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III. Создание презентации в Power Point.

При создании презентации в программе Power Point следует учитывать определенную последовательность слайдов:

  1. Первым слайдом является титульный лист, на котором обозначается учебное заведение, тема сообщения, ФИО докладчика, а также ФИО, должность преподавателе. Данный слайд необходим для ознакомление с темой доклада. (рис. 2)

Рис.2. Титульный лист.

  1. Следующий слайд включает план выступления. (рис 3)

Рис.3. План презентации.

  1. Слайды в соответствии с основной частью презентации. (рис.4,5,6,7)

Рис.4. Содержание презентации.

Рис.5. Содержание презентации.

Рис.6. Содержание презентации.

Рис.7. Содержание презентации.

  1. В конце презентации, как правило, следует слайд Thank you for your attention(«Спасибо за внимание»).(рис.8)

Рис.8. «Спасибо за внимание».


  1. Cotton D Market Leader, (intermediate). Longman, 2007.

  2. Cotton D. Market Leader (pre-intermediate). Longman, 2007.

  3. Grussendorf Marion English for Presentations. Oxford University Press, 2007

  4. Robbins Sue. First Insights into Business. Longman, 2006.

Электронные ресурсы:

  1. Готовимся к презентации на английском "с умом" http://www.study.ru/support/lib/note146.html

  2. http://www.englishclub-spb.ru/business-english/presentations-pres.htm

  3. МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ по подготовке мультимедийной презентации доклада на защите выпускных квалификационных работ Волго-Вятская академия государственной службы Нижний Новгород2008 http://www.vvags.ru/content/files/sozd_presentation.pdf

  4. "Лужский ИМЦ" http://www.imcluga.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=182%3Anews&catid=1%3Alatest-news&Itemid=150

Приложение 1

Презентации компании


Nokia corporation

Hello ladies and gentlemen. First of all, let me thank you all coming here today.

My name is Lena Epihina. I work for Nokia corporation. I’m a personal assistant. I’d like to tell you about our company Nokia Corporation. Today’s topic is of particularly interest to you as you are our future partners.

I’ve divided my presentation into some parts. First I’ll give you some basic information. Then I’ll tell you about the history of our company. After that we’ll look at the structure of the company. Then I’ll give you some statistic information and finally I’ll tell you about our future plans. If you have any questions, I’ll answer them at the end of my speech.


Let’s start from the beginning. Nokia is a Finnish company. We manufacture and distribute techniques. Our company specializes in high-quality mobile phones. We manufacture a large and different range of products. Our products are intended both for middle class and for business class of consumers because our products are high quality and sold at reasonable prices. Nokia Corporation is one of the market leaders in Europe. The Head Office of our company is in Helsinki and we have 18 branches in 10 countries of Europe. We employ 66,092 people.

And now some words about history of Nokia. Fredrik Idestam set up the Nokia company in 1865. Our company was founded in Finland on the bank of the Nokia river. In 1871 the Nokia corporation was formed. The first company manufactured paper and delivered it to Russia, England and China. In 1920 the Nokia Company merged with Finnish Rubber works and Finnish Cable works. It was successful merger and Nokia Group was formed. Nokia had 4 directions: timber industry, rubber production, cables, and electronics. The first radiophone was developed in 1963, and in 1965 the modem was developed. In 1981 mobile net was made. In late 90s the Nokia company was a market leader all over the world. In 1997 we opened our first branches in Russia. The Head Office of the Russian branch is in Moscow.

Now let me add a few figures. This diagram shows the market share of Nokia Corporation. As you can see, the market share of our company is 36% of the total. The competitors of our company are Samsung, SonyEricson, Siemens, and Alcatel. And Nokia Corporation is very competitive.

And now some words about net sales of Nokia Corporation. The chart shows how sales increased dramatically since the first year of the plan. We are confident that we’ll meet our target of $ 40 000 million per year by next September. Our sales account for a very large amount of $ 10 000 million, 35 per sent of the total, it is quite significant – 22 years ago it was only $ 500 million. As you see here the greatest increase occurred in 2005 when sales rose by almost 45%. From 1992 to 1994 sales stood at $ 4000 million. From 1998 to 2000 they rose slightly and reached a high point of $ 5500 million. As 1995 was a difficult year for our company net sales dropped dramatically by $ 2 000 million a reached a low point of $ 2 000 million. Over the next 3 year they increased considerably and reached a high point of $ 6 000 million.

So, finally, I’d like to tell you about future plans of Nokia Corporation. In The Future Nokia Corporation is going to open new branches in Europe. Also we are going to develop and launch new products to the market. Next year we are going to lead consumer demand program. It will be great advertising campaign: TV commercials, brochures, free samples and so on.


That’s all. Thank you for your attention. Are there any questions you’d like to ask?

Приложение 2