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Task 3. Focus on Grammar

Exercise 1. Explain the use (or absence) of the definite article in the cases

given below.

1. Life seems impossible without iron. 2. It is the cheapest metal. 3. Asia Minor. 4. The Black Sea. 5. The most important process. 6. Iron is the sixth metal discovered by man. 7. Iron appeared in Britain in the Bronze Age. 8. The first traces of iron. 9. A small percentage of carbon. 10. The carbon comes from the fuel in the furnace in which the iron was heated. 11. Great skill and dexterity were required.

Degrees of Comparison

long - longer - the longest

important - more important - the most important

Special cases: good - better - the best

bad - worse - the worst

little - less - the least

many/much - more - the most

far - farther - the farthest

further - the furthest

With the help of the degrees of comparison we can contrast differences.

For example: Mercury has the lowest melting point.

The melting point of copper is slightly higher than gold

and lower than platinum.

We can contrast differences also with the help of the following patterns.

is unlike не похож на

Iron is different from отличается от alunimiun

differs from

Unlike iron в отличие от

In contrast to iron aluminium is light

Compared to iron

In comparison to iron по сравнению с железом

Note: The structure “the”+Comparative+”the better”

The sooner you finish this work, the better it will be for you.

Чем скорее ты закончишь эту работу, тем это будет лучше для тебя.

We say: Can you come as soon as possible?

Ты можешь придти как можно раньше?

This book is not as interesting as the one I gave you yesterday.

Эта книга не так интересна, как та, которую я дал тебе вчера.

This dress is twice (three times) as expensive than my new suit.

Это платье в два (три) раза дороже моего нового костюма.

Silver is less malleable than gold.

Серебро менее ковкое, чем золото.

After superlatives we use preposition “in” with places.

For example: She is one of the nicest girls in the class.

Она - одна из самых приятных девочек в классе.

If “most” is used in the meaning of “very” the definite article is not used before this superlative.

The party you gave last night was most interesting.

Ваша вчерашняя вечеринка была очень интересной.

Other words that are used to show contrast are: although, but, however, in contrast, on the other hand, even though, nevertheless, on the contrary, yet, in spite of, despite.

Such words as similarly, likewise, in the same way, moreover, also, furthermore, besides are used for the comparison of similar items.

Exercise 2. In the text find the cases of comparing (or contrasting).

Explain the formation of the degrees of comparison.

Exercise 3. Using the table given below circle the answer that best

completes the statement.

Metal Melting Point Boiling Point

Copper 1083 2595

Silver 960 2212

Gold 1063 2966

1. Compared to the other metals on the table copper has . . . melting

point. a) the highest b) equal

2. . . . copper the melting point of silver is not very high.

a) unlike b) similar to

3. The boiling point of silver is . . . one.

a) identical b) the lowest

4. . . . to its melting point, the boiling point of gold is much higher.

a) compared to b) comparable

Exercise 4. Make up sentences of your own using the following phrases:

a meter longer; two times larger; twice bigger; compared to . . . it is much heavier; in contrast to . . . it is more interesting.

Exercise 5. Use the right degrees of comparison. Insert definite articles wherenever necessary.

  1. Perhaps … life existed on … (warm, wet) Mars billions of years ago. 2. Can you do it as … (soon) as possible? 3. … Petrol is twice as … (expensive) as it was a year ago. 4. … lectures of this professor are … (interesting). 5. … test was … (easy) than we expected. 6. … Severn is … (long) river in England. 7. I know … (much) about … chemistry than you do. 8. … weather is getting … (bad and bad), I am afraid. 9. … (early) we leave, … (soon) we come back. 10. … problem is not so difficult, it is … (simple) than I expected. 11. … iron is … (cheap) metal we use. 12. …steel is … (strong) than iron. 13. … (high) the purity of titanium, … (low) is its strength. 14. A new study shows that students give … (high) evaluation to … (enthusiastic) and not necessarily …(good) teachers. … (big) difference between …two specimens was in their microstructures. 15. This is … (simple) form of plastic deformation.

Exercise 6. Here are some idioms of comparison. Translate them into Russian and use in the sentences of your own.

  1. as true as steel - loyal, reliable

  1. as tough as nails - strong-willed

  1. as heavy as lead - very heavy

  1. to sleep like a dog - to sleep very deeply

  1. to be like a dog with two tails - to be very happy and proud about smth

  1. to have a memory like a sieve - to have a very bad memory

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