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Пособие Город (английский язык) Иванова.Рокотян....doc
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Занятие III.

Задание I.

Исправьте грамматические ошибки в следующих предложениях.

  1. The city was found on the left bank of the Volga in 1589.

  2. Volgograd is the industrial and cultural centre of one of the largest regions in Russian Federation.

  3. The population of the Volgograd Region is 2,5 millions.

  4. Volgograd makes a significant contribution to the development of some of the country most important industries.

  5. The Tractor plant is one of the most great.

  6. It is a major producer of tractors for nearly half a century.

  7. The city has became famous for the heroic defence which lasted 200 days.

  8. Many historical monuments of the city remind us of his hard war past.

  9. Of particular interest are the Mamayev Hill, the Panorama «The Battle of Stalingrad», the Destroyed Mill and the Pavlov House.

  10. Volgograd grows day by day and warmly welcomes tourists from home and abroad.

Задание II.

Дополните каждое из приведенных утверждений как можно большим количеством деталей.

  1. Tsaritsin was founded in 1589.

  2. It was renamed Stalingrad in 1925.

  3. Volgograd is situated in the south-east of the European part of the country.

  4. The population of the city is 1 mln.

  5. The Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days.

  6. Volgograd is industrially developed.

  7. Many historical monuments of the city remind us of its hard war past.

  8. Volgograd is rich in sights.

Задание III.

  1. Переведите диалог на английский язык.

  • Волгоград - это город-герой?

  • Да. Волгоград - всемирно известный город-герой.

  • Чем известен город Волгоград?

  • Волгоград известен героической обороной во время Сталинградской битвы.

  • Как долго длилась оборона Сталинграда?

  • Героическая оборона Сталинграда длилась 200 дней.

  • Когда закончилась Сталинградская битва?

  • Она закончилась в феврале 1943 года.

  • О чем напоминает разрушенная мельница?

  • Разрушенная мельница напоминает о тяжелых военных днях.

  • Какими достопримечательностями богат Волгоград?

  • Волгоград богат многими достопримечательностями. В нем есть Мамаев Курган, панорама, центральный универмаг, Площадь Павших борцов, НЭТ и другие.

  1. Работа в парах. Составьте свои диалоги.

Задание IV.

Read the following text using some unknown words.

The Fallen Heroes’ Square and the Central Embankment.

In June 1919 counter-revolutionary forces seized (захватить) Tsaritsyn. Alexander Square was turned into a place of execution, where Red Army prisoners, communists and their sympathisers were tortured (замучить) and hanged (повесить). After the liberation of Tsaritsyn on February 6th, 1920, the dead were buried (похоронить) in a common grave (братская могила) and a monument erected above it to their memory. From that day the square was renamed Fallen Heroes’ Square. 40 years later this monument was replaced by a 26-metre high obelisk, which bears the following inscriptions (надпись): «To those who fought for liberty-from the proletariat of Red Tsaritsyn.» «Here lie the bodies of the heroic defenders of Red Tsaritsyn, cruelly (жестоко) done to death by the White Guard murderers (убийца) in 1919.»

In the thirties the square was reconstructed. New buildings were put among which were the Central department Store and the Central Book House . Around the common grave public gardens were laid.

It is now one of the most honoured sports in Volgograd. Next to the obelisk on the same granite base is another monument - a bronze laurel wreath (венок) on a raised plinth (пьедестал). The inscription on the black marble reads: «Here lie the bodies of the officers and men of the 62nd and 64th Armies, who died heroically defending the city in the Great Battle of Stalingrad, 1942-1943. Eternal glory to those who fell in battle for the freedom and independence of our Motherland.»

At the base of the monument is a five-pointed bronze star on which burns the Eternal Flame.

A guard of honour is held by the grave. It is known in Volgograd as Guard

№ 1.

The gardens are also the site of the international grave. Here lie buried the Russian Major Vladimir Kamenshchikov, a Spaniard, Captain Ruben Ibarruri and the Tatar, Captain Khafiz Fattyakhutdinov. People of different nationalities, they fought shoulder for a just cause and Stalingrad soil (земля) has made them kinsmen (родственники).

Summer and winter, flowers lie upon the graves - a gift of gratitude to the fallen heroes.

Leaving Fallen Heroes’ Square by the Alley of Heroes - one of the most beautiful tree-lined streets in Volgograd one comes to CENTRAL EMBANKMENT, which is named after the 62nd Army. From the high right bank there is a magnificent view (вид) over the Volga, giving a fine impression of its peaceful, majestic flow.

Volgograders love to stroll (гулять) along the embankment. Children play here, and after the last day at school young people gather to see - in the dawn (рассвет). This part of the city has a particularly attractive appearance - after all it is Volgograd’s «front door». The wide granite steps (лестница), the snow-white pillars (колонны), the granite lanterns (фонарь) and the emerald (изумрудный) green of the park harmoniously blend in which the architecture along the embankment in the centre of the city.


  1. Speak on the Fallen Heroes’ Square using the following key-words (in chain):

  • seized (1919);

  • were tortured;

  • were buried (in a common grave);

  • was erected to ...;

  • was renamed;

  • were put up;

  • is held up;

  • lie buried.

II. Give a short summary of the text (about 8 sentences).

Задание V.

«Tourist Information Office».

Участники игры делятся на 2 команды. Быстро просмотрев все тексты изучаемой темы, одни участники должны сообщить другим - «туристам» интересующую их информацию о городе-герое Волгограде. Затем участники меняются ролями. Игра проводится на время. Выигрывает та команда, которая правильно задаст вопросы и наиболее подробно даст информацию об истории города и его достопримечательностях.

Задание VI.

  1. Составьте план пересказа темы «Волгоград».

  2. Выпишите ключевые слова и цифры к пунктам плана.

  3. Подготовьтесь выступить в качестве гида-переводчика, сопровождающего группу иностранных туристов.

  4. Представьте, что вы приехали в другой город к вашему другу. У вас есть набор открыток по Волгограду. Расскажите ему о городе-герое, демонстрируя открытки.

  5. Напишите рекламный проспект о городе Волгограде для туристического агентства.

Задание VII.

Запишите в тетради следующую информацию по грамматике.

Present Perfect

have/has + P. II (V3)

I/we/you/they have invited

he/she/it has invited

  1. Present Perfect, настоящее совершенное время, выражает связь прошлого с настоящим, Эта связь может выражаться двояко:

  1. наличием результата ранее совершенного действия:

I have read your book. - Я прочитал вашу книгу.

В таких предложениях Present Perfect переводится прошедшим временем.

  1. продолжением в настоящее время действия, начавшегося в прошлом:

I’ve known Alice for six years. - Я знаю Алису (уже) 6 лет.

В таких предложениях глаголы в Present Perfect часто нужно переводить настоящим временем.

II. С глаголами в Present Perfect употребляются наречия неопределенного времени always (всегда); never (никогда); not yet (еще не); ever (когда-либо).

Задание VIII.

Выполните упражнения.

  1. Выберите правильную глагольную форму.

  1. Have you ever seen/did you ever see a rock concert?

  2. I saw/have seen the Rolling Stones last year.

  3. I love rock and roll. I like/have liked it all my life.

  4. The Stones’ concert has been/was excellent.

  5. I have bought/bought all their records after the concert.

  6. How long have you known/do you know Peter?

  7. I know him/have known him since we were at school together.

  8. When did you get/have you got married to him?

  9. We have been/are together for over ten years, and we have got/got married 8 years ago.

  1. Заполните пропуски for или since.

  1. ... 2 weeks

  2. ... half an hour

  3. ... 9.15

  4. ... a long time

  5. ... 3 March

  6. ... ages

  7. ... the beginning of the term

  8. ... a couple of days

  9. ... I was ten

  10. ... 1961