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Глава 8

Упражнение 24: 1 She had already studied Portuguese when she was a child. 2 This year there have been many plane accidents. 3 The woman was already dead when the doctor arrived. 4 The tables were already laid but the guests had not arrived yet. 51 had never seen so many people in my life. 6 She was expelled from the school. 7 It is said (They say) that the firm (Messrs) Agiota & Co. is going bankrupt. 8 One must not deceive (cheat, mislead) others. 9 They had not washed themselves yet. (They had not had a wash.) 10 The weather has been bad.

Упражнение 25: 1 They felt (were) disappointed. 21 got up very early. 3 He never remembers my birthday. 4 She got dressed in a hurry. 5 He smells awful because he never washes himself. (... he never has a wash.) 6 How do you say 'table' in Portuguese? 7 They looked at each other. 8 Help yourself while the food is hot. 9 We don't know each other. 101 complained to the police. 11 Go away. 12 It is sunny. 13 I forgot him. (about him.) 14 English newspapers are sold here.

Упражнение 26: 1 Lembro-me dele. 2 Não me sentia bem. 3 Queixámo-nos da comida. 4 Tem chovido muito este ano. 5 Já tinha posto a carta no correio. 6 Bebe-se muito vinho em Portugal mas os portugueses nunca se embriagam. 7 A janela estava aberta. 8 A lotaria foi ganha por uma mulher pobre. 9 A minha saia estava rota. 10 Foram todos presos. 11 Eles olharam-se um ao outro. 12 Não tenho via jado este ano. 13 Ouve-se muita musica inglesa em Portugal. 14 Não quero servir-me. 15 Vimo-nos por acaso. 16 Aqui vendem-se jornais.

Глава 9

Упражнение 27: 1 It is necessary for them to study hard. (They must study hard.) 2 It is hoped they do not come in late. 3 Perhaps (Maybe) I will go out tomorrow. 4 I want you to do that at once. 5 Tell him not to come in until I call him. 61 hope your wife is better. 71 don't think he is a good football player. 8 We want a man who has the courage of his convictions. 9 Whether I like it or not I have to attend the meeting tomorrow. 10 Diga-lhe que não vá à reunião. 11 Embora eu não fale português muito bem, compreendo tudo. 12 Quer que lhe traga a lista dos vinhos? 13 É melhor que eu vá agora. 14 Não creio que haja jornais hoje. 15 Eles têm pena (Lamentam) que não possa vir esta noite. 16 Por favor não faça nenhum barulho.

Упражнение 28: l It was a pity (a shame) he could not come. 2 I wanted you (pi) to learn Portuguese as quickly as possible. 31 did not see any house that pleased me. (... that I liked.) 4 Perhaps he had already left. 5 If it were not so expensive, we would buy a farm in the Algarve. 6 We did not want you (pi) to bring presents. 7 1 don't know whether it is raining. 8 If it rains I shall take an umbrella. 9 Until the factory workers go back to (resume) work, we cannot increase production. 10 Come to our house whenever you want. 11 As soon as you get a job in Mozambique, let me know (tell me). 12 Do what you can. 13 Invite (pi) whom you wish. 14 He who (Whoever) wants to come along with me, let him come.

Упражнение 29: 1 Assim que puderes, telefona-me por favor. 2 Se ele não fosse tão preguiçoso (mandrião), não teria perdido esse emprego. 3 Foi preciso que eles chamassem a polícia. (also. Foi preciso chamarem a polícia.) 4 Disse-lhes para se irem embora, (also: Disse-lhes que se fossem embora.) 5 Diga o que disser, eu não acredito que ela seja desonesta. 6 Quando me reformar escreverei muitos livros. 7 Faça como quiser. (also: Faça o que quiser.) 8 Aconteça o que acontecer, e apesar do tempo (clima) sempre amarei a Inglaterra. 9 Não havia ninguém que falasse inglês. 10 Enquanto estiverem em minha casa, são meus convidados. 11 Lamentei que não pudessem vir. (also: Lamentei não poderem vir.) 12 Se você perdeu esta oportunidade foi porque quis. 13 Embora protestassem (or: Tivessem protestado) muitas vezes a situação continuou a ser a mesma.

Note: The alternatives given above demonstrate the use of the personal infinitive explained in chapter 10.

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