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I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meaning of "one":

  1. Our new atomic atations are more powerful than the old ones.

  2. This method,is highly efficient, but that one is even better.

  3. Our methods or work are more efficient than the ones used by your team.

  4. Take my pen. - Thank you, I've got one.

  5. No one has ever observed this phenomenon.

  6. One must know all the properties of this substance.

  7. This worker has become one of the most honoured man in our city.

  8. Anyone can take part in this work.

  9. One may expect that this substance dissolves easily in water

  1. They study organic processes and inorganic ones.

  2. At one time the chemists took the weight of the hydrogen atom as the unit.

  3. One has to study different methods of classification of chemical compounds.

  4. Metal la a good conductor of heat while wood is a bad one,

  5. One should be careful with explosive substances.

II. Translate the following sentences. Mind the verb "to be" :

  1. Labour is the matter of honour in the Soviet Onion.

  2. It was Lomonosov who founded the first University in Russia.

  3. Every worker is to know safety rules.

  4. Our people are fighting for peace throughout the world.

  5. It is this article that shows the progress of our chemical ■ industry.

  6. This experiment was insisted on by our engineer.

  7. It Is electricity that is widely used both in national economy and everyday life.

  8. There is a large laboratory in our institute.

  9. The station was a mile away.

10. Several new research institutes are being built in Kiev.


When we follow the sequence of events in the chemical plant we can see solid raw materials go from the stock pile to crushers, grinders and screens and then by conveyers to the reaction vessels. For liquid raw materials, the storage tank is the starting point, after which pumps,- and perhaps proportioning devices, are required. The same is true of gases which, must be propelled by means of fans, blowers, and compressors, frequently they are to be cooled in cooleers and washed. The devices used for the cleaning of a gas include mainly dust collectors, dry cyclones, filters and scrubbers.

Materials must be mixed, liquids as well as solids. This process is performed in various types of mixtures and agitators. At the other stages, solids are to be separated ■ from liquids In filters, centrifuges, or simply by settling the suspended solid in a settling tank or in continuous mechanical settling units generally known as thickeners or clarifiers. Solutions of solids are evaporated in evaporators; they crystallize in crystallizers, and they are dried in driers. Mixtures of liquids, on the other hand, are usually separated in distillation equipment.

Auxiliary equipment, such as vacuum pumps, heat exchangers, and reaction vessels, especially kettles, are required in many of these operations, as well as numerous types of instruments for measurement and control.


  1. to follow the sequence of events - следить за последовательностью операций

  2. the same is true of... - то же относится к ...

  3. continuous mechanical settling unit - механический осаждающий агрегат непрерывного действия

Words and words combinations

  1. raw materials = stock - сырье

  2. crusher = grinder - дробилка

  3. screen - грохот, сито

  4. vessel - сосуд

  5. storage - склад, хранилище

  6. storage tank - резервуар для хранения

  7. pump - насос

  8. proportioning device - дозировочное устройство

  9. by means of - с помощью, посрєдсавом

  1. fan - вентилятор

  2. blower - воздуходувка

  3. cooler - холодильник

  4. cleaning - очистка

  5. scrubber - скруббер, газоочиститель

  6. mixer = agitator - мешалка

  7. settling tank - отстойник

  8. thickener - сгуститель

  9. clarifier - отстойник, очиститель, фильтр

  10. drier - сушилка

  1. (heat) exchanger - теплообменник

  2. kettle - котёл


I. Change the following sentences according to the model.

Model: A:People can use heat, electricity and light for many purposes.

B: People are able to use heat, electricity and light for many purposes.


1. We can produce heat by means of chemical action.

2. Chemists could obtain coke by heating coal in special forme of apparatus.

  1. The workers can use this motor to drive compressors tomorrow.

  2. Geologists could find oxides of many elements la the earth's crust.

  3. We can consume great quantities of oxygen in the burning of ooal and wood.

II. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Objective and Subjective Infinitive Constructions:

Answer the following questions

  1. What methods are used to separate solids from liquids?

  2. In what machinery are materials mixed?

  3. What purposes do crushers, grinders and screens serve in the chemical industry?

  4. Where are evaporators and driers used?

  5. Рог what purpose is distillation equipment necessary?

  1. We know the electric current to flow in metal parts.

  2. We have learned air to be composed of many gases.

  3. In the chemical plant we.saw solid raw materials go from the stock pile to crushers and screens.

  1. We know electric current to be surrounded by в magnetic field.

  2. Science has shown the electron to be a peculiar combination of mass and electric charge.

  3. We heard geophyficists do prospecting by means of radio instruments .

  4. We know from astronomy Mara to have two moons. 8. Historians suppose the name "London" to have come from two Celtic words.

9. The word "geometry" is known to come from two Greek Words: "geo" (earth) and "metron" (measure).

10. The Egyptians seem to be the first to apply geometry for practical purposes.

11. The civilisation of ancient Egypt is said to be more advanced than that of ancient China.

12. Cosmic rays have been found to belong to two energy groups. 15. The basis of our modern civilization is known to lie in the

use of machinery. 14. Air under normal conditions has been found to certain few

ions. 15. The density of water may be considered to remain constant

even at great depths.

III. Translate into Russian paying attention to the word by :

  1. Many substances are prepared by chemical methods.

  2. Hew experimental methods are employed by chemists.

  1. The mechanical energy of a waterfall can be transformed into electrical energy by means of a water wheel and a dynamo.

  2. The combining weights of elements can be found experimentally by determining bow many grams of the element units with 8 grams of oxygen.

  1. Thanks to Lodygin we can work by the light of the electric lamp.

  2. What is the time by your watch? 7. Six by seven is fourty-two.

  1. By the end of the next year they will have graduated from the Institute. :-.-r,- ■ - "^ ■ ' >-■• ■ ч- ■,,■■<-

  2. My brother is a fitter by trade.

lume of gas (air) at a final pressure not exceeding 35 psi.

A heat exchanger is any device which makes possible a heat-transfer from one liquid to another through a containing wall. The operation of mixing is widely used in chemical industry. Vertical cylindrical vessels are widely used for the mixing of liquids. Viscous liquids may be mixed by a multi-bladed agitator. Among the apparatus employed in drying, belt conveyer-type driers are finding increasing use. If the material is spread directly on the belt in them, their thermal efficiency will be high, and their operation will be continuous.

A fan is a machine for applying power to a gaseous fluid to increase its energy content. This energy enables movement or flow of the gas against various degrees of resistance. The function of a fan is to move air or gas through distribution systems and apparatus required for conditioning of gas medium.

The fan consists of a rotating member, called the wheel or impeller, and a stationary member called the housing. The housing is provided with an intake opening (inlet) and with a discharge opening (outlet). The flow of air or gas is caused by the pressure differential created by the energy transmitted to the gas by the rotating wheel.

Words and word combinations


Compressors are used to increase the pressure of gases and vapours for many purposes, e.g. conveying, cleaning, refrigeration, etc. They can be classified as reciprocating, rotary, jet and turbo-compressors (centrifugal or axial-flow). A fan moves gases by producing a low compression, ratio, e.g. in ventilation. The term "blower" and "fan" are often used as synonyms. Blowers are low-pressure compressors for supplying a relatively large

1. pressure - давление

2. e.g. (exempli gratia, лат. ) for example например

  1. to convey - шранспорїировашь, перевозить conveyer - транспортёр, конвейер conveying - перевозка, транспортировка

  2. reciprocating compressor - поршневой компрессор rotary compressor - ротационный - " -

jet compressor - эжекторный - " -centrifugal compressor - центробежный - " -



axialflow compressor - осевой компрессор

5. psi (pounds per square inch) - фунтов на квадраа?ный


  1. heat transfer - теплопередача

  2. multi-bladed agitator - многолопастевая мешалка

  3. belt -ремень, лента

  4. thermal efficiency - термический (тепловой) К.П.Д.

  1. distribution system - распределительная система

  2. medium - среда

  3. impeller -лопастное колесо, импеллер

  4. housing - корпус

  5. inntake opening - входное отверстие

  6. discharge opening - выпускное Отверстие

  7. inlet - ввод, вход

  8. outlet - вывод, выход

Answer the following questions ;

1,, For what purpose are compressors used?

  1. What do you know about fans and blowers?

  2. Where are agitators used?

  3. What is a drier?

  4. What is a fan?

  5. What members does a fan consist of?

  6. What is the housing of a fan provided with?

  7. When does compression occur?

  8. When does rarefaction occur?


I, Change the following sentences according to the model:

Model: A: If this mixture is placed in a test tube, it will glow dull red. B: If this mixture were placed in a test tube in two hours, it would

glow dull red. C: If this mixture had been placed in a test tube two hours ago, it would have glowed dull red.

  1. If metals are heated, oxides will be formed.

  2. If any liquid is in a vessel, it will take the shape of the vessel containing it.

3_. If some air is allowed to mix with hydrogen, the reaction will take place with a characteristic sound.

II. Translate into Russian paying attention to the word since:

!• Since diamond is the hardest substance known, it must be po-lished with diamond dust.

  1. Many years have passed since Mendeleyev made his great discovery.

  2. This method of mixing has been used since, the days of World War II.

  3. This process was developed twenty years ago, since, then it has been used in many countries.

  4. Carbon is one of the most important and interesting elements,' since its compounds are widely distributed in nature and play such an important part in daily life.

III. Ask questions on all the parts of the following sentences:

  1. Bach cylinder has inlet and discharge valves.

  2. Viscous liquids may be mixed by a multl-bladed agitator.

4. Pumps

Pumps are of great importance at many enterprises. There are several types of them: reciprocating pumps, rotary pumps, centrifugal pumps and electromagnetic pumps. Reciprocating



pumps have cylinders and plungers or pistons with an inlet valve which opens the cylinder or the inlet pipe during the suction stroke, and an outlet valve, which opens to the discharge pipe during the discharge stroke. Centrifugal pumps employ centrifugal force to lift liquids from a lower to a higher level.

Centrifugal pumps. Centrifugal pumps comprise a class of pumping machinery in which pumping of liquids or generation of head is affected by rotary motion of ope or more impellers. The great variety of centrifugal pumps may be reduced to a few fundamental types.

Every pump consists of three principal parts: an impeller which forces the liquid into a rotary motion; the pump casing which directs the liquid to the impeller and leads it under a higher pressure: and a drive to put the impeller into rotary motion.

Upper limits of capacity produced by centrifugal pumps are constantly increasing. Pressures as high as 5,400 psi are being produced by centrifugal pumps (Three- is series) for operation of hydraulic presses.

The largest pump delivers 607,000 gpm against 310-ft head, driven by 65,000-hp motors at 200 rpm. In small sizes, centrifugal pumps are produced in millions of units a year for domestic water supply and industrial use.

13, 14, 15, в минуту

11. capacity - мощность, производительность 12. gpm (gallons per minute) - галлонов в минуту (англ. = 4,54 л, амер. = 3,78 л) ft (foot) - фут ( = 30,5 см) hp (horse power) - лошадиная сила rpm (revolutions per minute) - количество оборотов

Answer the following questions:

  1. What types of pumps do you know?

  2. What force do centrifugal pumps employ?

  3. How is pumping of liquids in centrifugal pumps effected?

  4. What principal parts does every pump consist of?

  5. What pressures are produced by centrifugal pumps?

  6. Where are centrifugal pupps used?

Exercises: I. Use the following sentences in all the forms and tenses adding suitable adverbial modifiers where necessary:

  1. Centrifugal pumps employ centrifugal force to lift liquids from a lower to a higher level.

  2. This process is performed in mixers and agitators.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Words and word combinations;

reciprocating pump - поршневой насос rotary pump - ротационный - " -centrifugal pump - центробежный - " -plunger - поршень, плунжер valve - клапан suction stroke - ход впуска discharge stroke - ход выпуска head - напор casing - кожух , drive - привод, передача

II. Change the following sentences according to the model:

Model : Т.: Were the resistance to flow increased, the volume of gas would be decreased.

St.: If the resistance to flow were increased, the volume of gas would be decreased.



  1. Had not enough, air been admitted to the fire, a part of the fire would have been converted into carbon monoxide.

  2. Were the excess of air admitted to the fire, heat would be lost.

  3. Had the alchemists had another motive in their work, they could have done much for the development of the science of chemistry.

  4. Had they this experiment in a week's time, it would be made

in a due manner.

III. Ask questions on all the parts of the following sentences:

  1. An impeller forces the liquid into a rotary motion.

  2. A great many new technical books are published in our country every year.

  1. Retell the text.

  2. Make the following sentences refer to the past and future. Translate them into Russian:

l.Some machines can do over 100 operations.

  1. We must cut different metals at. different speeds.

  2. You may use my dictionary.

  3. You must repeat your experiment.


Pumps for the chemical process industries differ, from tho­se used in other industries primarily because of the materials of which they are made. Most chemical pumps are made of stainless steels, nickel-base alloys, or more-exotic metals such as

titanium and zirconium. Pumps are also available in carbon, glass, porcelain, rubber, lead. and whole families of plastics, including phenolics, epoxies and fluorocarbons.

Each of these materials has been incorporated into pump designs for just one reason - to eliminate or reduce the destructive effect of the chemical on the pump parts.

Materials for pump applications can, in general, be divided into two very broad categories, metallic and non-metallic. The metallic category can be further subdivided into ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, both of which have extensive application in the chemical industry. The non-metallics can be further subdivided into natural and synthetic rubbers, plastics, ceramics and glass, carbon and graphite, and wood.

Of the non-metallic categories, wood of course has little or. no application for pump services. The other materials cited have definite application handling heavy corrosives. Plastics, in particular, are noted for their corrosion resistance, and see wide service in chemical environments.

The corrosion encountered in chemical pumps may appear to be unique compared to that found in other process equipment. Nevertheless, like other types of chemical process equipment, pumps will experience eight forms of corrosion, with some being more predominant in them than in other types of equipment.

The most widely used metallic materials of construction for chemical pumps are the stainless steels. The stainless steels are used for в wide range of corrosive solutions. They are suitable for most mineral acids at moderate temperatures and con­centrations. The notable exceptions are hydrochloric and hydro-fluoric, acid. Carbon steel, cast iron, and ductile cast iron are also frequently used for the many non-corrosive applications found in most plants.


В конструкции

1. Pumps are also available in... насосов применяюа?ся также . . .



  1. destructive effect - разрушающее действие

  2. Plastics ... are noted for their corrosion resistance пластмассы ... отличаются коррозиеустойчивостью

  3. compared to - no сравнению с

Words and word combinations;

  1. stainless steel - нержавеющая сталь

  2. alloy - сплав

  3. porcelain - фарфор

  4. rubber - резина, каучук

  5. to incorporate - включать (в состав)

  6. to eliminate - устранять

?. to reduce - уменьшать, сокращать

  1. corrosive ~ корродирующее вещество

  2. chemical environments - химическая среда

  1. to experience - испытывать

  2. predominant - преобладающий

  3. solution - раствор

  4. acid - кислота

  5. cast iron - чугун

ductile cast iron - пластичный чугун, высокопрочный чугун

Answer the following questions:

  1. Why do pumps for chemical process industries differ from those used in other industries?

  2. What materials are most chemical pumps made of?

  3. Into what categories can materials for pump applications be divided and further subdivided?

  4. What materials see wide service in chemical environments?

  5. What kinds of metallic materials are used for construction of chemical pumps?

6. What kinds of plastics find growing application as pump materials for chemical process Industries?


I. Form all possible derivative words from:

to differ, to eliminate, to reduce, to apply, to

derive, to serve, to resist, to solve, to use, to


II. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words "that" and "those" :

  1. The colour of aluminium is white, that of gold is yellow.

  2. The properties of a liquid are different from those of a gas. .

  3. The melting point of titanium is 2,000° above that of aluminium.

  4. The properties of metals are different from those of wood.

5. Some properties of air are similar to those of water. "

  1. We know that in all chemical reactions the weight of the substances that are reacting is equal to the weight of the products obtained,

  2. That this liquid can be evaporated to dryness there is no doubt.

  3. Those substances that strongly resist the flow of current are termed insulators.

  4. Germanium resembles silicon in that it forms several unstable hydrids.

  1. That water as a compound was proved at the end of the 18th century.

  2. The distance that light travels in one second is 300 thousand kilometres.

III. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mind Modal Verbs and their equivalents:

  1. You cannot see atoms even with a powerful microscope.

  2. As I was to be at the station at 9 sharp I had to take a taxi.

  3. Heat is a form of energy and may he measured in the units in which energy is measured.

  4. You should study hard as your English, is poor.

  5. They ought to know chemistry for their research work.

  6. We shall be able to solve this problem much earlier if we get necessary information in time.

  7. Attention should be called to the fact that one must be very careful while dealing with explosive substances.

  8. He was allowed to design such a device.

  9. Many Russian scientists had to live and work under very hard conditions before the revolution.

10.Everything has to be put in order when you finish your experiments in the laboratory.

IV. Translate the following text using a dictionary:

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