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Практическое занятие №1.

Тема занятия:

Oral theme: The Russian Federation.


1)Практическая: Активизировать тематическую лексику в устной речи студентов в монологической форме в процессе развития коммуникативной компетенции студентов.

2)Образовательная: Способствовать развитию навыков произношения, чтения и говорения, расширению лексического запаса слов студентов.

3)Воспитательная: Способствовать формированию патриотических чувств студентов к своей родине.

4)Развивающая: Способствовать развитию умений и навыков студентов средствами иноязычной коммуникации рассказывать о России.

Оборудование практического занятия: учебник И.П. Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко, словари, раздаточный материал.

План урока:

1) Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, students! Let’s begin our lesson.

2) Введение новых лексических единиц.

T: Today our theme is The Russian Federation. At first let’s read new words on page 49:

to occupy - занимать

surface – поверхность

area – площадь

various – различный

numerous – многочисленный

condition – условие, состояние

to comprise – включать, содержать

to belong – принадлежать

power – сила, власть, мат. степень

population – население

branch – ветвь, отрасль, отделение

to consist (of) – состоять

total- весь, целый, общий

assumption – предположение, допущение

to cover – закрывать, покрывать

square – квадрат, площадь

triangle – треугольник

structure – конструкция, здание, сооружение

mainly – главным образом, в основном

addition – добавление, прибавление

to surround – окружать

side – сторона, край

to point – точка, указывать

circle – круг, окружность

product – продукт, изделие, произведение

quality – качество

quantity – количество

3) Выполнение упражнений на закрепление лексических единиц.

T: So do ex. 3.2 and ex. 3.3 on page 51 orally.

4) Чтение и перевод устной темы «Российская Федерация».

T: And now it’s time to read and translate the oral theme The Russian Federation on page53.

5) Выполнение упражнений по тексту.

T: So begin answering the questions to the text: 1. Is Russia the largest country in the world?

2.What oceans wash the borders of the Russian Federation?

3.How many countries have borders with Russia?

4. Are Russian flora and fauna various?

5. What are the highest mountains in Russia?

6. What is Baikal famous for?

7. What is the climate in Russia like?

8. What is the national symbol of Russia?

9. What does the Federal Assembly consist of?

10. Who is the head of each Chamber of the Federal Assembly?

6) Объяснение домашнего задания.

T: Our time is up, so write down your homework, please. Do ex. 3.5 in written form and learn by heart oral theme “The Russian Federation”. The theme must contain 20-22 sentences by choice.

Раздаточный материал.

The Russian Federation

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies 1/6 of the earth’s surface. Its total area is over 17 million square km.

Our land is washed by 12 seas, most of which are the seas of three oceans: the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific. In the south and in the west the country borders on fourteen countries. It also has a sea-border with the USA.

There’s hardly a country in the world where such a great variety of flora and fauna can be found as in our country. Our country has a numerous forests, plains and steppes, taiga and tundra, highlands and deserts. The highest mountains in our land are the Altai, the Urals and the Caucasus. There are over two thousand rivers in the Russian Federation. The longest of them are the Volga, the Ob and the Amur. Our country is rich in oil, natural gas, coal, different ores, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and other minerals.

The Russian Federation is a multinational state. It comprises many national districts, several autonomous republics and regions. The population of the country is about 140 million people.

Moscow is the capital of our Homeland. Russian is the official language of the state. The national symbols of Russia are a white-blue-red banner and a double-headed eagle.

The Russian Federation is a constitutional republic headed by the President. The country government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly comprising two chambers: the Council of Federation and the State Duma. Each chamber headed by the Speaker. The executive power belongs to the government headed by the Prime Minister. The judicial power belongs to the system of Courts comprising the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and federal courts.

Our country has a multiparty system. The largest and most influential are the “United Russia”, the Communist Party, “the Union of the Right Forces” and some others.


to occupy - занимать

surface -поверхность

total area - общая площадь

to border on - граничить с

numerous - многочисленный

highlands - горные возвышенности

the Urals - Уральские Горы

the Caucasus - Кавказ

ferrous and non-ferrous metals - черные и цветные металлы

banner - знамя, флаг

to comprise - включать

influential - влиятельная

Federal Assembly - Федеральное Собрании

Answer the following questions:

1. Is Russia the largest country in the world?

2.What oceans wash the borders of the Russian Federation?

3.How many countries have borders with Russia?

4. Are Russian flora and fauna various?

5. What are the highest mountains in Russia?

6. What is Baikal famous for?

7. What is the climate in Russia like?

8. What is the national symbol of Russia?

9. What does the Federal Assembly consist of?

10. Who is the head of each Chamber of the Federal Assembly?

Практическое занятие №2.

Тема занятия:

There is/there are construction.


  1. Практическая: Объяснить и совершенствовать грамматические навыки студентов в

употреблении конструкции there is/there are в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.

  1. Образовательная: Способствовать развитию навыков произношения, чтения и перевода.

  1. Воспитательная: Способствовать формированию трудовых, эстетических и нравственных качеств личности.

  1. Развивающая: Создать условия для развития произвольного внимания, памяти и формирования познавательного интереса к предмету.

Оборудование практического занятия: учебник И.П. Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко, словари, раздаточный материал.

План урока:

T: Good morning, students. The theme of our lesson is there is/there are construction.

1) Проверка домашнего задания.

T: First let’s check up your home task. Who wants to retell the Russian Federation.

2) Объяснение грамматического материала:

T: And today we’ll revise the following grammar material: there is /there are construction.

Open your books on page 62 and read grammar material. Look at the scheme:

Утвердительное предложение





There is a cinema in the street.

There are a lot of new words in this text.

There is not a cinema in the street.

There are not a lot of new words in this text.

Is there a cinema in the street?

Are there a lot of new words in this text?

3) Отработка грамматического материала.

T: So now do ex.3.2, 3.3 on page 63 in written form.

Go on using grammar material and do the following exercises:

Ex.1 Use there is (are) construction in the necessary tense form.

  1. Look! _________ a photograph of George in the newspaper.

  2. Dunford is a very modern town. ________ many old buildings.

  3. Excuse me, _________ a restaurant near here?

  4. How many students _____ are there in your group?

  5. I was hungry but ________ anything to eat.

  6. ___________ a football match on TV last night.

  7. Look! __________ an accident. Call the ambulance!

  8. ________ somebody at the station to meet you when you arrive tomorrow.

  9. When we arrived at the cinema _________ a long queue outside.

Ex. 2. Ask questions to the following statements, then answer them.

  1. There is a bus at the bus stop.

  2. There are a few changes in the text.

  3. There are plenty of glasses in the cupboard.

  4. There were a lot of people at the stadium.

  5. There isn’t anything in the plate.

  6. There are difficult exercises in this book.

  7. There will be some interesting programmes on TV tomorrow.

  8. There are several empty seats in the room,

4)Контроль освоения грамматического материала:

T: It’s time to do ex.3.4 on page 64 orally.

5) Объяснение домашнего задания.

T: Our lesson is coming to an end. Write down the sentences in Russian. Your homework is to translate them in English in written form.

Раздаточный материал.

Ex.1 Use there is (are) construction in the necessary tense form.

1. Look! _________ a photograph of George in the newspaper.

2. Dunford is a very modern town. ________ many old buildings.

3. Excuse me, _________ a restaurant near here?

4. How many students _____ are there in your group?

5. I was hungry but ________ anything to eat.

6. ___________ a football match on TV last night.

7. Look! __________ an accident. Call the ambulance!

8._ _______ somebody at the station to meet you when you arrive tomorrow.

9. When we arrived at the cinema _________ a long queue outside.

Ex. 2. Ask questions to the following statements, then answer them.

1.There is a bus at the bus stop.

2.There are a few changes in the text.

3.There are plenty of glasses in the cupboard.

4.There were a lot of people at the stadium.

5.There isn’t anything in the plate.

6.There are difficult exercises in this book.

7.There will be some interesting programmes on TV tomorrow.

8.There are several empty seats in the room,

Ex 3.Translate the following sentences in English.

  1. В этом журнале много статей.

  2. В нашем городе много музеев и театров.

  3. Рядом с нашим домом будет новая школа.

  4. В этой комнате есть телефон.

  5. В этой комнате два окна.

  6. В чашке не было чая.

  7. Сколько студентов в аудитории? – Двадцать три.

  8. Рядом с нашим домом будет парк.

  9. На столе лежит несколько книг.

  10. В городе несколько театров.

  11. Существует несколько способов решения этой задачи.

Практическое занятие №3.

Тема занятия:

Reading and translation the text “A picture is worth thousand words”


  1. Практическая: Способствовать формированию и развитию навыков чтения и перевода.

  1. Образовательная: Способствовать развитию навыков произношения, чтения и перевода, расширять лексический запас слов студентов.

  1. Воспитательная: Способствовать формированию трудовых, эстетических качеств личности.

  1. Развивающая: Создать условия для развития конструктивного мышления, памяти, языковой догадки и формирования познавательного интереса к предмету.

Оборудование практического занятия: словари; раздаточный материал.

1) T: Good morning, students. Today we’ll read and translate the text “A picture is worth a thousand words”. But first of all let’s train our sounds and do phonetical exercises. Pronounce all together:

Ex A.

draw- paw

view – few

Ex B.

sick – sede

system – please

cycle – mete

cyclone - bike

2) Проверка домашнего задания.

It’s high time to check up your translation sentences into English using Continuous Tenses.

3) Чтение и перевод текста «Изображение стоит тысячи слов».

T: First, look at the pictures. What do you think this text will be about? Then read the text and check. Will you start to read?

4) Отработка нового лексического материала

T: Now, let’s do exercises to the text. Do ex.5, 6, 9.

5) Заключительная часть.

T: Our practical lesson is over. Your homework is to learn words from unit 3 by heart.

Практическое занятие № 4.

Тема занятия:

Oral theme: Moscow.


1) Практическая: Активизировать тематическую лексику в устной речи студентов в монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов.


.2) Образовательная: Способствовать развитию навыков произношения, чтения и говорения, расширению лексического запаса слов студентов.