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To overestimate - переоценить

To accelerate - ускорять

Investigate - исследовать

Universe – вселенная

To apply – зд. применять

To be fulfilled– исполняться, осуществляться

To replace – замещать, заменять

Necessity – необходимость, нужда

Welding - сварка

To assemble - собирать

Benefit – выгода, польза

To get bored - надоедать

Beyond recognition – до неузнаваемости Ancestor - предок

Trivial – незначительный, простой

Appliance – приспособление, прибор

Miracle - чудо

Discovery - открытие

Splitting - расщепление

Conquest – завоевание

To overcome - преодолеть

Gravity – гравитация, притяжение

To surpass - превосходить

Wild – зд. фантастический

Outer space – открытый космос

Essential – неотъемлемый, существенный

Tool – (рабочий) инструмент

Research – научное исследование

Advance – успех, продвижение

Reverse – оборотная сторона

To exhaust – истощать, опустошать


Level II

Match the beginnings and the ends of the sentences.

1. Although robots have some disadvantages 1. has aroused a number of problems

2. Rapid scientific progress. 2. but not all of them are peaceful.

3. They never get bored 3. have surpassed the wildest expectations of men.

4. The achievements of space exploration 4. with their tasks.

5. Scientists have invented many things 5. their main benefit is the quality of work.


Make up questions to the following answers.

1. The achievements of science and technology.

2. In some hard or dangerous labour.

3. The advance of medicine.

4. In the 20th century.

5. The power and the greatest progressive role of Science in our life.


Comment on disadvantages of scientific and technological progress.

My Future profession

Choosing the kind of career is probably one of the most important decisions in our life. There are many interesting and useful professions and it’s really not an easy task to make the right choice.

I’m convinced that everybody is interested in establishing oneself in life. Work is an opportunity to plan and order our life. The career sounds interesting to me if I can get a prestigious profession, good working conditions and steady wages.

I originally became interested in the sphere of communication in my early teens. Telecommunications have brought us new lifestyle. Satellite television, electronic mail, fax, Internet, cellular telephones have changed the way we communicate, get and exchange information. Work, social life, politics, education-telecommunications are coming everywhere and provide new unique opportunities. New millennium will bring us to new horizons of social, political and economic interaction in the virtual world of modern telecommunicating.

Choosing the Higher State College of Communication I did a lot of thinking about the things I like to do and do well. I thought over my future employment and chances of promotion. One of the main principles of education in our college is to unite theory and practice. So we have lectures, seminars, laboratory works and practice. I want my skills to be in great demand. It’s a matter of responsibility with me to do a good job, to apply my knowledge.

I realize that we live in a competitive world and I try to face the situation realistically. My parents always encourage me. I hope that after graduating from the college I will be able to get a suitable job which will satisfy my priorities.