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Экономический английский.doc
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corporate ladder - карьерная (служебная) лестница

corporate culture - корпоративная культура: свод наиболее важных положений деятельности организации, определяемых ее стратегией развития; социальные нормы и ценности, разделяемые большинством работников


  1. Большинство организаций имеют иерархическую структуру. Возглавляет компанию, как правило, человек или группа лиц, которым подчиняется увеличивающееся на каждом последующем уровне пирамиды количество служащих.

  2. Президент компании стоит во главе Совета Директоров.

  3. Главный операционный директор - руководитель корпорации, отвечающий за повседневные операции.

  4. Главный исполнительный директор - руководитель корпорации, отвечающий за основную часть ее текущей деятельности.

  5. Старшие менеджеры возглавляют различные отделы внутри компании.

  6. Платежная ведомость представляет собой список всех работников компании с указанием заработной платы.




A company’s activities may be spread over different sites.

A company’s most senior managers usually work in its head office or headquarters (HQ).

In larger organizations there is a human resources department (HRD) that deals with pay, recruitment, finding and training job applicants, as well as administering employee-benefit programs. This area is called human resources (HR) or human resource management (HRM). Another name for this department is the personnel department.

As companies reorganize to gain competitive edge, human resources plays a key role in helping companies deal with a fast-changing competitive environment and the greater demand for quality employees.

Personnel departments are usually involved in finding new staff and recruiting them, hiring them, or taking them on, in a process of recruitment. Someone recruited is a recruit, or a hire (Am.E). The company employs or hires them; they join the company. A company may recruit employees directly or use outside recruiters, recruitment agencies or employment agencies. Outside specialists called headhunters may be called on to headhunt people for very important jobs, persuading them to leave the organizations they already work for. This process is called headhunting.

Many people work for the same organization until they reach retirement: the age at which people retire, or end their working life. Career paths are thus clear: you can work your way up the career ladder, getting promotion to jobs that are more senior, with greater responsibility. You are unlikely to be demoted: moved to a less senior job.

To leave the company, you may resign or hand in your notice.

However, over the past years the changing business environment, not least highly competitive global product markets, an increasingly rapid pace of technological change, a changing social environment are driving the demand for a flexible labour market. People are forced to move to different jobs when necessary which means job insecurity for many employees, the feeling that they may not be in their job for long.

In order to make an organization more efficient companies have to cut costs. They downsize, or reduce the numbers of people they employ. Businesses use several techniques in downsizing, including providing incentives to take early retirement and transfer to subsidiary companies, but the most common technique is to simply terminate the employment of a certain number of people.

Rightsizing is downsizing in the belief that an enterprise really should operate with fewer people. Dumbsizing is downsizing that, in retrospect, failed to achieve the desired effect.

Delayering is the process of eliminating layers of middle management

Organizations say that they are eliminating middle levels of their hierarchies so as to empower ordinary workers and employees. This process of empowerment is designed to give them the authority to make decisions that were previously taken by middle managers.

As a result of this restructuring the company becomes flatter (with fewer layers of management) and leaner (with fewer, more productive employees).

If you leave a job voluntarily, you quit.

If you do something wrong, you are fired, dismissed, sacked or terminated.

If you’ve done nothing wrong, you are laid off, made redundant, offered early retirement.

Employees who are made redundant may get advice about finding another job, retraining, etc. This is called outplacement advice.



- местоположение, местонахождение

head office

headquarters (HQ)

- штаб-квартира; главный офис; главное управление, центр (какой-л организации)

human resources department (HRD)

personnel department

- отдел кадров

human resources (HR)

- персонал; трудовые ресурсы

human resource management (HRM)

- управление трудовыми ресурсами: направление менеджмента, базовой идеей которого является повышение производительности посредством создания благоприятных условий для деятельности сотрудников организации



take on

- нанимать ( людей на работу)


- набор, подбор, наем персонала; рекрутмент



- новичок, новый работник (сотрудник)


recruitment agency

employment agency

- специалист по подбору персонала, рекрутер

- фирма, осуществляющие подбор специалистов по заданным работодателем критериям


- "охотник за головами": специалист или фирма, занимающиеся поиском работников на руководящие должности неформальными методами; рекрутская фирма


- охота за “головами”, за “мозгами”, переманивание высококлассных специалистов при помощи тщательно разработанной системы льгот


- выход в отставку; уход на пенсию

career ladder

- карьерная (служебная) лестница; лестница продвижения по службе


- продвижение по службе


- понижать в должности, в звании



- уходить [подавать] в отставку, оставлять пост


- предупреждение [уведомление] о расторжении контракта

flexible labour market

- гибкий рынок труда

job insecurity

- неуверенность в завтрашнем дне


- сокращать (штат), уменьшать (размеры компании)



- уменьшение числа сотрудников предприятия с целью повышения результативности деятельности


- поощрение, стимул, побуждение, побудительный мотив


- оптимизация размера ( организации )


- необдуманное сокращение штата; ‘сокрушение штата’


- доверять, уполномочивать, давать права и возможности


- “делегирование” полномочий, передача обязанностей менеджеров среднего звена рабочим и служащим


- реструктуризация, перестройка структуры

lean and flat organization

- эффективно функционирующая организация с упрощенной (“плоской”) структурой управления

fire, dismiss, sack, terminate

- увольнять

lay off

make smb redundant

увольнять (как правило, временно); сокращать


- увольнение по сокращению штатов (предполагает также попытку фирмы трудоустроить увольняемого на новом месте)


  1. What is the role of the HRD?

  2. What are the ways of recruiting employees?

  3. Why are outside recruiters called headhunters?

  4. Why is a labour market much more demanding now than it used to be?

  5. Why do organizations eliminate middle levels of their hierarchies?

  6. When do employees get outplacement advice?


Contrary to popular myths, downsizing does not necessarily make companies more profitable, more productive, or even smaller.

A flat organisation, with a small number of management levels, should give more opportunity for decision-making at all levels.

Empower your people. Don't command and control. Let them use their own initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.

Downsizing, when done improperly, is appropriately called dumbsizing.

The majority of organisations contemplating delayering anticipate cost savings via a reduction in overheads. For some, the achievement of such savings is the primary objective of their restructuring initiative. For others, a flatter structure is the route to freedom from bureaucracy, speedier communication and the development of a customer focused culture in which team working and high involvement working practices will thrive.

Flat organization (also known as horizontal organization) refers to a organizational structure with few or no levels of intervening management between staff and managers. The idea is that well-trained workers will be more productive when they are more directly involved in the decision making process, rather than closely supervised by many layers of management