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Muscles related to the upper limb

Pectoralis major (m. pectoralis major/большая грудная мышца)

  • Origin. From the sternum and the upper six costal cartilages and from the medial half of the clavicle.

  • Insertion. The lateral lip of the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus.

  • Actions. Adduction, flexion and medial rotation of the arm.

  • Nerve supply. Medial and lateral pectoral nerves (brachial plexus).

Pectoralis minor (m. pectoralis minor/малая грудная мышца)

  • Origin. The 3rd, 4th and 5th ribs.

  • Insertion. The coracoid process of the scapule.

  • Action. Depresses the tip of the shoulder.

  • Nerve supply. Medial and lateral pectoral nerves (brachial plexus).

Serratus anterior (m. Serratus anterior/передняя зубчатая мышца)

  • Origin. The lateral surfaces of the upper eight ribs.

  • Insertion. The medial border of the scapula.

  • Actions. Protraction of the scapula and rotation so that the glenoid points upwards, thus helping in abduction of the upper limb. Helps to keep the scapula in contact with the chest wall.

  • Nerve supply. Long thoracic nerve (brachial plexus).

Subclavius (m. subclavius/подключичная мышца)

  • Origin. The cartilage of the first rib.

  • Insertion. The inferior surface of the acromial end of the clavicle.

  • Actions. It strengthens the sternoclavicular joint by the pulling the clavicle down and medially.

  • Nerve supply. Subclavius nerve (brachial plexus).

Autochthonous muscles

External intercostal muscles (mm. intercostales externi/наружные межрёберные мышцы)

  • Origin. The inferior border of each rib. They descend anteriorly.

  • Insertion. The superior border of the neighboring rib. Between the costal cartilages the muscles are replaced by a fibrous band with fibres lying in the same direction – external intercostal membrane (membrana intercostalis externa/наружная межрёберная мембрана).

  • Actions. Raise the ribs.

Levatores costarum (mm. levatores costarum/мышцы, поднимающие рёбра)

  • Origin. The transverse processes of the seventh cervical and thoracic (I-XI) vertebrae.

  • Insertion. The angles of the neighboring ribs or they overlap one rib.

  • Actions. Raise the ribs.

Internal intercostal muscles (mm. intercostales interni/внутренние межрёберные мышцы)

  • Origin. The superior border of each rib. They ascend anteriorly.

  • Insertion. The inferior border of the neighboring rib. Posteriorly these muscles reach only the costal angles and are further replaced by the internal intercostal membrane (membrana intercostalis interna/внутренняя межрёберная мембрана).

  • Actions. Draw the ribs downwards.

Subcostales (mm. subcostales/подрёберные мышцы)

  • These muscles are thin muscular bundles found on the inner surface of the lower part of the thoracic cage in the region of the costal angles. Their fibres are directed like the fibres of the internal intercostal muscles, but they overlap one or two rib.

  • Actions. Draw the ribs downwards.

Transversus thoracis (m. transversus thoracis/поперечная мышца груди)

  • Origin. The inner surface of the xiphoid process and the inferior part of the body of sternum.

  • Insertion. The inner surface of the II-VI ribs.

  • Actions. Draw the ribs downwards.