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Вариант 4



Glass fiber reinforced plastic panels produced in the USA are known as “Krinkglas”. The sheets or slabs are designed to simulate to exactness hand-placed textural tiles, inlaid carvings, natural wood with the deep graining effects, brick, marble, stone, convex or concave ornamentation.

These panels may be worked with ordinary carpentry tools with a minimum of labor. The developments provide no limitations as to color, texture or shape, and may be used for doors, wall board, roofs, flooring, furniture, bathtubs, vanity tops, lighting and others.

Because of its fiberglass reinforcement, “Krinkglas” is unbreakable and lighter, stronger (20 times), and safer than glass. Therefore the cost of replacement due to carelessness or everyday hazards is eliminated.

“Krinkglas” hides and resists scratches because of its patented textured surface. It is recommended to be installed in the windows on the ground floor. The dangers of shattered glass and flying objects are eliminated.

This material has good weather resistance. It is impervious to environmental conditions such as temperature change and all forms of precipitation. The detrimental effects of sunlight exposure and yellowing have been minimized with the addition of various absorbers.

It possesses a multi-faceted textured surface that draws and refracts light in a compelling deep three-dimensional manner, creating an effect of its own. Its color range is unlimited with a “standard” selection of 50 solid colors and 15 multi-hued combinations.


1.Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of plastic panel are produced in the USA?

2. What is “Krinkglas”?

3.What are the main features of this material?

4. What kind of tools may these panels be worked with?

5.What may plastic panels be used for?

2.Read and translate the following word combinations into Russian:

to have any desired surface of configuration, glass fiber reinforced plastic panels, the addition of absorbers, to minimise yellowing, to eliminate the dangers of shattered glass

3. Complete the sentences:

  1. Because of its fiberglass reinforcement, “Krinkglas” is ….

  2. It is impervious to environmental conditions such as….

  3. Its… of 50 solid colors and 15 multi-hued combinations.

  4. The developments may be used for…

  5. The dangers of…are eliminated


  1. Find in the following sentences the international words and translate them:

1. The brick may be made of different materials. 2. Brick-building has been popular for many hundred of years. 3. It is necessary for a bricklayer to practise handling a brick until he can control it with complete mastery and until he is able to place it into any desired position. 4. The industry processing the natural compounds of silicon is called the silicate industry. 5. It embraces the production of cement, glass and ceramics. 6.After the high temperature, they become hard and retain the shape. 7.During the period of their moment through the kiln, the clay and the limestone react chemically. 8. Concrete has roughly the same coefficient of thermal expansion as iron. 9. Definite portions of the cooling semiliquid mass are taken from the bath. 10. By machine methods glass sheets, tubes can be drawn from the molted mass.

  1. Find in the following sentences the pseudo-international words and translate them:

1.Its successful use has been developed during the last two years. 2.Concrete is strong in compression but weak when used for tensile stresses. 3.Cement is made from limestone and clay, or from their natural mixture, marls.4.The products of the burning of fuel, flow in the opposite direction.

  1. Arrange the following terms into three groups and translate them into Russian:

Concrete, brick, clay, sawdust, rectangular, bricklayer, silicate industry, limestone, bath-shaped furnace, glassware, prestressed concrete, cement, black-furnace slag cement.

  1. Find the polysemantic terms and give the translation:

1. The production of ceramic goods is based on the property of clay when mixed with water to form a putty from which various articles can easily be moulded.2. In shape a brick is a rectangular solid and its weight is from 6,5 to 9 lb. 3. Dry components of the concrete mix are fed to a concrete mixer in predeterminated amounts, using special feeders. 4. Incorporate steel bars in the lower portion? The steel will resist the tensile stree derived from the sag of the beam.

  1. Group the abbreviations into four columns and find the translation:

    1. ABC (aggregate base course) A. высокотемпературный

    2. CAD (computer-aided design) B. вентиляционная труба

    3. Aux. (auxiliary) C. система обработки данных

    4. ARL (acceptable reliability level) D. размер

    5. Amp (ampere) E. щебеночный подстилающий слой

    6. Cap (capacity) F.фут

    7. Cyl (cylinder) G.Европейское Экономическое содружество

    8. Dim (dimension) H.вспомогательный

    9. DPS (data processing system) I.ампер

    10. Ea (earth) J.быстросъемный колесный обод

    11. EEC(European Economic Community) K.размер

    12. Ft (foot) L.заземление

    13. HT (high temperature) M. цилиндр

    14. QD-rim (quick-detachable rim) N. компьютерное проектирование

    15. VP (vent pipe) O.приемлемый уровень надежности

Chapter Two Vocabulary

bathtubs - ванная

carpentry - плотницкий

carving – резьба по дереву

cement - цемент

ceramics –керамические изделия

clay - глина

column - колонна

compression -сжатие

concave – вогнутый

concrete -бетон

convex - выпуклый

crack – трещина; трескаться

cross-sectional area – площадь поперечного сечения

cylindrical water-towers – цилиндрическая водонапорная башня

door - дверь

elastic limit – предел упругости

floor - пол

frog - ложок

furnace brick - кирпич

furniture - мебель

glass -стекло

gravel - гравий

ground floor – первый этаж

headerтычок (в каменной кладке), ригель

igniteпрокалывать, воспламенять

iron -железо

kilnпечь для обжига

lighting - освещение

limestone - известняк

load – нагрузка; нагружать

marble - мрамор

marlизвестковая глина, мергель, кирпич из мергеля

mortarизвестковый раствор

mould формировать, отливать в форму

pipe - труба

prestressed concrete – преднапряженный бетон

puttyцементное, известковое тесто

rectangular - квадратный

reinforcement - усиление

roof - крыша

sand -песок

scratches -царапина

sheets - лист

silicate industry

silicon -кремний

span – пролет; перекрывать (об арке)

stone - камень

storage tanks – резервуары для хранения

stretcherпостель (кирпича)

sunlight exposure – подверженность солнечному свету

three-dimensional - трехмерный

tile – плитка, черепица

wall board – стеновая панель

weight - вес

wood - дерево