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Notes The Portrait

Rembrandt - 1606-1669, well-known Dutch painter Sir Joshua Reynolds - 1723-1792, well-known English painter a Manor House - the house of the lord of a manor that is of an estate administered as a unit

Longhi - 1702-1785, well-known Italian portrait-painter morbidezza - the delicate, subtle and lifelike rendering of flesh in painting, sculpture or engraving

Rosalba - 1675-1757, Italian portrait and miniature painter Tiepolo - 1696-1770, a Venetian painter

Anne Boleyn - about 1507-1536, second wife of Henry VIII of England, mother of Queen Elizabeth

Nell Gwynn - 1650-1687, English actress, mistress of Charles II Duke of Wellington - 1769-1852, First Duke, known as The Iron Duke

Galuppi - 1706-1785, Italian composer Misericordia - Italian bural society, rendering service to all Piccinni - 1728-1800, Italian musician and composer, known as the rival of Gltik

Santa Maria - a well-known church in Venice Porpora - 1686-1768, Italian composer and singing teacher Tartini - 1692-1770, Italian composer and violinist, created the well-known "The Devil's Sonata"

Ridotto - the hall where a musical and dancing entertainment is given

Maria-Theresa - 1717-1780, wife of Emperor Francis I, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia

Pantaloon - a traditional character in Italian comedy, also the patron saint of Venice

Pulcinello - or Punchinello, a comic character in Italian burles­que or puppet show, same as the English Punch Punch - Панч (Петрушка)

саrа arnica - ит. дорогой друг

cicisbeo (pi cicisbei) - ит. кавалер, постоянный спутник да­мы

Lido - an Italian island in the Adriatic South East of Venice, fashionable seaside resort

Guardi - 1712-1793, Venetian painter known for his scenes of Venice

The Boarding House

corn-factor's office - office of an agent in charge of trading corn

to sow one's wild oats - отдавать должное увлечениям юности Reynold's Newspaper - a Sunday newspaper that supported the policy of the Labour party

The Rocking-Horse Winner

with a sort of stealth - зд. со своей тайной

to be in full tilt - быть наклоненным до предела

Ascot - the famous race-course and horse races at Ascot Heath in Birkshire, England

blade of the "turf" - зд. завсегдатай скачек Honogr bright - разг. честное слово

Nat Gould - a famous financier 92

spinning yams - разг. небылицы as sure as eggs -зд. верное дело

as right as a trivet - разг. зд. в полном порядке

Feuille d'Album

Feuille d'album - фр. листок из альбома

rag-time - music of American negro origin, which was very popular as dance-music in the 1920s

terra-cotta - a red substance made from a mixture of clay and sand

Tactical Exercise

Belgravia - the smart and very expensive residential area of London

Pont Street - a street in London associated with wealthy upper middle-class society

M.C. - Military Cross, a decoration

the Heath - Hampstead Heath parkland in a London suburb "Welcome to Chaos and Old Night" - a reference to the words of Milton in his poem "Paradize Lost" (Book I, line 540)

'24 Comprirnes narcotiques, hypnotiques' - фр. 24 таблетки снотворного

'Ne pas dépasser deux' - фр. не более двух

the Cornish coast - situated in Cornwall, in the south-west of England

'Your castle hath a pleasant seat' - a quotation from Macbeth by Shakespeare

staff-solution - the official answer to a problem set by instructors at the Army Staff College

The Bum

Vera Crus - a port on the East coast of Mexico Yucatan - a region in the south-east of Mexico

the Spanish Main - Caribbean Sea

white ducks - trousers made of white sailcloth material

"Dispense Usted por Dios" - исп. прости меня, Господи

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