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Unit IX. Airport construction machines dialogue I

Т. Modern airport machinery is represented by a great variety of machines from bush saws (кущерізи) and stumpers (корчувальні машини) up to the powerful cranes. Do you know the meaning of the term «crane»?

S. The Ukrainian for it is «кран».

T. That's right. All airport construction machines can be subdivided into 5 groups:

1) machines for site preparation;

2) machines for building man-made constructions;

3) machines for excavation or earth-moving (землерийні машини);

4) machines for soil compaction (ущільнення грунту);

5) machines for pavement and base construction.

S. Shall we consider each type mentioned?

T . Yes, of course. The machines for site preparation are classified according to their designation (призначення), way of building-block design (спосіб агрегатування) and arrangement of operating parts (розташування робочого обладнання). According to their designation there are motorized saws (мотопили), bush saws, stumpers and rippers (розпушувачі). What kind of construction machines is shown in figure IX.1?

S. It looks like a stumper. It is used, mainly in Siberia and the Far East.


Fig. IX.1

. You are right. By the way the term comes from the word «stump» which means «пеньок». Another name for a «stumper»

is «up-rooter». It is a suspended (навісний) piece of equipment used for rooting out stumps and moving large stones.

S. So, the main purpose of a stumper is to prepare an area for a future airport, isn't it?

T . Quite right. And now let's turn to figure IX.2. What kind of machine is shown in it?

S. It is a ripper, as far as I can judge.


Fig. IX.2

: Just it. Now, coming back to the classification of machines for site preparation we should mention that according to the way of building-block design (спосіб агрегатування) they may be suspended or trailed.

Do all of you know the meaning of these terms?

S. I suppose the Ukrainian for them are «навіcний» and «причепний», correspondingly.

Т. Exactly. And according to the arrangement of operating parts they may be front and rear.

S. So, a stumper is a suspended type machine. What about bush saws and rippers?

T. A bush saw is a suspended piece of equipment too, installed on a tractor for cutting shrubs (кусты) and scrubs (мілколісся ) Its main workpiece (робочий орган) is a wedge-shaped blade (клиноподібне лезо) with cutting knives.

S. And «cutting knife» stands for the Ukrainian «ріжучий ніж», doesn't it?

T. Yes, it does. As for the ripper, it may be both suspended and trailed. It is usually installed on a crawler tractor (гусеничний трактор).

S. What is it used for?

T. It is used for ripping coarse soils (грубі грунти) as well as frozen ones. And one more type of machines used in airport site preparation is a bulldozer-ripping aggregate (бульдозерно-вспушуваль-ний агрегат). It is designed for excavating (землерийних) and grading (нівелювальних) work on different soils. It combines a haulage tractor (трактор-тягач), bulldozer and ripper equipment.

Вправа 4. Перекладіть назви будівельних машин:

crane, machine for soil compaction, machine for earth moving, machine for site preparation, motorized saw, bush saw, stumper, ripper, bulldozer-ripping aggregate.

Вправа 6. Прочитайте і перекладіть текст 1.

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