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Главной задачей любого перевода является точная передача подлинника средствами родного языка, руководствуясь правилами последнего. Перед тем, как начать перевод, необходимо понять общее содержание текста, смысловые связи текста в целом и каждого предложения в отдельности. При переводе допустимо «разбивать» слишком длинные предложения оригинала на несколько предложений, или объединять несколько простых предложений в сложное предложение. Иногда можно добавлять нужные слова в переводе, если в этом есть стилистическая необходимость, и это не приводит к искажению смысла подлинника.

Основой перевода служит лексико-грамматический анализ текста.

  1. В начале анализа необходимо найти подлежащее и сказуемое, определить второстепенные члены предложения.

  1. Если предложение содержит союзы или союзные слова, необходимо определить, какие связи они выражают. Например, союзы and, or выражают сочинительную связь, т.е. могут соединять два и более самостоятельных предложения. Союз when указывает на наличие временной связи, though, although - на наличие уступительной связи в предложении и т.д.

  1. Следующим шагом является анализ самого сказуемого - его время,

залог, наклонение.

  1. Затем необходимо провести морфологический разбор предложений (существительные, прилагательные и т.д.), руководствуясь полученными знаниями о суффиксах и префиксах. Здесь необходимо помнить о многозначности слов и руководствоваться контекстом при переводе слов, имеющих несколько значений (print - оттиск, отпечаток, гравюра, штамп, набивная ткань, печатать); о лексических и грамматических омонимах - словах, имеющих одинаковое звучание и написание, но различное лексическое или грамматическое значение ( use - польза ; пользоваться); о сочетаниях одного и того же глагола с различными предлогами (to set about - приниматься за что-либо; to set smb to do smth - заставлять кого-либо приняться за работу; to set smb at smb, smth - натравить кого-либо на…, и т.д.)

  1. Нельзя забывать об эмфатических (усилительных) конструкциях:

It is to him that I owe the best of my knowledge.

Именно ему я обязан всеми своими знаниями.

do want to help you. Я очень хочу помочь вам.

  1. Помните о правилах перевода инфинитивных, причастных и

герундиальных оборотов: далеко не всегда при переводе удается использовать те же самые грамматические и лексические средства, которые имеются в подлиннике: иногда приходится полностью изменять строй предложения, заменять части речи и т.д.

  1. Не всегда можно дать прямой перевод фразеологического оборота, идиомы, пословицы или поговорки. В таком случае подбирается соответствующий эквивалент:

He wouldn't hurt a fly Он и мухи не обидит


A skeleton in the cupboard Семейная тайна

Too many cooks spoil the broth. У семи нянек дитя без глазу.

  1. «Ложные друзья переводчика» - Зачастую слова латинского и греческого происхождения, а также некоторые другие интернациональные слова имеют одинаковое значение в разных языках:

principle - принцип; limit предел, лимит; legal - легальный

Но иногда такое сходство является обманчивым:

Complexion - цвет лица (а не комплекция); actual - фактический, действительный (а не актуальный); concrete - бетон (может также иметь значение «конкретный»)

Если сомневаетесь в значении таких слов, руководствуйтесь при переводе контекстом или лишний раз загляните в словарь.

Give lexical, grammatical and syntactical analysis of the following texts and translate them into Russian.

  1. Influence of inhibitor ions and conversion coatings on localized corrosion of

Al and Al alloys.

Chromate and dichromate ions are widely used to inhibit the corrosion of Al and its alloys. They are effective when added to a corrosive liquid, when incorporated in a conversion coating, or added as a pigment in paint. While conversion coatings or paint can reduce corrosion by forming a protective barrier, it has also been considered that chromate in these layers acts by dissolving into local environments and inhibiting the dissolution reaction. It is therefore of interest to know how chromates affect the dissolution kinetics in localized corrosion reactions. In this work, the kinetics of pit growth in thin-film aluminium samples are being studied.

Thin films have been found to be a useful vehicle for the study of pitting

kinetics. Essentially, the pitting process is simplified by the removal of one dimension, so that pit growth is restricted to two dimensions. 2-D pits in thin films grow in a steady-state fashion with a constant pit depth, and a pit current density that is constant with time but is a function of applied potential. Analysis

of the images of growing pits provides a useful approach for determining the pit current density as a function of potential.

(Corrosion Prevention & Control, February 1998, p.2)

  1. Flexible cable reduces fatigue.

According to Mr. Wagman, the split lead also increases cable flexibility, which means very easy manipulation of the torch which reduces welder fatigue as well as leading to fewer weld defects. “The light weight and flexibility of the torch has enabled us to do single pass welds on anodized aluminium tubing, so workpiece repositioning in many instances has been eliminated, saving more time and further increasing productivity”' says Wagman.

“Our welders find the D-shaped handle very comfortable and easy to work with. They also have a better control of the torch because the D-shape eliminates the problem of handle rotation which is a common occurance with conventional round handled torches. The better control also leads to better welds and fewer defects.”,

says Wagman.

(Welding&Metal Fabrication, November-December 1997, p.24)

  1. Ipsen Abar UK Ltd.

Ipsen Abar UK Ltd. will be exhibiting the range of Vacuum and Atmosphere, batch, multi-chamber and continuous furnaces manufactured by the Ipsen Group in Germany and the USA.

Products featured will include Ipsen's latest “Turbotreater” vacuum hardening furnace, the twin chamber “Jet-Hardener” vacuum furnace, Ipsen sealed quench furnaces and furnaces for both low pressure and plasma carburising using either high pressure gas or oil quenching.

The growing range of Ipsen sensors will be shown, including the Ipsen Flux sensor for computerized control of gas quenching and the Ipsen oil quench flux sensor.

Ipsen's software systems for computerized control of furnace cycles will also been shown. The status of all furnaces and the loads within can be constantly monitored enabling instant progressing of orders.

(Exhibition “Furnaces 2000” Newsletter, England, March 2000, p.2)

  1. New roll cuts maintenance.

Conductive rollers for electroplating based on an entirely new and patented design concept have been developed by French company, Polimiroir. There is no copper on the external surface of the roller ensuring that the electrical conductivity will remain constant throughout the production process. The internal cooling system is highly efficient and durable. The conductive copper core is entirely hidden within the steel parts of the shafts, and is therefore completely maintenance free.

Polimiroir produces conductive rollers for two types of electroplating production lines commonly used in the sheet metal sector: zinc electroplating lines for steel sheets destined for the automotive and domestic electrical appliances industries, and tinning and chroming lines for metal sheets used for food and drink canning.

With the new technology, no adjustments are necessary to machinery set for the external dimensions of traditional rollers.

(Steel Times, October 1999, p.389)

  1. Steel industry using plastics as reducing agent.

Japanese engineers some time ago established a technique for using discarded plastics as a reducing agent for iron ores; already this technique has been applied

To the construction of a plant which began operation in October 1996, at a processing capacity of 30 000 tones per year. This plant works as follows:

With the lower section (air opening) fanning in air at a temperature of about 1200ºC, a blast furnace gasifies coke as well as coal dust blown in from the air opening, and this high-temperature gas is used not only to reduce sintering ores but also to melt iron generated. Discarded plastics, which have been crushed and granulated to less than 10mm in diameter, are blown in through this air opening and are gasified instantaneously. As a result, this operation has various remarkable features, such as reducing the generation of plastic wastes simply, reducing the amount of coke used, leading to savings in coal as natural resource, lessening the amount of carbon dioxide generated, thereby contributing slightly to the prevention of global warming, and generating no toxic gaseous byproducts, with non-toxic byproduct gas used for power generation at an existing factory. In addition, the blast furnace used in this plant has an energy efficiency of more than 80 percent, thereby surpassing other recycling processes in terms of savings in natural resources and energy.

(Tech Japan, vol.30, N3, March 1997, p.31)

  1. Time Compressed tooling for the 21st century.

As the race to get a product to market speeds up, the drive to decrease tooling lead times will increase as well. This drive in time compression in the manufacturing sector leads to unique opportunities to create tooling via non traditional methods that dramatically reduce lead times while not sacrificing mechanical properties. Rapid tooling was fabricated at Penn States P/M Lab using powder metallurgy process combining the processing of various metals and or ceramic powders to form a tool set with tailored mechanical properties. The new process has potential uses in the automotive, toy, electronics, medical, and metal die casting industries as well as significant implications for the manufacturing industry as a whole. Recent reports estimate that total profits on new products are reduced by as much as 60 percent by a company's inability to get a product to market quickly.

This technology has the potential to contribute to the next generation of mold-making materials. When commercialized, the process will collapse the time needed for producing tool sets from weeks and months to several days. In addition to molds and tool sets for manufacturing, the process can produce metal prototypes and may be useful for limited-production parts.

(P/M Science & Technology Briefs, v.1, N1, 1999, p.20)

  1. Metal clusters and magic numbers.

Heat a small piece of metal unit until it starts to evaporate. Blow the vapor through a slim nozzle into a vacuum chamber. What happens? The spray of particles will condense into tiny clusters containing anywhere from a few to several thousand atoms of the metal. These metal clusters, much smaller than drops of water or grains of sand, constitute a fascinating new arrangement of matter.

Although most cluster experiments involve rather tiny objects, in principle, metal clusters can be arbitrarily large. These aggregates thus fall between isolated atoms or molecules and bulk solids or liquids. In this sense they link the microcosm with the macrocosm. To a theoretical physicist, clusters present a host of intriguing questions: Why are some clusters more stable than others? How many atoms are needed before the properties of a cluster begin to resemble those of bulk matter? And how does the structure of a cluster change as more and more atoms join together?

But interest in metal clusters is not entirely restricted to theoretical physicists. For example, industrial chemists know from practice that metal clusters might make exceptionally good catalysts. Yet metal clusters may be difficult to harness more effectively until the principles underlying their formation are well understood - a goal that has come increasingly close to being realized over the past decade.

(Scientific American, December 1997, p.50-51)

  1. Silicon-casting Processes: Melting in Mold.

Several methods for the casting of silicon have been used in the past 60 years, and the articles cast have covered the range from dental mirrors to pipes for highly reactive chemicals to precision infrared optics. The need for the latter put more emphasis on the perfection of casting techniques than any other application.

Melting in mold is one of the techniques. In principle, melting silicon directly in a mold should be the simplest method of all. There are, however, some fundamental difficulties. The mold material is usually slightly soluble in molten silicon and thus introduces unwanted impurities. The silicon bonds to many mold materials as it cools so that differential thermal contraction causes the silicon to shatter. It is also inconvenient to heat a mold for some shapes, e.g., a rod ½ in. in diameter by 3 ft long.

The formation of sound castings must also be considered. This problem is, unfortunately, not independent of the mold material, since whether or not the silicon adheres to the container has a great influence on the casting integrity.

(W.R. Reunion. Silicon Semiconductor Technology, N.Y. 1965, p.17)

The names of some subjects studied by students of metallurgy:

Автоматизированный контроль произ- Automated Control of Production


Автоматизация производства Automated Manufacture

Высокие технологии Advanced Technologies

Гидрометаллургия Hydrometallurgy

Динамика Dynamics

Инновационное проектирование Innovation Designing

Информационные технологии Computers and information


Композиционные материалы Composites

Коррозия металлов Metal Corrosion

Кристаллография Crystallography

Лазерная техника и оптические приборы Lazers and Optics

Литейное производство Casting (production)

Материаловедение Materials Science

Математические основы материаловедения Maths for Materials science

Металловедение Metals Science

Металлургия стали Metallurgy of Steel

Механика Mechanics

Механика твердого тела Mechanics of Solids

Mоделирование производственных систем Modelling of Production

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