or talent.

23. _? — Math, Physics and Computer Science.

24. _? — Yes, he had his own accommodation where he could study and sleep.

25. _? — Twice a term.

26. _? — Mathematics.

27. _? — When the teacher said that a circle had three hundred and sixty degrees.

28. _? — It was past midnight.

III. Find in the text English equivalents for these word-combinations and sentences.

1. Всім його друзям сподобалася ця думка, особливо Браяну, який повернувся з рідного міста тільки тиждень тому.

2. Ця поїздка була дуже особливою для нього.

3. Келлі добре вчилася з більшості предметів у школі.

4. Її студенти у більшості своїй є з аристократичних родин та з родин вищого класу суспільства.

5. Алекс не зміг залишитися у своїй першій школі, в яку він пішов, коли йому було 5 років.

6. І всі отримували задоволення від цього.

7. Для деяких з них, таких як Керол, шкільні часи були дуже щасливими.

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