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II. Put the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

1. The control unit controls all the other units in the computer system.

2. Input devices allow us to enter information into the computer.

3. We interact with computers by entering instructions and data into them.

4. A scanner converts text or pictures into electronic codes.

III. Make questions to the underlined words:

1. To operate a joystick, the user grips and moves a vertical lever.

2. Storage devices provide a permanent storage of both data and programs.

3. Output devices enable us to extract the finished product from the system.

4. Computers do 500 000 sums per second.

5. He spends much time in the library to make a report.

6. The students work in the computer class every day.

IV. Say in English:

1. Как компьютер помогает людям?

2. Моя сестра не преподает информатику, она учится в университете на факультете “Компьютерные системы и сети”.

3. Студенты принимают активное участие в научно-исследовательской работе.

4. Как часто вы проводите научные конференции?

5. Что включает в себя дисциплина “Вычислительная техника” (computer science)?

6. Мы не применяем этот метод в решении таких задач.

7. Где находят применение мини-компьютеры?

8. Это устройство не декодирует команды программ.

Past Simple

I. Put the verbs in the Past Simple Tense. Mind the reading of –ed ending:

to use, to process, to record, to stop, to store, to design

II. Give the forms of Past Simple of the following verbs:

to read, to write, to make, to build, to send, to keep, to put, to know

III. Express agreement using “You are right”:

1. Computers began to use transistors in 1955.

2. The third generation of computers used integrated circuits.

3. In the early 1960’s semiconductor makers created a new technology.

4. In 1945 Dr. Neuman worked out the concept of the stored program.

5. Ch. Babbage designed his Analytical Engine to perform four arithmetic operations.

IV. Change the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

1. The student made an interesting report on the problems of storage capacity.

2. He studied five programming languages.

3. At his last lecture the professor spoke about the invention of computers.

4. Early computers used magnetic cores in their main memory.

5. Two major developments occurred in the late 1940’s: the construction of programmable electronic computers and the invention of the transistor.

V. Ask for the additional information:

1. Last month they carried out many experiments.

2. B. Pascal invented the first mechanical adding machine.

3. Last year he studied such programming languages as PASCAL and C.

4. They attended this professor’s lectures.

5. It took me much time to write a report.

VI. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of Past Simple:

1. Ch. Babbage and Lady Lovelace, Lord Byron’s daughter, (to work out) a coded program. Lady Lovelace (to be) a brilliant mathematician. She (to believe) and fully (to understand) the potentialities of the Analytical Engine. She (to take) an active part in Babbage’s experiments. So it is fair to say that she (to be) the world’s first computer programmer.

2. About seventy years (to pass) before the production of the first digital computer, similar to Babbage’s Analytical Engine.

3. The use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes (to make) these computers smaller, more powerful and more reliable.