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Пособие Город (английский язык) Иванова.Рокотян....doc
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Волгоградский государственный педагогический университет

Кафедра иностранных языков

Методические указания и задания

для самостоятельной работы студентов

по теме «Город»

(английский язык)




Методические указания и задания для самостоятельной работы студентов по теме «Город» (английский язык)/Сост. Иванова Ю.А., Рокотянская Л.Ю. - Волгоград, «Перемена», 2001. - 20 с.

Даны для студентов I курса всех специальностей дневной формы обучения, изучающих английский язык.

Занятие I.

Text 1.


Volgograd is a world-known hero-city. It was founded in 1589 as a fortress guarding the trade route along the left bank of the Volga. The city took its first name from the island on which it was originally built. The Tatars called the island

Sary-Chin, or Yellow Sand at the beginning of the 17th century Tsaritsyn was burnt to the ground and then rebuilt on the right bank of the river.

The city has changed its name twice. In 1925 it was renamed Stalingrad. Since 1961 it has been known as Volgograd, that is the city on the Volga.

Volgograd is an industrial and a cultural centre of one of the largest regions in the Russian Federation with an area of 114 000 sq. km. It lies in the south-last of the European part of the country. Volgograd streches 80 km. along the Volga. It’s steppe and semi-desert. The climate is continental.

The population of the Volgograd Region is 2,5 million. Volgograd itself has a population of more than 1 million.

Volgograd makes a significant contribution to the development of some of the country’s most important industries. There are more than 130 plants and factories of different types producing tractors, steel, aluminium, oil products, timber, ceramics and various consumer goods. The Tractor plant is one of the greatest. It has been a major producer of tractors for nearly half a century.

Volgograders like their city which is rich in sights. It has become famous for the heroic defence during the Battle of Stalingrad which lasted 200 days. The victory at Stalingrad was a turning point in the war on the Russian front and had a decisive influence on the course of the Second World War as a whole. A lot of historical monuments of the city remind us of its hard war past. Of particular interest is the Mamayev Hill, the Panorama «The Battle of Stalingrad», the Destroyed Mill and the Pavlov House.

Also popular places to be visited in Volgograd are the Fallen Fighters’ Square with the Eternal Fire, the Central Department Store, the New Experimental Theatre, the Embankment, the Planetarium and some others.

Volgograd is growing day by day and warmly welcomes tourists from home and abroad.

Задание I.

  1. Прочтите и переведите текст.

  2. Выучите новые слова и будьте готовы к работе с ними на уроке.

  3. Заполните правильное произношение достопримечательностей и исторических мест города-героя Волгограда:

the Mamayev Hill;

the Panorama «The Battle of Stalingrad»;

the Destroyed Mill;

the Pavlov House;

the Fallen Fighters’ Square;

the Eternal Fire;

the Contral Department Store;

the Embankment;

the New Experimental Theatre;

the Planetarium.

Задание II.

Проанализируйте текст урока, найдите и переведите:

  1. не менее 10 слов с международными корнями, встречающимися и в русском языке;

  2. сложные слова;

  3. пары синонимов;

  4. предложения с some;

  5. степени сравнения прилагательных;

  6. глаголы с страдательном залоге (to be V3);

  7. глаголы в Present Perfect (have/has V3).

Задание III.

Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:

  1. a fortress, an area, steppe, semi-desert, significant, development, timber, various, major, nearly, to become famous for, to last, decisive, of particular interest;

  2. торговый маршрут, сжечь дотла, дважды, сделать вклад в, сталь, нефтепродукты, потребительские товары, быть богатым чем-либо, героическая оборона, переломный момент, иметь влияние на что-либо, в целом, напоминать о чем-либо.

Задание IV.

Задайте общие вопросы к тексту и попросите товарища кратко ответить на них.

Задание V.

Сделайте предложения отрицательными и дайте правильный вариант.

  1. The city was founded in 1585.

  2. Later Tsaritsin was burnt to the ground and a new city was built on the left bank of the Volga.

  3. The city has changed ots name three times.

  4. Tsaritsin was renamed Volgograd in 1925.

  5. Volgograd lies in the south-west of the European part of Russia.

  6. Its territory is 60 km. Along the Volga.

  7. Volgograd has a population of more than 2,5 million.

  8. The heroic defence of Stalingrad lasted 150 days.

  9. The victory at Stalingrad was a turning point in the war of 1812 on the Russian front.

  10. There are more than 130 theatres and museums in Volgograd.

Задание VI.

Запишите в тетради следующую грамматическую информацию.