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Special problems you need to know

1. a number of and the number of

‘There is not just one way of creating or developing law; there have been, and still are, a number of different ways.’

A number of is used with plural verbs, while the number of is used with singular verbs.

Exercise 1. Choose the right verb.

  1. A number of cases (was, were) settled out of court.

  2. The number of mistakes he makes (is, are) startling.

  3. A number of cars (was, were) packed on the lot.

  4. Quite a number of people (is, are) emulating their attempt to avoid the crowd.

  5. The number of foreign students at the University (has, have) increased.

  6. The number of books missing from the library (is, are) large.

  7. A number of students (was, were) missing from yesterday’s lecture.

  8. The number of pages in this book (is, are) three hundred.

2. cause – because of and because

‘These tests exist today and are used on the rare occasions that a claim to a right comes before the courts because of a local custom.’

Avoid using because of before a subject and verb. Avoid using because before a noun which is not followed by a verb.

Exercise 2. Reword the following sentences using ‘because’ or ‘because of‘

  1. They decided to stay at home as the weather was bad.

  2. Classes will be cancelled tomorrow as it is a national holiday.

  3. She was absent as her cold was worse.

  4. John’s family is very happy as he has been awarded a scholarship.

  5. She didn’t buy it as the price was too high.

  6. It was difficult to see the road as it was raining.

3. It is …….that (who, which)

‘…it is the judges who decide which customs will be recognized as enforceable at law.’

Preparatory it is used in cleft sentences. In this case, the words to be emphasized are usually joined to the relative clause by that. Compare: The judges decide which customs will be recognized as enforceable at law. It is the judges that (who) decide which customs will be recognized as enforceable at law.

Exercise 3. Transform these sentences according to the model and translate them into Russian. Emphasize the words in bold.

Model: The Committee made 81 recommendations. It was 81 recommendations that the Committee made.

  1. The Law Commission recommended that two new offences should be created.

  2. Until 1971 very serious criminal cases were dealt with by High Court judges.

  3. An adult offender may be given a suspended prison sentence of up to two year.

d. This had the effect that the law became uniform or ‘common’ through the country, and the phrase ‘common law’ seems to have developed from here.

4. It was not until …. That

‘…but it was not until …. 1066 that a more organized system of courts emerged.’

Time expressions can be emphasized with It was not until… that

It was not until I met you that I knew real happiness.

Exercise 4. Reword the following sentences using ‘it was not until ……that.’

Dates to remember (Constitutional law)

  1. In 1999 considerable legislative powers were devolved to a Scottish Parliament and deliberative powers to a Welsh Assembly.

  2. In October 2000 the Human Rights Act 1998 came fully into force.

  3. James Madison introduced the proposed Bill of Rights in the House of Representatives in June 1789.

  4. Congress approved 12 amendments and sent them to the statutes for ratification in September 1789.

  5. The Supreme Court convened for the first time in February 1790.

  6. Virginia ratified the Bill of Rights, and 10 of the 12 proposed amendments became part of the U.S. Constitution in December 1791.

5. have + object + infinite

‘The nobles ….were encouraged to apply to have the King (or his judges) decide the matter.’

The structure have+object+infinitive is used to talk about giving instructions or orders.

Exercise 5. Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it.

  1. The manager had everybody to fill out a form.

  2. They had their lawyer changing their will.

  3. Our English teacher had us to be given oral reports.

  4. Mary has everyone doing her share around the house.

  5. Psychologists believe that incentives having us want to increase our productivity.

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