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Національний технічний університет України

«Київський політехнічний інститут»


Посібник для студентів ІІ курсу

напряму підготовки 6.040203 «Фізика»

Частина 2

Київ – 2010


Англійська мова: Посібник для студентів ІІ курсу напряму підготовки

6.040203 «Фізика». Частина 2 /Уклад.: Кузьміна І. П. – К.: НТУУ «КПІ»,

2010. – 114 с.

Гриф надано Методичною радою НТУУ «КПІ»

Запропоновано оригінальні, неадаптовані тексти з фізики. Подано правила та вправи із сучасної граматики англійської мови, задачі для самостійного розвʼязання студентами, список фізичних одиниць та одиниць вимірювання.

Для роботи студентів ІІ курсу вищих навчальних закладів спеціальності «Фізика» під час практичних занять з дисципліни

«Англійська мова».


Кузьміна Ірина Петрівна

Відповідальний редактор:

Ю. Е. Лавриш, канд. пед. наук


C. О. Китаєва, канд.пед.наук, доц.


Г. Л. Рябоконь, канд. філол. наук, доц.





Chapter I. The Nucleus………………………………………………………6

Unit 1. Becquerel‘s Discovery of Radioactivity……………………………….6

Grammar: Conditionals………………………………….………………9

Unit 2. Three Kinds of ―Radiations‖..................................................................


Grammar: 0 Conditional. Practice …………………..…………………16

Unit 3. The Planetary Model of the Atom..........................................................


Grammar: 1 Conditional. Practice……………………………………...20

Unit 4. The Structure of Nuclei………………………………………………..22

Grammar: 2 Conditional. Practice ……………………………………..25

Unit 5. The Nuclear Force……………………………………………………..27

Grammar: 3 Conditional. Practice ……………………………………..30

Unit 6. Types of Radioactive Decays………………………………………….32

Grammar: Conditionals. Revision……………………………………...37

Unit 7. Home-reading. Marie and Pierre Curie………………………………..39


Problem Solving...……………………………………………………………..42

Chapter II. Electricity………………………………………………………..43

Unit 8. Electricity…………………………………….………………………..43

Grammar: Modal Verbs. Can – Could – Be able to (ability) …………..45

Unit 9. Types of Electricity……………..……………………………………..50

Grammar: May – Might – Could……………………………………….53


Unit 10. Electric Current………………………………………………………57

Grammar: Must – Have to – Mustn‘t/Needn‘t…………………………60 Unit 11. Electric Circuit……………………………………………………….65

Grammar: Should / Ought to…………………………………………...68 Unit 12. Voltage……………………………………………………………….71

Grammar: Shall / Will………………………………………………….73

Unit 13. Resistance……………………………………………………………75

Grammar: Modal Verbs. Revision …………………………………….77 Unit 14. Home-reading. Nikola Tesla…………………………………………79 Electricity Quiz………………………………………………………………..82


Problem Solving……………………………………………………………….86


Useful Data……………………………………………………………………97

Table of Irregular Verbs……………………………………………………..99






Даний навчальний посібник з англійської мови призначено для студентів ІІ курсу спеціальності «Фізика».

Метою посібника є навчати студентів техніці читання та адекватного перекладу літератури за спеціальністю, прищеплювати навички усного та письмового мовлення, а також допомагати у опануванні найбільш вживаних граматичних структур.

Даний навчальний посібник складається з двох розділів. У

кожному з них подані аутентичні тексти зі спеціальності, які дають змогу опанувати основи професійної термінології та отримати навички перекладу; вправи до тексту, які спрямовані на розвиток усного та письмового мовлення; правила та вправи з сучасної граматики англійської мови; задачі на закріплення пройденого матеріалу, які можна використовувати або як частину домашнього завдання, або для розв‘язання на заняттях у аудиторії, а також вікторина та фінальний тест для перевірки набутих знань. Крім того, в посібнику подається список фізичних одиниць та одиниць вимірювання, таблиця неправильних дієслів, а також термінологічний словник.

На думку укладача посібник допоможе студентам досягти поставленої мети, а саме – набути основ знань та навичок для подальшої можливості професійного спілкування англійською мовою.




Becquerel’s Discovery of Radioactivity

Read the text and be ready to describe the phenomenon of natural radioactivity.

Answer the following questions after reading the text:

1)Who was the phenomenon of natural radioactivity discovered by?

2)Was this discovery really made quite accidentally?

3)What did Becquerel find when he checked the plate in the darkroom before using it?

4)What was the cause of his mishap?

5)Who were the first investigators of the phenomenon of radioactivity discovered by Becquerel?

How did physicists figure out that the raisin cookie model was incorrect, and that the atom‘s positive charge was concentrated in a tiny, central nucleus? The

story begins with the discovery of radioactivity by the French chemist Becquerel. Up until radioactivity was discovered, all the processes of nature were thought to be based on chemical reactions, which were rearrangements of combinations of atoms. Atoms exert forces on each other when they are close


together, so sticking or unsticking them would either release or store electrical energy. That energy could be converted to and from other forms, as when a plant uses the energy in sunlight to make sugars and carbohydrates, or when a child eats sugar, releasing the energy in the form of kinetic energy.

Becquerel discovered a process that seemed to release energy from an unknown new source that was not chemical. Becquerel spent the first twenty years of his professional life as a successful civil engineer, teaching physics on a part-time basis. He was awarded the chair of physics at the Musée d‘Histoire Naturelle in Paris after the death of his father, who had previously occupied it. Having now a significant amount of time to devote to physics, he began studying the interaction of light and matter. He became interested in the phenomenon of phosphorescence, in which a substance absorbs energy from light, and then releases the energy via a glow that only gradually goes away. One day in 1896, cloudy weather interfered with his plan to expose this substance to sunlight in order to observe its fluorescence. He stuck it in a drawer, coincidentally on top of a blank photographic plate – the old-fashioned glass-backed counterpart of the modern plastic roll of film. The plate had been carefully wrapped, but several days later when Becquerel checked it in the darkroom before using it, he found that it was ruined, as if it had been completely exposed to light.

Becquerel first determined by further experiments that the effect was produced by the uranium salt, despite a thick wrapping of paper around the plate that blocked out all light. He tried a variety of compounds, and found that it was the uranium that did it: the effect was produced by any uranium compound, but not by any compound that didn‘t include uranium atoms. Becquerel used the word ―radiations‖, since the effect radiated out from the uranium salt.


Be ready to say a few words about:

1.The history of the discovery of natural radioactivity.

2.Uranium for nuclear power.

3.Radioactive processes in nature.

Explain the meaning of the following words:

Radioactivity, experiment, fluorescence, radiation, phosphorescence.

Try to list the most important ideas of the article.

Individual Work

Explore by Reading

Great Names in Radioactivity

1.Read about the life and contribution to nuclear physics of each of the following people: Pierre and Marie Curie, Henri Becquerel, Enrico Fermi, Ernest Rutherford.

2.Write a short report on each of these people.

3.Bring your reports to class for discussion.




Conditionals are clauses introduces with if. The main types of conditionals are: Type 0, Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3. Conditional clauses consist of two parts: the if-clause (hypothesis) and the main clause (result).

Type 0 Conditionals are used to express something which is always true. We can use when (= whenever) instead of if.

If/When the sun shines, snow melts.


Main clause

If + present simple

present simple

Type 1 Conditionals are used to express real or very probable situations in the present or future.

If he doesn’t study hard, he won’t pass his exam.


Main clause

If + present simple/present continuous/


present perfect/present perfect

can/may/might/must/should/could +


present bare infinitive

Type 2 Conditionals are used to express imaginary situations which are contrary to facts in the present and, therefore, are unlikely to happen in the present of future.


If I won the lottery, I would buy an expensive car and I would go on holiday to a tropical island next summer.


Main clause

If + past simple or past continuous

would/could/might + present bare



Type 3 Conditionals are used to express imaginary situations which are contrary to facts in the past. They are also used to express regrets or criticism.

John got up late, so he missed the bus. If John hadn’t got up late, he wouldn’t

have missed the bus.


Main clause

If + past perfect/past perfect

would/could/might + perfect bare




1.We put a comma after the if-clause when it comes first. If we go by plane, it will be more expensive.

It will be more expensive if we go by plane.

2.Unless means if not.

We‘ll go for a picnic unless it rains.

We‘ll go for a picnic if it doesn’t rain.


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