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Контрольная работа по англиискому №3.doc
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(К/Р № 3, вариант 1-10)

для студентов высших неязыковых учебных заведений

всех специальностей


Учебно-методическое пособие рекомендовано для студентов инженерно-строительных специальностей высших учебных заведений. Содержит практические задания по курсу «Английский язык». - Астрахань, 2012.-15 с.

Методические указания рассмотрены и одобрены на заседании кафедры ФСЛ

Протокол № 3 от 6.11.12 г.

Зав. кафедрой ФСЛ доцент к.п.н. Арясова А.Ю.

Методические указания утверждены на заседании методического совета АИСИ

Протокол № от 2012г.

Председатель методического совета АИСИ

Автор: асс. Джабраилова С.Г.

Рецензент: доцент Симоненко М.А.

 Джабраилова С.Г.

Ó Астраханский инженерно-строительный институт

Рекомендации по выполнению контрольной работы

Контрольная работа должна быть оформлена в соответствии с установленными правилами.

Объём контрольной работы не должен превышать одной тетради в 12 стр. Все страницы должны быть пронумерованы. Боковые поля следует оставлять чистыми для замечания рецензента. На первой странице работы указывается номер варианта согласно шифру студента. Формулировка каждого вопроса записывается полностью.

При выполнении контрольной работы студент должен обращать внимание на стиль изложения материала, грамотность и оформление.

В конце контрольной работы должен быть указан список использованной литературы. Список составляется в алфавитном порядке по фамилии авторов или наименований учебников, учебных пособий с указанием выходных данных.

Работа, несоответствующая варианту, не зачитывается и возвращается студенту без проверки.

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на английский язык, используя:

А. Сложное дополнение.

1. He supposed everybody to be interested in his project of prosperity.

2 We want natural materials only to be used for finishing this premise.

3. I know this material to be solid and that’s why we shall use it.

4. I consider us to have finished the construction of the new dram theater in this year.

5. He saw the builders working on the construction site.

В. Сложное подлежащее.

1. This young architecture’s project is reported to be very interesting for consideration.

2. The erection works turned out to have been carrying out since the beginning of the year.

3. The new trade center was known to appear on this area in a year.

4. . Decorative panels are supposed to be used for finishing of premises.

5. The new specialist was said to be familiar with our technology.

Задание 2. Перепишите следующие предложения и передайте их в косвенной речи. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не told the students: "You must work hard on your projects.”

2. Our engineer said: "We need to order more building materials"

3. He asked me: "What natural stones do you know?”

4. The guide told us: "This city is famous for its cement industry."

5. The manager asked him: "Are you specialized in civil engineering?"


Задание З. Перепишите следующие предложения. Раскройте скобки, выбирая требующееся время глагола. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не said that the profession of an engineer (to be) an old one.

Не said that the profession of an engineer was an old one.

2. I wondered if this young man (to be) a bricklayer or a mason and where he

(to work).

I wondered if this young man was a bricklayer or a mason and where he

was working.

3. He said that marble (to be) a natural stone used for decorative purposes.

He said that marble was a natural stone used for decorative purposes.

4. They promised that they (to reconstruct) this bridge by autumn.

They promised that they would reconstruct that bridge by autumn.

5. The engineer of this company announced that his staff (to have) very much work that month.

The engineer of this company announced that his staff had very much work that month.

Задание 4. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.

In its purest form, marble is white. Different impurities often give it shades of pink, red, yellow, or brown, or form wavy lines or patches in it. Different colored crystals caught in the marble sparkle and flash in the sun's rays. In some marble the remains of fossils add to its beauty. Many other kind of rock that take on a high polish and are used in building, such as granite, onyx, and porphyry, are often called marble. Real marble, however, is limestone that has been crystallized by nature's progress. When marble is quarried a machine called a "channeler" cuts a series of channels or slots in the face of the rock. Some of these slots may

be 8 to 12 feet deep and run from 60 to 80 feet in length. Blasting cannot be used because it would damage or shatter the marble. The blocks are lifted out carefully by large derricks. A great toothless saw is set to work on the rough stone, while a stream of water containing sand is kept running over it. The friction of the steel blade and the sand soon cuts the marble into the desired sizes. Sometimes a wire saw is used instead of a solid blade.

Задание 5. Перепишите и переведите следующие слова и выражения.

Marble, impurity, to patch, to sparkle and flash, fossil, granite, onyx, porphyry, limestone, chaneller.

Задание 6. Перепишите вопрос и письменно, подробно, ответьте на него.

What is marble?

Вариант 3

Задание 1. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на английский язык, используя:

А. Сложное дополнение.

1. I saw them installing inventory enclosure.

2. I know the shading of ground paints to be fulfilled by horizontal movements first, then by vertical movements.

3. They want us to demolish this construction.

4. We watched the truck loaded with bricks approaching the construction site.

5. We expect new house to have been built on this site.

Б. Сложное подлежащее.

1. The experiments were reported to have been successfully completed.

2. Wolfram is supposed to be the most heating metal.

3. This metal turned out to be very brittle.

4. This building is said to have been constructed in 19th century.

5. Bricks with through hollows turned out to be necessary for brickworks of the construction.

Задание 2. Перепишите следующие предложения и передайте их в косвенной речи. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не has said: «The quality of painting depends on the preparation of surfaces»

He had said that the quality of painting depended on the preparation of surfaces.

2. The boss asked: «Have you finished the construction work?»

The boss asked if we had finished the construction works.

3. The chief engineer told us: «I have spoken to the manager concerning the terms of delivery of the absorbing panels»

The chief engineer told us that he had spoken to the manager concerning the terms of delivery of the

absorbing panels.

4. Peter said: « I shall erect a structure by tomorrow»

Peter said he would erect a structure by the next day.

5. «Please, don't leave the varnish open» - the chief painter said to his workers.

The chief painter asked his workers not to leave the varnish open.

Задание З. Перепишите следующие предложения. Раскройте скобки, выбирая требующееся время глагола. Переведите на русский язык.

1. This (to be) called alloying and it (to change) the grain structure and properties of metals.

This is called alloying and it changes the grain structure and properties of metals.

2. Mike (to hope) that his friends (to help) him to pump out water from the mill.

Mike hoped that his friends would help him to pump out water from the mill.

3. The electrode (to be) fed into the electric arc and (to melt) off in droplets that enter the liquid metal of the weld seam.

The electrode was fed into electric arc and melted off in droplets that enter the liquid metal of the weld seam.

4. He (to say) that the problem of controlling dust on the unpaved roads (to become) very urgent.

He said that the problem of controlling dust on the unpaved roads became very urgent.

5. He did it better than I (to expect) he would.

He did it better than I expected he would.

Задание 4. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.

Because tin does not rust easily, it is a useful and valuable metal. Man has used tin since ancient times. In order to procure this metal, the Romans, and their predecessors, the early Phoenicians, made the lengthy and dangerous voyage across the Mediterranean Sea and along the Europe to Great Britain. In modern times tin has sustained its position as an important metal. Every day millions of cans containing food are opened. These cans are popularly called tin cans. The majorities of cans, however, are not tin, but are made of such other metals as iron and steel and then coated with tin. The can be rolled into extremely thin sheets. These sheets are referred to as tinfoil. Tinfoil is used for many purposes, among them wrapping candies and other food to preserve their freshness. Frequently the tin is mixed with lead or copper before it is compressed into sheets. Tin may be found in small quantities in many regions of the world. Much of the world's commercial supply of tin comes from the East Indies, Australia and China.

Задание5. Перепишите и переведите следующие слова и выражения.

Tin, to rust, to procure, to sustain a position, iron and steel, to coat, to be referred, to tinfoil, coppe, quantity.

Задание 6. Перепишите вопрос и письменно, подобно, ответьте на него.

How is tin used nowadays?