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Р.Я.Солодкин. ABC. Part 3..rtf
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10.9. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Use a participle clause.

Model: Martin studied all the proposals and then chose the most suitable for his company.

After studying all the proposals, Martin chose the most suitable for his company.

1. Norman collected the parcel, but then he realised it was the wrong one.

After …………………………………………………………………………….. .

2. Sue left the house but first she checked that she had her keys.

Before …………………………………………………………………………... .

3. Mark was parking his car when he noticed the wing-mirror was broken.

While …………………………………………………………………………… .

4. Julia cleaned the house, but then she fell asleep on the sofa.

After …………………………………………………………………………….. .

5. Brian bought a new television, but first he checked all the prices.

Before …………………………………………………………………………... .

6. Alan was skiing in Switzerland and met his old friend, Ken.

While …………………………………………………………………………… .

7. Kate took two aspirins, and then she felt a lot better.

After …………………………………………………………………………….. .

8. Sheila went out for the evening, but first she washed her hair.

Before …………………………………………………………………………... .

10.10. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using no more than three words.

1. Michael took a deep breath and dived into the water.

After Michael …………………………… a deep breath, he dived into the water.

2. Terry was fatter.

Terry ……………………………………………………………….. to be so thin.

3. Gary was sure his keys were not in his pocket.

Gary was sure ………………………………………………………….. his keys.

4. When he was younger David played tennis.

David ……………………………………………... tennis when he was younger.

5. Last summer, Julia got up early every morning.

Last summer, Julia used to ………………………………... early every morning.

6. We missed the bus so we took a taxi.

We took a taxi because ………………………………………………….. the bus.

7. In those days, we spent the summer in the mountains.

In those days, we ………………………………… the summer in the mountains.

10.11. Supply the English equivalents for the following sentences.

1. Раньше мы ездили на море дважды в год.

2. Он сказал, что уже ознакомился с нашим предложением.

3. На каникулах они занимались плаванием каждый день.

4. Они смотрели фильм, который купили накануне.

5. В молодости они вечно ввязывались в какие-то неприятные истории.

6. Врач осмотрел меня и спросил, когда я заболел.

7. К середине 2008 года их концерн занял 80% рынка ценных металлов.

8. Мы играли в нарды, когда пришел сосед и пригласил нас на ужин.

9. Принтер сломался до того, как ты попытался настроить систему.

10. Джейн вошла в кабинет, открыла окно и села в кресло.

11. В отпуске мы спали по 10 часов почти каждый день, если не ездили на экскурсии.

12. Когда-то наша компания владела крупнейшей сетью супермаркетов в стране.

13. Когда Джим зашел в кабинет, начальник просматривал новые предложения.

14. Она поинтересовалась, сколько раз я был в Китае раньше.

15. Она посмотрела на мои работы и сказала, что я делаю успехи.