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Topics 8th form

  • History Of The British Isles (The UK)

  • History Of Formation Of The UK

  • The USA

  • Canada

  • Famous People Of Great Britain

  • My Favorite American Writer

  • Famous American Artist

  • American Leader

  • Famous Russian Scientist

  • Famous Russian Painter

  • The Reason Why I Study English

  • Museum And Art Galleries Of Great Britain

  • Museum And Art Galleries Of The USA

  • Museum And Art Galleries Of Russia

  • Mass Media

  • How To Keep Fit

  • Books In Our Live

  • Are You Ecologically Friendly?

  • Great Libraries

  • School Education In Great Britain

  • School Education In The USA

  • A Typical Day At School In America

  • Australia

  • Sport In The UK And The USA

History Of The British Isles (The uk)

The name Britain is very old, but history can explain where it comes from. The tribes of the first people who lived on the island were called Britons; so Britain was the land of Britons.

In the 5th century some tribes from the northern part of the continent of Europe landed in Britain. They were the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes. They settled down in the land they had conquered and became the forefathers of the people of England and part of Scotland. Several states were formed; one of them was East Anglia. Sometime later the people began to call the Land of Angles (Angle Land), England.

In 1066 the Normans, a people who came from the north of France, conquered England. As the years passed, the Normans and the Anglo-Saxons formed the English people.

Little by little England became the strongest of all the states on the British Isles. In the 15th century it conquered Wales. There were many wars between England and Scotland until in 1707 became a powerful state. Its name has been Great Britain since then.

History of Formation Of The uk

There are 4 nations on the British Isles which were separate at earlier stages of their history: England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Kings of England did their best to bring Wales, Scotland and Ireland under English control. However, the other three countries are also important and each of them has a different history.

England is one of the 4 nations which has always played the most powerful part in the history of the British Isles.

1066 is the most famous date in English history. This is the date of the successful Norman invasion of England when “William the Conqueror”, became king of the whole of England.

The Normans introduced the strong system of government and the Kingdom became the most powerful political force on the British Isles.

Wales is the smallest land in the United Kingdom. The Welsh fought for many years for their freedom.

1301 – Edward 1 of England defeated the native Prince of Wales and named his son “Prince of Wales”. Since then the eldest son of the Queen has given this title. Henry 8 united England and Wales under one Parliament in 1536.

Scotland was an independent kingdom for a long time. There were constant wars between England and the quiet separate Kingdom of Scotland from the 11th to the 16th centuries. Here are some important events in Scottish history.

1603 – Queen Elizabeth 1 of England died without children King James 6 of Scotland became King James 1 of England and Wales.

1651 – Scotland was united with England and Wales but it kept its own parliament.

1707 – England and Scotland were joined by an Act of Union. The parliaments of England, Wales and Scotland were united.


Canada is a vast country. The population in Canada more than 30 mln. The capital is Ottawa. The largest cities are Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver and Winnipeg. It is one of the world’s largest countries. Canada extends from the Arctic Ocean to the United States and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

The maple leaf is the national emblem of Canada.

The French were the first settlers in this country in the 15th century. In the 17th century several expeditions from France were sent out to explore the new country. This war the real beginning of Canada.

In 1759 France lost Canada. Canada became a British colony. Later Canada was given its independence, but it remained part of the British Empire.

Today Canada is an independent federative state, consisting of 10 provinces and 2 territories. It is a member of the Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain.

Canada today has 2 national languages, English and French.

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