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1. Answer the questions.

1. What difference between human resource management and personnel management is mentioned in the text?

2. What personnel activities are all managers involved in?

3. What three personnel functions are mentioned in the text?

4. What are staff managers authorized to do?

II. Translate into Ukrainian:

to undertake, to be authorized, planning manpower needs, face-to-face communicating, equal opportunity and affirmative action, handling grievances and labour relations, 'bread and butter' of the personnel director's job.

III. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Менеджери персоналу залучені у такі види діяльності, як підбір персоналу, проведення співбесід, відбір та навчання (підготовка) кадрів.

2. Лінійні керівники вповноважені направляти роботу підлеглих– вони завжди є начальниками.

3. Начальник відділу кадрів вповноважений допомагати та давати поради лінійним керівникам у виконанні основних завдань організації.

4. Лінійний керівник– єдиний керівник для кожного працівника.

5. Відділ кадрів забезпечує спеціалізовану допомогу у підборі кандидатів на посади та у сфері планування потреби у кадрах.

6. Управління кадрами спрямоване, в основному, на працівників організації.

7. Управління людськими ресурсами і управління кадрами– це не різні словосполучення з однаковим значенням, а різні акценти в роботі.

IV. Find proper definitions.



1. accomplish (v)

2. grievance (n)

3. hire (v)

4. fire (v)

5. promote (v)

6. recruit (v)

7. recruitment (n)

8. performance (n)

9. personnel management

10. human resource management

11. line manager

12. staff manager

a) take on a paid worker;

b) the study of how employers obtain, develop, utilize, evaluate, maintain, and retain the right numbers and types of workers.

c) take on a new person;

d) give someone a better job;

e) the way something is done, esp. how skillfully or efficiently it is done;

f) complaint made by worker;

g) the management function that deals with recruitment, placement, training, and development of organization members.

h) process of taking on new people;

i) manager who supports line managers but who is not directly involved in the production of goods or services;

j) send away from employment;

k) a high-level officer who has direct responsibility for carrying out a supervisor’s requests and is authorized to pass along his or her own orders to subordinates;

l) succeed in doing.

V. Complete the sentences by choosing an appropriate verb from the list and putting it into the correct passive form:

(raise, ask, consult, involve, make redundant)

1. John expected about the new appraisal scheme.

2. By__________, John hoped to make his own contribution.

3. While_______, John stated his reservations about the scheme.

4. He said, “Let the questions______ now rather than later”.

5. After____________ John received many letters of support.

VI. Put the following active sentences into the passive. Include “by the agent” where appropriate and make any necessary changes to word order. The first one has been done for you.

1. All personnel specialists have to undertake both human resources management and personnel management.

Both human resources management and personnel management have to be undertaken by all personnel specialists.

2. At present we are assessing the organization’s manpower needs.

3. We can consider all managers as personnel managers.

4. Next week we are offering a seminar on delegation.

5. The chief manager is still considering the new appraisal scheme. We expect to introduce it later this year.

6. The personnel manager's responsibilities include orienting and training employees, and working to improve their job performance.

7. The line managers will be advising the personnel manager during the evaluation.

8. In small organizations, line managers may carry out personnel duties unassisted.

VII. These verbs are all connected with employment. Who does these things: employees, companies, or both?

resign sack

dismiss recruit

retire make redundant

fire take on

take early retirement transfer

VIII. Now ask your partner about recent staff changes in their company or department. Make up some more questions.

How many workers have they resigned?

How many staff have they made redundant?

Has anyone retired recently?

Have you taken on any new staff recently?


Text 1


1. What is a career path?

2. What character traits are essential for a mentor?


To evolve – розвиватися, розгортатися, еволюціонувати

Insight into – 1) проникливість 2) розуміння

Preceding – попередній

Explicit – ясний, докладний

Sequence – послідовність; порядок

Reassessment – переоцінка

To sacrifice – жертвувати, приносити в жертву

Adolescent – підліток

To explore – вивчати, досліджувати

Exploration – досліджування

To match – узгоджувати

Tentative – попередній, пробний

To refine – удосконалювати

Establishment – тут: становлення

To lock on to – тут: зупиняти (вибір) на

Occupation – вид діяльності, професія

Occupational – професійний

Capability – здібність, обдарованість, здатність

Trial – випробування

To accomplish – виконувати, доводити до кінця

Maintenance – підтримання, збереження

Decline – спад, кінець

Retirement – вихід на пенсію

Deceleration – зменшення швидкості, кількості оборотів

Mentor – наставник, вихователь

Confidant – довірена особа

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