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THE SOUNDS [p], [b]

Spelling and Reading

[p] is pronounced when spelt as:




Other Spellings: gh

[p] is not pronounced: a) in the words:

en [pen], help [help], lip [lip] poppy [’popi], happy ['haspi]

hiccough ['hikAp]


b) in Greek words before a, s, |

upboard f'kAbsd], receipt [ri'sirt], raspberry ['rcuzbsn] pneumonia [njVmsunja], psalm [sa:m], Ptolemy ['totami]

  1. [b] is pronounced when spelt as:

b boy [boi], bad [basd], blow [blsuj

bb ebb [eb], stubborn f'stAbsn]

[b] is not pronounced in the

words after m and before t: lamb [laem], plumber [‘pUma],

comb [ksum], bomb [bom], debt [det], doubt [daot], subtle [*SAtl], tomb [tu:m]

THE SOUNDS [t], [d]

Spelling and Reading

  1. [t] is pronounced when spelt as: t tt

Other Spellings:

-ed preceded by a

voiceless consonant th in some proper names

in the word [t] is not pronounced:

  1. in the middle position

  2. in the words ending in -stle. -sten

  3. in French borrowings

  1. [d] is pronounced when spelt as: d dd

Other Spellings:

-ed preceded by voiced consonants or vowels [d] is not pronounced in the words:

train [trem], tea [ti:], stop [stop] butter ['bAts], written ['nt(a)n]

stopped [stopt], helped [helpt] Thames |'temz], Thomas ['tDmas], Anthony ['aentam] thyme [taim] Ulpuji

often [‘Df(9)n], Christmas ['krismss chestnut ['tfesnAt], L

boatswain [’b3us(9)n], ,

bankruptcy fbaeqkrapsi] listen t'lis(a)n], hasten ['heis(s)n] castle ['ka:s(s)l], ostler J'psls^vaM# fasten[;fa:s(a)n], whistle|'wis(3)l] restaurant ['restro:r)], trait [trei(t)], bouquet [’bukei], ballet ['baelei]

door [da:], sad [sasd], kind [kaind] add [aed],.muddy ['niAdi]

begged [begd], played [pleid]

handkerchief [hasrjkatfifj handsome [‘hsnsam]

Windsor ['winz

THE SOUNDS [kj, [g]

Spelling and Reading

  1. [

    keep [ki:p], king [kig], basket ['ba:skrt] can (noun) [ter,], clock [klDk], club [kkbj

    electric [1'lektrik], music ['mjurzik]

    occasion [3'kei3(s)n],iiccnr |0‘k3:| black [blaek], lock [Ink]

    kJ is pronounced when spelt as: k

c before a, o, u and consonants c in the terminal position



Other Spellings: ch in a number of Latin and Greek words cqu

qu [kw]

qu [k]

  • IL


L-k / .

But: exhibit [ig'iibit] kh - w [k] is not pronounced:

  1. Before n in the initial position:

  2. In the words

anchor [ aeijka], architect ['a:kitekt], chemist Pkaemist], scheme f'ski:m],

( /y\M/r || , / v i

acquaintance (a kweint(a)ns]

quick [kwik], quality fkwoliti],

quantity ['kwontiti],

banquet Pbffiijkwit]

conquer [ kogka] Jlquor ['lika],

mosquito [mas'ki:tau]

antique [aen'ti:k],

picturesque [.piktfa'resk],

mosque [mosk], technique [tek'ni:k]

except [ik'sept], exercise ['eksisaiz],

exhibition [(eksi'bif(a)n]

i t

khan [kg:n], khaki [!ka:ki]

knee [ni:], knife [naif], knight [nait]

knowledge ['nolidj]

Indict [in'dait], muscle ['mAsI]

  1. [G] is pronounced when spelt as: g before a, o, u, before a consonant and in the terminal position


V1. .


Other Spellings: gue


X followed by a stressed vowel is pronounced as [gz]

game [geim], gap [gasp], go [gsu], gun [gAn], gram [graem], bag [basg], leg [leg]

begin [bi'gin], eager ['i:ga],.

finger [’firjga], forget [fa'get], get [get],

gift ['gift], geese ['gi:s], girl ['g3:lj,

tiger [’taiga], together [ta'geSa],

give [giv], gild [gild]

egg [eg], beggar ['begs]

guard [ga:d], guide [gaid]

prologue ['prautag],

dialogue ['daiatog]

ghost [gaust], spaghetti [spa'geti]

exist [ig'zist], exam [ig'zaem]

  1. is not pronounced:

  1. before n in the initial and final positions

  2. when spelt as:



gm in the Greek words such as gh preceded by i, au, ou

  • r

gnat [nagt], gnome [naum], foreign [ form], sign [sain]

singer ['sirjs], tongue ['tAT)]

English ['irjgliJ], England ['irjgbnd], hungry ['hArjgri], -

language ['lasrjgwidjJ, mingle ['mirjgl] diaphragm ['daiafraeyrp] paradigm ['pgeradaim] high [hai], light [lait], caught [ko:t], plough [plau], bought [bo:t]

ice, gloves, glass, neglect, single,



peg, bug, tug, d£og, hug, mug, wig giie,- league, plague; flag, dialogue league.

  1. [f] is pronounced when spelt as: f ff

Other Spellings: ph


fade [feid], feel [fi:l], folk [fouk] off [t>f], giraffe [d53'ra:f]

phonetics [fou'netiks], sapphire ['sasfais] enough [i'nAf], laugh [la:f


Exerc Task j

f] is not pronounced in the words:

halfpenny ['heipni], lieutenant [ljui'tenant] (in A. E.) but [lef tenant]

8. [v] is pronounced when spelt as:


Other Spellings:

f (only in the word of [av]) ph

very ['veri], view [vju:], velvet ['velvit]

BE *=/

nephew ['nevju:] or ['nefju:


■■■ ■


ve me, , very

Other Spellings: wh before vowels except o u after fl, sometimes g or s

language, persuade [pa sweid] But: [k] —conquer ['knnks]. liquor ['hkaJ.Mft/tW

e, veal,

moving, evict,


Spelling and Reading

  1. [w] is pronounced when spelt as:


sweet [swi:t], work [w3:k]

why [wai], when [wen], where [wea] squirrel fskwiral],

mosquito [mas'kfctojjU, soiree I 'swcurei], choir [kwaia], :wu: ijuaj, (; uemWa:]

[w] is not pronounced:

  1. when followed by r

  2. when wh is followed by o

  3. in the words

everyone ['evriWAn], once [WAns]

write [rait], wrong [roq] whom [hum], whole [haul]

/Ji ■'* •

towards [ to:dz] or [ta'wo:dz],

two [tu:], sword ['so:d],

Jwopence tAp(a)ns], answer ['a:nss]

  1. in the geographical names ending in -wich. -wick

Greenwich ['gnnid3], Warwick [SvDrik]

THE SOUNDS [0], [3]

Spelling and Reading

  1. [

    think [Girjk], three [0ri:]. tooth [tu:0]

    0] is pronounced when spelt as:

fh at the beginning, at the end of the words and before a vowel



ut: [5] — with [wi3]

  1. [

    they [9ei]- thus j^ASj. mother ['mActej, faiher"

    3] is pronounced when spelt as: th in pronouns, prepositions,

conjunctions, in other words — before vowels, in the article the

THE SOUNDS [s], [z]

Spelling and Reading

  1. [s] is pronounced when spelt as: s


Other Spellings: c before e, i, x

speak [spi:k], seasor. [si:z(3 n] pass [pa:s], necessary [’nes3s(a)n]

certainly ['s3:t3nli], circle ['s3:k(s)l], cycle [saik(a)I]

scent [sent’, scissors [!siz3zy scythe ' said], abscess [‘aebstsj

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