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Vietnam's Party Chief

■ HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Viet­namese Communist Party chief Nong Duc Manh left Wednesday for a five-day visit to Russia to boost political ties be­tween the former Cold War allies, a For­eign Ministry official said. Manh was not expected to sign any major agreements during the trip, the of­ficial said. Mann's visit to Moscow is the first by a Vietnamese Communist Party chief since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

From Russia, Manh will travel to Be­larus for a two-day visit, the Foreign Ministry official said.

China's Hu to Visit

■ BEIJING (AP) — President Hu Jin-tao leaves next week on his first foreign trip as China's leader, with plans to visit Russia, France, Kazakhstan and Mongo­lia, the Chinese Foreign Ministry an­nounced Tuesday.

Hu, a relative unknown among world leaders, will engage in "broad contact with foreign leaders and figures from all circles," ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said.

She said Hu plans to depart March 26 for Moscow, where he is to attend the annual meeting of leaders of the Shang­hai Cooperation Organization. He is then to travel to St Petersburg for the city's 300th anniversary jubilee.

Palestinian Talks

■ MOSCOW (AP) — A top Pales­tinian leader arrived Wednesday in Moscow, a day after Israeli Prime Minis­ter Ariel Sharon wrapped up a visit.

Mahmoud Abbas, the deputy head of the Palestine Liberation Organization and a leading peace negotiator, said he had come to exchange opinions on the settlement of the conflict in the Middle East, Interfax reported.

Abbas was to meet with Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and other ministry officials.

South Korean Leader Arrives

SEOUL, South Korea — President Lee Myung-bak arrived Sunday in Moscow, where he and Dmitry Medvedev are expected to discuss strengthening economic ties as well as North Korean push to reassemble its nu­clear program.

The trip is the conservative South Korean leader's first official visit to Rus­sia since taking office in February. Lee also will also meet Medvedev on the sidelines of the Group of Eight summit in Japan in July.

The two leaders also are expected to sign more than a dozen industrial and energy cooperation agreements when they meet Monday; Lee’s office said

Lee also will meet with Prime Minis­ter Vladimir Putin and stop in St. Peters­burg. (AP)

Israeli Premier to Visit

JERUSALEM—Israeli Prime Min­ister Ehud Qlmert will visit Russia on Oct. 6 and 7 for talks with its leaders, Olmert's office said Sunday.

Olmert has been serving in a care­taker capacity since resigning a week ago. He had planned to visit Moscow earlier this month, but the trip was post­poned amid political uncertainty in Is­rael touched off by a corruption scandal mat forced him to step down.

Israeli officials said at the time that Olmert intended to discuss Iran's nuclear program and voice concern over reports that Russia planned to arm Syria with advanced missiles. (Reuters)

Medvedev Will Visit Cuba

NICE, France — President Dmitry Medvedev will visit Cuba on a tour of Latin American states later this month, his spokeswoman said Friday.

"As part of his trip to Latin America … this month, the president will also visit Cuba," spokeswoman Natalya Timakova told reporters on the sidelines of an EU-Russia summit in the French resort of Nice.

Medvedev had been scheduled only to visit Venezuela, Brazil and Peru on his tour of the region. His spokeswoman did not give an exact date for the Cuban leg of the trip.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Friday that Medvedev would visit his country Nov. 26. The trip will mark the first time a Russian president has vis­ited Venezuela.

(Reuters, AP)

Georgia, Switzerland sign deal on Tbilisi representa­tion in Russia

■ TBILISI (RIA Novosti) - The Georgian and Swiss foreign ministers exchanged on Monday documents to grant Switzerland the right to repre­sent Georgia's interests in Moscow.

Georgia severed diplomatic ties with Russia after Moscow recognized break­away Abkhazia and South Ossetia on August 26 last year. Russia's move fol­lowed a five-day war with Georgia that began when Georgian troops attacked South Ossetia.

The Swiss top diplomat signed sim­ilar agreements last month in Moscow with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Kremlin: Obama, Medvedev vow to seek better ties

■ MOSCOW (AP) - The Kremlin says Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and U.S. President Barack Obama have told each other they will seek to improve strained ties between Moscow and Wa­shington.

Medvedev's press service said he congratulated Obama on his inau­guration in a phone call Monday and that both presidents expressed a desire to meet soon.

The Kremlin said both men stressed they were ready to make efforts to ensure that ties between Russia and the U.S. live up to their potential.

Relations have been badly strained amid vocal Kremlin criticism of U.S. foreign policy, and Russia's war with ex-Soviet Georgia in August brought ties to a post-Cold War low. Russia has urged Obama to scrap U.S. efforts to expand NATO further eastward and place missile-defense facilities in central Europe.

Palestinian leader seeks support on Moscow visit

MOSCOW (AFP) - Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Monday met Russian President Dmitry Med­vedev for the first time, seeking Russian support to keep the shaky Middle East peace process on track.

"I am sure that we will work togeth­er in a fruitful manner, above all as the problems against which the region is confronted are growing at the moment," Medvedev said during their talks.

Abbas added: "We have many ques­tions to discuss and we know that you bring a particular attention to the problems of the Middle East"

Medvedev also welcomed Abbas's symbolic election in May to the title of "president of Palestine" in a vote at a meeting of the Palestine Liberation Organisation's 120-member Central Council.

Putin Ready to See Obama

ULAN BATOR, Mongolia—Prime Minister Vladimir Putin answered with a "why not?" when asked if he would meet U.S. President Barack Obama during his planned visit to Russia this summer.

Obama will make his first visit to -Russia as president on July 6 to 8 for talks with President Dmitry Medvedev. "I have not spoken yet to diplomats, perhaps if they coincide in time, why not? I would be pleased to meet him, but Obama is the partner of the Russian president," Putin said Wednesday in Mongolia's capital, Ulan Bator, where he was holding talks. (Reuters)

Medvedev Touts Ties With North Korea


President Dmitry Medvedev congratulatedNorth Korea's leader Kim Jong E on the 60th anniversary of the creation of his country, saying close ties between the two nations had benefited both.

"On Sept. 9,1948, a new sovereign state was born on Korean territory, inti­mately tied to our country geographi­cally and historically," Medvedev wrote in a letter posted on the Kremlin's web site Tuesday. "For decades since that re­markable day, we have built up an ex­tremely positive experience of coopera­tion and realized a multitude of joint projects to the benefit of our peoples."

Kim hasn’t been seen in a month and was reported to have collapsed because of ill health in August.

Rice Meets New Ambassador

WASHINGTON — Moscow’s new ambassador to Washington paid a courtesy call on U.S. Secretary of State Con doleezza Rice, and the two were ex­pected to discuss Georgia, an issue straining U.S.-Russian ties. Sergei Kislyak, formerly deputy for­eign minister and Russia's point man on Iran, and Rice already "know each other well," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said ahead of the Tuesday meeting. (Reuters)

New British Ambassador

Britain’s next ambassador to Russia will take her post next month, a British Embassy spokeswoman said Monday.

Ann Pringle will officially take over in early October for outgoing British Ambassador Anthony Brenton, who will leave his post in two weeks.

Pringle was named in March as Brenton's successor. She will be Britain's first female ambassador to Russia. Her career has included two stints in Eastern Europe. She worked at the British Embassy in Moscow in the early 1980s and served as ambassador to the Czech Republic from 2001 to 2004.

Brenton told journalists in St. Petersburg on Monday that Pringle was "a strongwoman, a Scot." (MT)

G8 Meeting Planned

President Dmitry Medvedev is to soon join other leaders of the Group of Eight major industrial countries to map out strategies to deal with the global fi­nancial crisis.

In a joint statement released by the White House on Wednesday, the G8 leaders said they were united in their commitment to resolve the crisis by strengthening their financial institutions and restoring confidence. (AP)

For the Record

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will visit North Korea next year, a ministry spokesman said on Wednesday after Lavrov held talks in Moscow with his North, Korean counterpart (Reuters)

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlus­coni said Wednesday that he would work to make Russia part of the European Union in the coming years. (Reuters)

Medvedev to Visit Angola

LUANDA, Angola — President Dmitry Medvedev will visit Angola "very soon" to strengthen political and economic ties, the news agency Angop reported Thursday.

Angola and Russia are working out the "modality" of the visit, the Luanda-based agency reported; citing Foreign Minister Assuncao dos Anjos, who is on a visit to Moscow.

Russia has shown "great interest" in helping Angola's reconstruction pro­cess, Angop said. (Bloomberg)

Merkel Talks Energy Bond

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Wednesday that her country and Russia were bound by common ties stronger than any "controversies" that may divide them, a reference to Russia's military incursion into Georgia last month, which she condemned.

Addressing an event in Leipzig, Merkel said, "Long-term gas contracts are based on mutual interests" and not a one-sided relationship.

"Russia needs customers and we need deliveries, and that goes also for the European Union," she said. "I see many future opportunities. Of course we have controversies, yet we have shared interests, and we should cement these links and make them more binding."

Merkel’s comments reflect Ger­many's political and economic engage­ment with Russia that began in the1960s and reached its zenith under her prede­cessor Gerhard Schroder. (Bloomberg)

Taoiseach hopes Queen gets 'royal welcome'

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has said he hopes the people of Ireland will 'come out and give a great and a right royal welcome' to Britain's Queen Elizabeth when she visits next week. By Madeline O'Connor - 12/05/11

Speaking in CityWest in Dublin yesterday afternoon, the Irish leader said the Queen's visit and that of US President Barack Obama were important for the country.

The Taoiseach also confirmed British Prime Minister David Cameron would make his first official visit to Ireland next week.

Mr Cameron's will visit while the Queen is in the country, and will also participate in bilateral talks with Mr Kenny at Government Buildings. 

Mr Kenny said the British PM was 'very supportive of Ireland in terms of the business and politics of what we have to do'. 

The Taoiseach said both leaders would discuss the current issues Ireland faces, and the bigger European political landscape.

 Results of the recent Assembly elections in Northern Ireland would also be spoken of in the meeting. 

Both men will later attend a reception with Queen Elizabeth in Dublin.

Mr Kenny also said he hoped the two State visits would result in an increase in tourists to Ireland.

UN aide visits Myanmar to meet with new gov't

YANGON, Myanmar -- A top aide to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has arrived in Myanmar on an official visit to meet members of the country's newly elected government and pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

The three-day visit by Vijay Nambiar is the first by a top U.N. diplomat since a nominally civilian government took over from the ruling junta in March.

Officials said Nambiar was scheduled to meet high-ranking government officials Wednesday in the remote capital of Naypyitaw.

He was expected to meet Suu Kyi on Thursday in Yangon. The Nobel laureate was released from house arrest after the elections, which her party boycotted.

Critics say Myanmar's election was a charade to ensure continued military domination.

Cameron to visit Irish Republic during Queen's visit

David Cameron will make his first visit to the Irish Republic as UK prime minister next week, Downing Street has said.

The trip will coincide with the Queen's state visit to the country - the first official tour of the republic by a British monarch.

Mr Cameron has described her visit as a symbol of the "strong partnership and friendship" between the two countries.

The PM is expected to hold talks with new Taoiseach Enda Kenny.

Mr Kenny, who was elected in March, said he and Mr Cameron would discuss European issues, the make-up of the new Northern Ireland Assembly and the potential of developing the all-island economy.

Chancellor George Osborne last year agreed a 3.8 billion euro (£3.3bn) loan to Ireland - one of the UK's biggest trading partners - as part of an EU-IMF economic rescue package.

DPR Korea diplomatic delegation visits Viet Nam

(VNA) - A delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) paid an official visit to Viet Nam from Mar. 2-5.

While in Viet Nam, the delegation, led by Director of the Asian Department Ma Chol Su, met with Nguyen Phu Binh, Deputy Foreign Minister, and Ta Minh Chau, Deputy Director of the Party Central Committee's Commission for External Relations.

The delegation also worked with the Asian Department 1 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam and some other relevant departments of the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Trade.

The two sides informed each other of the situations in their respective countries and reviewed the development of friendly and cooperative ties between Viet Nam and the DPRK over recent past.

They discussed specific measures to promote the friendship and cooperation between the two nations in the future and exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual concern.

During its stay in Viet Nam, the delegation visited some cultural and economic entities in Ha Noi and other localities./.

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