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Text a Judicial Institutions

In all legal systems there are institutions for creating, modifying, abolishing and applying the law. The role of each court and its capacity to make decisions is strictly defined in relation to other courts. There are two main reasons for having a variety of courts. One is that a particular court can specialize in particular kinds of legal actions – for example, family courts and juvenile courts. The other is so that a person who feels his case was not fairly treated in a lower court can appeal to a higher court for. The decisions of a higher court are binding upon lower courts.

Text b Classification of the English Courts

There are various ways of classifying courts. The obvious classification in this respect would be into courts of civil and courts of criminal jurisdiction. This classification is not, however, a valid one since, although certain courts do exercise a purely civil or criminal jurisdiction, most English courts hear both civil and criminal cases. Thus the House of Lords, Court of Appeal, High Court and magistrates' courts exercise jurisdiction in both civil and criminal matters. A second classification would be into courts of original and courts of appellate jurisdiction.

The court in which a case is first heard is called the court of first instance (the court of original jurisdiction). In almost all cases it is possible to appeal to a higher court for reconsideration of the decision of the original court. These courts are called appellate courts.

The Court of Justice of the European Communities (the European Court) is, of course, unique since, although not an English court, it exercises jurisdiction within the English legal system and the position of this Court within the system must be considered.

Text c The Hierarchy of the Courts

The following diagram provides an outline of the hierarchy of the English court system.



Civil Division

Criminal Division


Queen’s Bench Division

Family division

Chancery Division






In general, the division between civil and criminal law is reflected in this system. The Crown Courts, for example, deal exclusively with criminal matters, the County Courts, with civil. However, the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court considers appeals from lower criminal courts, as well as civil matters, and the Magistrates’ Courts, while mostly concerned with criminal cases, also deal with some civil matters. The highest court, the House of Lords, deals with all matters (including appeals from Scottish and Northern Irish courts).


abolish v отменять

abuse n 1 совращение (малолетнего); 2 злоупотребление; sexual abuse сексуальное насилие

admiralty adj морской

adoption n усыновление, удочерение

appellate court n апелляционный суд

appellate jurisdiction n апелляционная юрисдикция

application n заявление, ходатайство

bind v обязывать, связывать обязательством

civil disputes n споры по гражданским делам

commence v начинать; возбудить производство (по делу)

commit for trial v предать суду

concurrent adj 1 совпадающий; 2 параллельный; 3 действующий взаимозависимо

conduct a case v вести судебное дело

contentious adj спорный

controversial adj спорный, дискуссионный

convention n конвенция; соглашение; договор

Court of Justice of the European Communities syn the European Court of Justice, the European Court Суд Европейских Сообществ

court of original jurisdiction n syn court of first jurisdiction суд первой инстанции

defamation n диффамация, клевета

division n отделение

empower v уполномочивать

European Community n (EC) Европейское Сообщество

exercisable adj могущий быть использованным / осуществлённым

exercise v осуществлять, выполнять

ex officio [eks' əfı∫ı:eυ] лат. по должности; в силу занимаемой должности

hierarchy [haıə' ra:kı] n иерархия

insolvency n неплатёжеспособность, несостоятельность, банкротство

institution n 1 институт (правовой); 2 учреждение

intestacy n 1 отсутствие завещания; 2 наследство, оставленное без завещания

judicial adj судебный

Juvenile Court, juvenile court n Суд по делам несовершеннолетних

lay magistrate n мировой судья

legislative capacity n правоспособность; законодательная функция

libel n пасквиль; клевета (письменная или через печать)

litigant n тяжущаяся сторона; сторона в судебном процессе

lodge an appeal v подать апелляцию

matrimonial adj брачный

non-contentious adj бесспорный

outline n схема

probate n утверждение завещания судом

reassessment n syn reconsideration пересмотр

remedy n средство судебной защиты

review matters n вопросы пересмотра дел

seek redress v требовать / искать в суде возмещения / удовлетворения / сатисфакции

slander n устная клевета

stake n участие; интерес; доля; at stake в участии

stipendiary n получающий жалованье судья

summarily adv в порядке упрощённого [суммарного] производства; в ускоренном порядке

tribunal n суд специальной юрисдикции; суд; трибунал; орган административной юстиции; industrial tribunal cуд низшей инстанции по трудовым спорам

valid adj неоспоримый; убедительный

Vice-Chancellor n вице-канцлер, младший судья канцлерского суда

virtually adv фактически

wardship n опека; попечительство

will n завещание

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