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I. Answer the questions.

1. What do appraisal systems measure?

2. What appraisal methods are mentioned in the text? Describe each of them.

3. What organizational decisions may be made on the basis of the performance appraisal?

4. What problems are associated with qualitative appraisals?

5. What difficulties are associated with the criteria often found in personality appraisals?

6. What is one of the biggest problems with appraisal on the basis of meeting objectives?

7. What approach can be used to help identify performance appraisal criteria?

II. Translate into Ukrainian:

unappraised, unacceptable, lack of knowledge of the appraisee, lack of ability to discriminate, lack of confidence, resourcefulness, enthusiasm, drive, application, intelligence, the use of critical incident techniques, job-holder, to formulate key tasks and duties, sophisticated appraisal criteria.

III. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Проблемами кількісної оцінки діяльності є те, що важливі сфери можуть лишатися поза оцінкою, і те, що вони не підходять для порівняльних цілей.

2. До особистісних рис, які є важливими для роботи, відносяться: винахідливість, ентузіазм, наполегливість та інші.

3. Оцінювачі часто невпевнені, що саме вони оцінюють. Один корисний підхід – це концентруватися скоріше на роботі, ніж на особі.

4. За допомогою робочої анкети менеджери та потенційні об’єкти оцінювання можуть визначити, що характеризує найбільш і найменш ефективного працівника.

5. Аналіз змісту роботи використовується для формулювання ключових завдань та обов’язків і очікуваних стандартів якості роботи.

IV. Find proper definitions to the following terms.



1) performance standard (n)

a) calculation of the value of somebody or something;

2) appraisal (n)

b) bring together and compare information in order to identify differences;

3) collate (v)

c) energy; motivation;

4) job-holder (n)

d) procedure for evaluating a person's work;

5) drive (n)

e) the required level of performance;

6)performance appraisal (n)

f) person who holds a specific job;

V. Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase of indefinite frequency (never, always, usual(ly), normal(ly), generally, occasionally, rarely, seldom, often, frequently, ever). The first one has been done for you.

1. In appraisals managers occasionally fail to differentiate between current performance and potential performance. (50%)

2. As a result managers are promoted to positions in which they cannot perform adequately. (40%)

3. The __________ approach is the superior's rating of subordinates. (90%)

4. A group of superiors rating subordinates is_____ used for appraisal. (75%)

5. A group of peers rating a colleague is used in business organizations. (25%)

6. A fourth approach (subordinates' rating of bosses) is _______used. (10%)

7. appraisals concentrate on personal characteristics such as intelligence, decisiveness, creativity, and ability to get along with others. (90%)

VI. Complete the following sentences by adding the appropriate words (both…and, either...or; neither ...nor).

1.Performance appraisal is one of the most difficult tasks a manager has to carry out; the appraisal itself, the communication of the results are easy.

2. Appraisal is the continuous process of feeding back information to subordinates about how well they are doing; it happens

informally systematically.

3. In the case of informal appraisal the manager spontaneously mentions that a piece of work has been done well poorly.

4. Because of the close connection between the behaviour and the feedback on it, informal appraisal ______ encourages desirable performance ______ discourages undesirable performance before it becomes engrained.

5. In most major organizations formal appraisals are carried out ______ once twice a year.

6. To be effective, the appraisal method must be perceived by subordinates as based on uniform fair standards.

VII. Look at these sentences. In your opinion is the speaker praising or criticizing?

1.You’ve done a terrific…

2. You really should have informed us …

3. Although you’ve made some substantial cuts …

4. We’ve very happy with how you’ve …

5. You were supposed to have …

6. We really couldn’t have asked for anything …

7. We appreciate all your hard work …

8. I know you’ve had to make a lot of changes …

VIII. Give a brief presentation on the following topic.

You are a high-ranking manager in your company. Outline your company’s and the staff performance in the last year, comparing it with the previous year.

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