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Speech practice tape guide t7

15.74 Кб

Guide for the tape


1. Put the following eco-issues in the order Professor Beresford mentions them. Which of them are not discussed?

Extinction of species

Global warming

Water pollution by untreated sewage

Dwindling energy reserves Noise contamination

The problem of oil spillages and slicks

Nuclear wastes disposal

The depletion of the ozone layer

The destruction of rainforests Acid rain

Which of them is the most alarming? (less disturbing)? Why?

2. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases mentioned by the speaker:

  • To foul one’s own nest

  • an alarming picture

  • oil dependence

  • fossil fuels

  • oil/coal fired power stations

  • oil slicks

  • … are literally peanuts

  • vast spillages

  • the wheels of industry

  • global warming

  • greenhouse effect

  • ice caps

  • ultraviolet sun rays

  • purification system

  • Ghetto blasters

  • smokeless zones

  • “pea-soupers”

  • to take the worst case analysis

  • carbon emissions

  • untreated sewage

3. Answer the following questions on the recording:

  1. Pollution knows no frontiers, does it? Prove it by giving examples.

  2. Why do people become more and more oil dependent?

  3. Are there any alternative sources of energy? What are they?

  4. What does man do to satisfy his boundless need for oil?

  5. What sources are largely responsible for the atmospheric pollution? What harm do these emissions cause?

  6. What might the so-called global warming result in?

  7. What might be the consequences of the destruction of the ozone layer?

  8. What are the main culprits of water pollution?

  9. What encouraging news about the Thames have you learned?

  10. What is the deleterious effect of noise pollution?

  11. What were the smokeless zones created for?

  12. Why does Pr. Beresford identify eco-problems as ‘man-made’ problems?

4. Follow-up: Fill in the blanks in the table summing up the ideas presented in the lecture.

Problems (effects)



e.g. Dwindling of natural resources

e.g. Oil dependence

Excessive use of fossil fuel

e.g. Find alternative sources of energy: the sun, wind, water energy

Tankers’ collisions

Greenhouse effect

Chemicals, CFCs, hydrocarbons

Treated sewage

Contaminated food


Impairment of hearing

Filters, smokeless zones

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