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Р.Я.Солодкин. ABC. Part 3..rtf
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6.13. Changes

In four groups, list the ways life used to be different, e.G. 1,000 years ago most people used to go everywhere on foot.

Group A, talk about life 50 years ago.

Group B, talk about life 100 years ago.

Group C, talk about life 1,000 years ago.

Group D, talk about life 10,000 years ago.

Here are some ideas to help you.

transport politics food work health education entertainment family

Discuss your ideas in open class and see if the other groups can add anything to your list.

6.14. Life-changing events

Think of five life-changing events, e.g. winning a lottery. Write five sentences about how life used to be different, with a corresponding sentence about how things are nowadays, e.g. I used to count every pound. Now I can’t count how much money I’ve got.

Read out your list of sentences, but do not mention the life-changing event. Other students will guess what it was.

6.15. Make up about ten sentences describing how your relationships have changed in the last ten years, e.g. I used to go out with someone called Liz. Now I’m married to Catherine. I didn’t use to be as close to my brother as I am now.

6.16. Here is some surprising news about people you haven’t seen for a long time. Take turns to say why you’re surprised, e.G. A: Christine has taken up acting. – b: Really? She used to be so shy.

Michael’s got a dog now.

Sue is studying to be a doctor.

Terry’s looking much healthier.

Janet’s pregnant.

Adrian has bought a big house.

Penny plays the bass guitar now.

Lisa’s going out with Tom.

I saw Allan. He’s got married, you know.

Veronica has become an actress.

William’s joined the Conservative party.

We’re divorced now, I’m afraid.

You know Ray, don’t you? That’s him there.

I saw Angela at Rachel’s place.

Roger has taken up sailing.

Ellen’s become a Buddhist.

This isn’t my natural hair colour, you know.

I’m reading Shakespeare’s plays.

Daniel is studying law these days.

6.17. In pairs, ask each other questions about how you’ve changed in the last five years, e.g. A: Did you use to have a much different hairstyle five years ago? – B: Oh, yes. I used to dye my hair all the time, too. Once I even dyed it green!

Here are some ideas to help you.

  • physical appearance (clothes, hair, build)

  • habits (food, smoking, alcohol, going out)

  • personality (problems, hopes, fears)

  • people (friends, family, heroes and heroines)

6.18. Supply the English equivalents for the underlying sentences.

1. Раньше он много курил, но сейчас ведёт здоровый образ жизни.

2. Во время учёбы в колледже я часто играл в теннис.

3. Прежде он не был таким разговорчивым.

4. Мы собирались за столом и играли в карты. Это было нашим единственным развлечением.

5. У тебя раньше был велосипед? – Да, был. Я катался на нём почти каждый день.

6. Когда ты позвонил, я был в ванной и не слышал звонка.

7. Раньше у неё были более амбициозные планы.

8. Они часто приглашали нас на ужин.

9. Когда-то у нас не было свободного помещения, поэтому мы репетировали в гараже у одного из наших приятелей. Сейчас в нашем распоряжении три суперсовременных студии.

10. Мы, бывало, гуляли в горах по четыре-пять часов в день.