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Билет 1.

Human Resources - The Personal Touch The human resources professional is an important part of a successful company. They have a wide variety of responsibilities, including hiring new employees, dealing with labor disputes, and training employees--just to name a few! They also act as counselors, offering assistance to employees dealing with personal issues, so they need to have a personal touch as well. Human resources professionals do more than hire people--they are responsible for continuing education, training and certification of employees, staffing needs, performance appraisals and reviews, compensation and benefits programs, and union and labor relations.

Market Research Analyst - In the Know How do companies know if a new package will boost product sales? How does a state choose the advertising that will bring in the most tourists? How does a company get an idea of consumer response to a new product before it's officially released? How do they do it? They call a market research analyst. Market research analysts collect, analyze, and interpret data which companies use in marketing their products.

Stockbroker - Buy Low, Sell High! Does anyone really know what the stock market will do next? Since even the experts don't agree, most people with money to invest want some advice before they decide where to put their savings. They call a stockbroker. Stockbrokers act for clients in the buying and selling of stocks. Most brokers also deal with bonds, shares in mutual funds, certificates of deposit, insurance annuities, and other financial products, so the term "securities sales representative" is really more accurate.

Билет 2.

Chat - informal discussion with colleagues at the coffee machine

Brainstorming - discussion among colleagues: where as many ideas as possible are produced quickly, to be evaluated later

Project meeting / team meeting - meeting of employees involved in a particular activity

Meeting with suppliers - A meeting ‘ for example to negotiate prices for an order’.

Meeting with a customer - a meeting’ for example to discuss a contract’.

Board meeting - an official, formal meeting of a company's directors

Annual general meeting / AGM - meeting where shareholders discuss the company's annual report.

EGM (extraordinary general meeting) - a shareholders' meeting to discuss an important issue such as a proposed merger.

Department/departmental meeting - a meeting of employers of the same department

They should appoint a minute-taker to take the minutes, making sure that opinions and action points (where participants agree to do something) are noted.

After some meetings, it's necessary for the minutes to be circulated, especially if there are action points that particular people are responsible for.

At the next meeting, the chair should ask for the minutes to be read out and see if all agree that it is an accurate record of what happened, and see if there are any matters arising (any points from the last meeting that need to be discussed). And they should check what progress has been made on the action points from the previous meeting.

Билет 3.

"GOLDEN RULES" for writing letters and memos

1 Give your letter a heading if it will help the reader to see at glance what you're writing about.

2 Decide what you are going to say before you start to write or dictate: if you don't do this, the sentences are likely to go on and on until you can think of a good way to finish. In other words, always try to plan a-head.

3 Use short sentences.

4 Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph. Numbering each paragraph may help the reader to understand better.

5 Use short words that everyone can understand.

6 Think about your reader. Your reader...

... must be able to see exactly what you mean:

your letters should be CLEAR

... must be given all the necessary information:

your letters should be COMPLETE

... is likely to be a busy person with no time to waste:

your letters should be CONCISE

... must be addressed in a sincere, polite tone:

your letters should be COURTEOUS

... may get a bad impression if there are mistakes in grammar, punctuation and spelling:

your letters should be CORRECT.

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