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Р.Я.Солодкин. ABC. Part 3..rtf
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4.17. Past participles

Take turns to make sentences using past participles in alphabetical order. If you can’t think of one, you are out of the game, e.g.

A: I’ve answered his letter.

B: He’s bought a new bike.

C: I’ve cut my finger.

D: I’ve never driven a lorry.

4.18. Life experience

In pairs, ask and answer Have you ever …? questions about these subjects.

crash a car

sing in public

sleep outside

buy someone flowers

ride a horse

go diving

catch a fish

eat caviar

work nights

make bread

wear a tie

climb a mountain

swim a river

win a prize

break a bone

do a bungee jump

4.19. In pairs, ask and answer questions about whether you have ever done these things. If the answer is yes, find out some more information, e.G.

A: Have you ever broken a bone?

B: Yes, I have.

A: When was that?

B: When I was at school.

A: What happened?

B: I broke my arm playing rugby.

cut your finger

wear fancy dress

sleep in a tent

eat Indian food

live by the sea

sail a boat

have an injection

go on a demonstration

drive a tractor

see an eclipse

do anything brave

drink rum

Tell your partner something you’ve done which you don’t think anyone else in class has done, and something you’ve never done which you think another student in class has done, e.g.

I’ve been scuba diving.

I’ve never played cricket, but I think Martin probably has.

4.20. Preparations

In pairs, imagine you are making preparations for …

  • a holiday

  • a party

  • a wedding

  • a job interview

  • a date

Make a list of ten things that need to be done, e.g. book the hotel. Take turns to ask each other questions, e.g.

A: Have you packed the towels?

B: Yes, I have. Have you brought the passports?

A: Yes, I have. Have you …?

4.21. Changes

Discuss what changes have taken place in the world in the last 50 years. Here are some ideas to help you.




rich and poor







4.22. Come up with an explanation to answer each of the following questions, using the present perfect.

  • Why aren’t you at work?

  • You seem so happy these days. Why is that?

  • Why have you packed your bags?

  • Long time no see. Where have you been?

  • What’s happened to your hair?

  • Is there something wrong? You look worried.