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If I Were Brunette, I Would Want Jessica Biel's Hair Color

Saturday November 13, 2010

When I saw a picture of Jessica Biel's hair color from this summer, I went ga-ga for it. I love the caramel highlights that look so natural, it's as if the sun made them months before and they grew out that way. The color reminds me of another favorite look, this one on Katherine McPhee before she cut her hair and dyed it blonde.

Help! My Hair is Falling Out

Friday November 12, 2010

A few weeks ago a good friend told me her hair was falling out. When she pulled her hands through her hair, she said, strands and strands of it would come out. I wondered if this was normal so I pulled my hands through my hair and not a single strand came out. What was up with her, we wondered? Was it the stress she had been undergoing recently or was it more serious?

I Googled her issue and an article I wrote on the topic came up at the top of the search (how cool is that?). According to me (and my article) it could be stress, it could be seasonal (we tend to lose a lot more hair in the fall) or it could be an iron deficiency. It could be also be a few other things. We decided her best bet would be to see a doctor and get her blood tested.

Turns out my friend was suffering from anemia caused by low iron in her blood. Her doctor has put her on major iron supplements. Since then I've read of other women with the same problem. Kate Fridkis was also suffering from anemia which caused her hair to fall out (read her story here).

Wondering what may be causing your hair loss? Could it be more than just the effects of fall? Check out "Help! My Hair is Falling Out. How Much is OK?"

Can't Get Your Beauty Sleep? Try Valerian Root

Tuesday November 9, 2010

A few years ago I became addicted to prescription sleeping pills. I was taking care of my father who was having health problems and I was so anxious I couldn't sleep. Every night for 2 weeks I poached one of his Ambien (he had an extra bottle, so it wasn't like I was stealing from a sick man) so I could get a decent night's sleep. Pretty soon, I was addicted. I took a sleeping pill every night for an entire year. When I tried to sleep without one, I was up all night.

It was painful weaning myself off of sleeping pills but I did it and I've been sleeping-pill free for more than 2 years. But I do require sleeping aids on occasion and I prefer herbal supplements over prescriptions. I always wondered what herbal sleeping aids actually worked. I take melatonin on occasion, but it's not always full-proof and I sometimes have trouble falling asleep on it.

Dr. Oz (of Oprah fame) recommends valerian root on his Website. According to Dr. Oz, valerian root is "generally considered one of the more effective herbal therapies for sleep." He suggests taking 300 milligrams of it. I've been using melatonin to sleep, but am going to get myself a bottle of valerian root.

Buy valerian root at any health food store or get it online.

  1. Grammar section p. 146-147