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3) The belles-lettres and publicistic styles.

Publicistic style. It is subdivided into 3 sub styles:

1. The style of newspaper and magazine articles.

2. The style of essays.

3. The style of oratory and speeches.

The general aim of this style is to convince the reader of listener , that the interpretation of the question given by the writer or speaker is the only correct one. And to cause the reader the reader or listener to accept the writer’s point of view, which is expressed in the article or in the speech.

This is the only style which has 2 forms: written and oral. The oral form is in speeches. The main distinctive features of the style :

  • Logical argumentation – is accompany by the brevity of expression, by the strict and logical structure, by careful paragraphing , by the extended system of connectives, by the vocabulary with the number of bookish and literary words, the form of the monologue.

  • Emotional appeal – is achieved by the use of words with a motive meaning and the use of stylistic devises. The stylistic device used in the Publicistic style are not fresh. That is why the degree of the individual element is very low in this style.

1)Journalistic articles – they are usually on political, social and economic issues and they are published in newspapers, journals and magazines. The vocabulary of articles contains terms, newspaper clichés, emotionally colored words and stylistic devices.

2)Essays – is a short literary composition of moderate length on philosophical esthetic or literary issues. It never goes deep into the subject, but meanly touches upon its surface. Essays are often written in the 1st person and have some individual elements. Some essays are written in a very emotional way resembling the bell-letter style. Others have little emotional coloring resembling the style of scientific prose. The style of essays was very popular in the 18th century. It was a principal literary form with the help of which the short comings of the political and social system of England were criticized by Jonathan Swift and other writers. Present day English essays are different from those of the 18th century, resembling scientific prose.

Oratory and speeches – these are the oral sub divisions of the style. Their aim is to evoke an immediate desired reaction. It is characterized by the typical features of the oral speech:

  • The use of the direct address, which usually has a fixed form like ladies and gentlemen and so on.

  • The use of the contracted forms - I’ll, don’t and so on.

  • The use of colloquial words.

  • The use of emotionally colored words.

  • The use of lexical and syntactical stylistic devises. The devises are meant to keep the audience attentive and in suspense. But the devices are traditional but not fresh.

2.Functional styles are distinguished mostly on the lexical and syntactical levels. That is mostly through the vocabulary and syntactical structure the functional styles are distinguished. Each style has its own lexical and syntactical features. Another important thing is the aim of the style.

The bell-letter style:

- The style of poetry.

- The style of a motive prose.

- The style of drama.

Each sub stile has its own peculiarity but the leading features are common. The aim is to inform and secondly to reveal certain feelings.

The leading linguistic features are the following:

  1. The use of imaginary. The degree and character of imaginary varies in different sub styles. It can be created by various linguistic means:

  • Lexical stylistic devices: metaphors, similes and so on. These figurative expressions make the reader see 2 things simultaneously creating in this way a palpable image.

  • Words in their logical meaning may also be employed in such a way that the reader visualizes the picture created by the author.

  • Stylistical syntactical meanings are also used to create images. For ex: syntactical repetition, it was favored by Hemingway.

  • Phonetic means also help to create images, they make the reader hear what the author hears. The combination of rime, alliteration, assonance creates a certain acoustic image. Foe ex: in the novel Rag time.

  1. The use of emotional language. The emotional element of this style is closely connected with the first feature the use of imaginary. And it actually results from this feature. The degree of emotional element varies in different subdivisions of the bell-letter style. The highest degree is in poetry where poets directly reveal their feelings and valuations. It is the lowest in grammar as the play rights emotions are revealed indirectly. That is through of shaking the characters of the play.

  2. The use of colloquial language. Colloquial language is used to a full degree in plays and to a less degree in a motive prose, and the lowest degree if any use it in poems.

  3. The use of words in contextual and very often in more than one dictionary meanings.

  4. A peculiar individual selection of vocabulary and syntax. This means that the choice of linguistic means becomes characteristic only of the given writer. This style is highly individual in character. This feature becomes basic to text ology. The particular choice of linguistic means of the certain author gives textologists an opportunity to differentiate whether the text understudy belongs to this author or it doesn’t.

Belles-lettres style.

(the style of fiction) embraces:1)poetry; 2)drama; 3)emotive prose. B-l style or the style of imaginative literature may be called the richest register of communication: besides its own lan-ge means which are not used in any other sphere of communication, b-l st. makes ample use of other styles too, for in numerous works of literary art we find elements of scientific, official and other functional types of speech. Besides informative and persuasive functions, also found in other functional styles, the b-l style has a unique task to impress the reader aesthetically. The form becomes meaningful and carries additional info. Boundless possibilities of expressing one's thoughts and feelings make the b-l style a highly attractive field of research for a linguist.

The belles-lettres style, in each of its concrete representations, fulfils the aesthetic function, which fact singles this style out of others and gives grounds to recognize its systematic uniqueness, i.e. charges it with the status if an autonomous functional style.

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