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Processing 2 Creative Coding Hotshot.pdf
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Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing

For the first task of our current mission, we created a Processing sketch that draws our basic face. We added three variables that control the facial features we are enabling the user to change. We changed the color mode to HSB to make it easier for the user to select the desired color tone. Like RGB, the HSB color mode has three parameters, but instead of mixing red, green, and blue, you choose the basic color (hue), the brightness, and the saturation. We keep the brightness and saturation value fixed for the sake of simplicity and let the user change the hue value.

All the control variables store a value between 0 and 1023, which are than mapped to the value range we need for drawing using the map() command.

Let me change it

Nobody feels like smiling all the time, but it is currently somewhat cumbersome to change the facial parameters of our smiley, which could have an impact on your current state of emotion. To prevent our Smilie-O-Mat from increasing the user's level of frustration or annoyance, our second task for this mission is to make the facial parameters adjustable using the mouse by adding three sliders below the smiley.

Engage Thrusters

Let's now change our face:

1.Open the Smilie-O-Mat sketch and change the size of our sketch window in the setup() method to add more room for the sliders below the smiley face.

void setup() { size(300,390); smooth(); background(255); colorMode(HSB);


2.Now add a new method named drawSliders() and draw three black rectangles for the bases of our sliders.

void drawSliders() { fill(0); strokeWeight(1);

rect( 20,315,width-40,2 ); rect( 20,345,width-40,2 ); rect( 20,375,width-40,2 );



Project 4

3.The first slider will change the mouth position, so we add a smaller rectangle and map the value of the mouth variable to the x-coordinate of our rectangle.

void drawSliders() { fill(0); strokeWeight(1);

rect( 20,315,width-40,2 );

rect( 15 + map( mouth, 0, 1024, 0, width-40 ), 310, 10, 12 );

rect( 20,345,width-40,2 ); rect( 20,375,width-40,2 );


4.Add a slider for the eyebrow angle and one for the color of our face, the same way you did for the mouth variable.

void drawSliders() { fill(0); strokeWeight(1);

rect( 20,315,width-40,2 );

rect( 15 + map( mouth, 0, 1024, 0, width-40 ), 310, 10, 12 );

rect( 20,345,width-40,2 );

rect( 15 + map( eye, 0, 1024, 0, width-40 ), 340, 10, 12 );

rect( 20,375,width-40,2 );

rect( 15 + map( col, 0, 1024, 0, width-40 ), 370, 10, 12 );


5. Now we call our drawSliders() method from the draw() method.

void draw() { background(255);


color c = color(map(col, 0, 1024, 0, 255), 255, 255 ); fill(c);



6.Run your sketch, then make changes to the control variables and check whether the position of the slider changes.



7.To make the slider react to the mouse, we add a new method named mousePressed() and a Boolean variable named mclick. This method gets called every time the mouse button is pressed; we will now test whether the mouse click occurred on our mouth slider.

boolean mclick = false; void mousePressed() {

if ( mouseY > 310 && mouseY < 322 ) { mclick = true;

mouth = constrain( int( map( mouseX, 20, width - 20, 0, 1024 )), 0, 1024 );



8.We need to add another callback method that gets called when the user drags the mouse. We change the position of the slider only if the mclick variable is set to true by our mousePressed() method.

void mouseDragged() {

if (mclick) mouth = constrain( int( map( mouseX, 20, width - 20, 0, 1024 )), 0, 1024 );


9.We set the mclick variable to true when the slider is clicked on. When the

mouse button is released, we need to set the variable back to false. Add a mouseReleased() method to our sketch.

void mouseReleased() { mclick = false;


10.Run the sketch, drag the first slider, and check whether the position of the mouth changes accordingly.

11.To make our eye and color sliders work, we need two more Boolean variables, and we need to add the following code to our mousePressed() method:

boolean mclick = false; boolean eclick = false; boolean cclick = false;

void mousePressed() {

if ( mouseY > 310 && mouseY < 322 ) { mclick = true;

mouth = constrain( int( map( mouseX, 20, width - 20, 0, 1024 )), 0, 1024 );


if ( mouseY > 340 && mouseY < 352 ) {


Project 4

eclick = true;

eye = constrain( int( map( mouseX, 20, width - 20, 0, 1024 )), 0, 1024 );


if ( mouseY > 370 && mouseY < 382 ) { cclick = true;

col = constrain( int( map( mouseX, 20, width - 20, 0, 1024 )), 0, 1024 );



12.We also need to handle the dragging and releasing of the mouse button by adding the following code to the mouseDragged() and mouseReleased() methods:

void mouseDragged() {

if (mclick) mouth = constrain( int( map( mouseX, 20, width - 20, 0, 1024 )), 0, 1024 );

if (eclick) eye = constrain( int( map( mouseX, 20, width - 20, 0, 1024 )), 0, 1024 );

if (cclick) col = constrain( int( map( mouseX, 20, width - 20, 0, 1024 )), 0, 1024 );


void mouseReleased() { mclick = false; eclick = false; cclick = false;


13.Now run our sketch and use the sliders to adjust the facial parameters to match your current mood. In this screenshot, you can see one of the smileys that can be generated:


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