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наклон букв, соединения, нажим и другие детали почерка. Поэтому открытость может сочетаться со стремлением делать все на показ, а также с несдержанностью и глупостью.

Обладатели мелкого почерка - как правило, не являются людьми приятного характера. Мелкий почерк часто говорит

оскрытности, злобе. Но и здесь важны нюансы. Как человек пишет — с начала листа или отступает от края, - говорит например, о практицизме, душевной широте или скупости. Человек ведь пишет так, как ему удобно. Как правило, размашисто и широко пишут очень яркие талантливые личности. Витиеватый, рисованный почерк может говорить

отворческом начале, а также о том, что человек ненадежный, что ему нельзя доверять, что он больше придумывает, чем говорит правду. То есть он может быть большим фантазером, прекрасным писателем, а может быть мошенником или аферистом — это ведь тоже весьма творческие личности.

Если человек подавлен, огорчен, влюблен — это все отразится на почерке. Если человек раздражен — почерк заостряется. В хорошем настроении он будет писать более твердо, буквы и строчки будут заканчиваться кверху. Вообще, если строчки задираются вверх -человек, как правило, оптимист. Если человек подавлен, он будет мельчить, строчки не ровные, либо буквы в разные стороны.

Укапризных людей окончания букв «з», «р», «д» очень длинные. В почерке человека прямолинейного «хвостики» этих букв будут короткие, прямые.

Люди скрытные, не уверенные в себе пишут с легким нажимом, очень уверенные - с сильным.

Те, кто пишет со значительным левым наклоном, обычно большие оригиналы, достаточно упорные в, как правило, весьма неравнодушны к противоположному полу.

Профессия накладывает свой отпечаток: всем известен почерк врачей, которые порой сами не могут понять, что написали. Ничего не поделаешь — это издержки профессии. Но среди врачебных почерков можно выделить почерк хирурга - более тяжелый, более твердый и четкий, чем, например, у терапевта.


Пожалуй, единственный почерк который не поддается анализу и может быть любым, — это почерк психиатров.

(психографолог Ольга Сердобова)

Text IV

I. Read the text and say:

a)what information is new for you;

b)what facts surprised you in any way.

How Did it All Begin?

Do you ever wonder why people do, or wear, or say certain things? Why they shake hands when they meet or why they wear wigs or trousers? Did you ever say that someone was

«mad as a hatter» and then wonder how this saying comes to mean what it does? Many things you say and do could have reasons that date back thousands of years. How did some of those customs begin?

Shaking hands. It's very strange to think that shaking hands — a friendly custom today — was originally a means of keeping a stranger's weapon hand where it could do no harm.

In primitive times, when man was constantly threatened by beasts and other men, he never went about without some weapon of defense - usually a club. Any stranger was suspect, and upon meeting one, a man could either stand and fight, turn away before discovering if the stranger was a friend or foe, or greet the stranger and possibly become friends.


But how could he be sure the stranger would be friendly - and how could the stranger trust him in return? There was only one way to show friendly intentions, and that was for both men to lay down their weapons and hold out their empty palms. For added insurance, each would reach for the other's right hand. As long as both men's weapon hands were safely clasped, neither could harm the other. Therefore, a handshake originally was a means of self-defense.

Wigs. For thousands of years both men and women considered long hair to be a source of strength, the very source, in fact, of the spirit of life. They believed that long hair frightened enemies and, of course, that it made people more attractive. Warriors especially let their hair grow long; they thought that losing their hair meant losing their strength - and thereby inviting defeat.

An abundance of hair was so desirable that people bought wigs to add to whatever hair they already had. Wigs have been used for many purposes through the centuries. Actors, spies, and fugitives have all used them to disguise themselves. Statues of Greek actors from as far back as the fifth century B.C. show elaborate wigs and headpieces, and it is thought that comic servants in Greek plays were easily identified by their bright red or orange wigs.

In Europe wigs were not popular until the seventeenth century, when Louis XIII of France became bald. He started using false hair, and his courtiers followed suit. Soon the common people copied the nobility. By the middle of the eighteenth century, there were almost forty different types of wigs with names like the «staircase», the «artichoke», the «pigeon's wig», etc. Just before the French revolution of 1789 wigs up to three feet in height were worn, with blond being the most stylish color.

The craze for wigs and the demand for natural hair to make their wigs created some interesting problems.

Corpses were shorn of their hair, women and children had to be protected from hair robbers, and poor people made money by selling their hair to the highest bidders. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries most educated men had their own hair cut


off and made into wigs. They considered this more sanitary than using hair bought from another person or a corpse.

(from «Cricket»)


Hatter — шляпный мастер

Club — дубинка

Wig — парик

Fugitive — беглец

II. Read the article and find answers to the following questions:

1.Why is the field of plastic surgery important?

2.What wonders can plastic surgery work today?

3.What is the leading Russian plastic surgery clinic?

4.What is its new direction?

Surgeon. Sculptor or Artist?

A plastic surgeon cannot take a break when he works. While making the human body look more harmonious, he is restricted in choosing the time, the place and the means at his disposal. Moreover, he should be able to deal properly with any surprises which can emerge while he is operating on a human body.

Those who know about plastic surgery only by hearsay may think it serves only to satisfy some whims or caprices of clients not happy with their own looks - the snub nose, the shape of the ears or too many wrinkles on the neck. But in fact this field


of surgery is as important as others, since as a rule, it deals not only with changing a person's appearance, but also with restoring the proper functioning of organs. The plastic surgeon is much more than the average doctor — he must have an exquisite aesthetic taste and should know history and art as well, in order not to mix Venus' Hellenic nose with Caesar's profile.

Incidentally, plastic surgery began originally as the plastics of the nose, or «rhinoplasty.»

The first cases of rhinoplasty were performed five thousand years ago in India, Tibet and Egypt. It might have begun with the then usual practice of cutting off a criminal's nose for violating the contemporary moral norms. In some Indian tribes prisoners of war were punished by cutting their lips off. In India these deformities were corrected by the lower caste of priests. In ancient Indian books there can be found descriptions on nose surgery using skin taken from the cheeks and forehead. Some potters and even executioners who were ordered to cut the noses could do the operation.

This kind of surgery came to Europe many centuries later, with the beginning of the Renaissance period in the 15th century giving an impetus to plastic surgery. Unlike Indian doctors, Italian physicians took the transplantation skin not only from the forehead and cheeks but from the arm as well. The operation itself became more complicated. In Bologna appeared professor Tagliacozzi's illustrated manuscript scientifically describing the details of the transplanting operations. He was the first to operate on lips, taking pieces of skin from the shoulder, and he tried to operate on ears.

During this period, however, rhinoplasty was not used widely and remained the privilege of narrow circle of those who knew of its existence. The new phase for plastic surgery began only in the 19th century and continues to this day. India, and later Russia, became the leaders in this field. In Russia, Pirogov, Filatov and Shimanovsky made their contribution by performing new types of plastic surgeries.

The applications for plastic surgery became much wider when it became possible to correct not only the shape of the


nose or lips, but also of the eyelids, cheeks, ears and breasts. At the beginning of the century the theory of «floating piece of skin» appeared, when some pieces of skin were first transplanted from the breast to the arm and only later to the face. At this time there were also the first attempts at bone transplantations.

While in ancient times people undergoing plastic surgery were usually criminals or prisoners of war, from the Middle Ages till today they come from aristocratic and business circles. After world wars plastic surgery found uses primarily with head, face and body wounds.

Today plastic surgery is capable of working wonders — it can bring back youthful looks and beauty, giving a new mindset and outlook on life to the patient. In this case the aesthetic and medical aspects are closely interwined. The Republican Reproduction Center is one of the leading Russian clinics where plastic surgery is performed on the face and body. Physicians working there perform more than a thousand operations a year. By means of plastic surgery they strive to make their patients more attractive and therefore prepare them psychologically for new acquaintances which can in the end result in marriages and childbirths.

Such clinics accomodate to the changing needs of their clients. The market laws are already influencing the plastic surgery business — among the patients, along with young girls not satisfied with the shape of their snub nose, are transsexuals who believe that when they change their sex they will be able to begin a new life. To what extent can the surgeon influence the patient's decision to change his or her appearance?

In trying to solve the problems of reproduction, plastic surgery is truly moving in a new direction.


III. Read the article again and say what psychological aspects plastic surgery is connected with.

IV. Divide the article into logical parts.

V. Speak on the article in accordance with the following major points:

1.The importance of plastic surgery.


3.History of plastic surgery.

4.Applications for plastic surgery.

VI. Make up a dialogue.

Your friend has been made an operation on the snub nose. You feel her attitude to life has changed. Ask her questions on new experiences.




Text I

I. Read and translate the article:

Are we Getting Smarter?

(by Sharon Begley)

IQ scores rose steadily in the 20th century. As scientists search for the reasons, they are shedding new light on the dance between genes and life experience that determines intelligence.

While generations of schoolchildren, military recruits, job applicants have wrestled with IQ questions like these, some smart scientists who study intelligence have been stumped by an even more exasperating puzzle: why have IQ scores been rising? The rise is so sharp that the average child today is as bright as the near genius of yesterday. This shatters the psychologists' belief about the rigidity of IQ. It's powerful evidence that you can change it.

Psychologists who study intelligence mostly agree that hereditary factors explain the lion's share of IQ differences. The high heritability of IQ suggests that environment is feeble, but IQ gains over time suggest that environment is overwhelmingly powerful. The researchers conclude that people's IQs are affected by both environment and genes, but their environments are matched to their IQs. In other words, genes do indeed have an important effect: they cause people to seek out certain environments, certain life experiences.


If you have a biological edge in intelligence, for instance, you will likely enjoy school, books, puzzles, asking questions and thinking abstractly. All of which will tend to amplify your innate brainpower. Higher IQ leads one into better environments, causing still higher IQ. Thanks to that multiplier effect, you will likely study even more, haunt the Library, pester adults with questions and choose bright peers as friends, boosting your intelligence yet again.

The dance between genes and environment starts young. A naturally verbal toddler will likely elicit hour after hour of reading from her parents, for instance. That will amplify her cognitive gifts even if her «verbal IQ genes» are only the slightest bit smarter than other kids. A modest genetic advantage turns into a huge performance advantage.

But if you start out with a slight deficit in IQ, you may get frustrated by reading and cogitating, stumble in school and grow to hate learning, reinforcing your genetic bent.

As far as scientists can tell, experiences that boost the intelligence of someone born with an IQ edge have just about the same positive effect on people of average intelligence. In other words, whether you seek out an IQ-boosting environment or whether it finds you makes no difference. In either case, experiences and the social and technological surrounding should work their magic. This effect may account for the IQ rise over the decades. Crowded computer screens, videogames, hidden-word games might be training young brains in the pattern analysis that IQ tests assess. Smaller families, which offer children more individual attention and indulge their passion for «why's», might boost a generation's IQ. Jobs that demand more brainpower, more free time and technological gadgets that challenge our gray matter could also lift all IQ boats. Leisure and even ordinary conversation are more cognitively demanding today.

All these expressions of social and technological change have one key characteristic: they are enduring. All parents can do is hope that the love of learning they imbue in their child takes hold, causing him to seek out the experiences and people that will keep stimulating his intelligence.


Those who believe in the power of genes and those who believe in the power of environment are both right. Genes working through environment account for the lion's share of individual differences in IQ, but only because genes lead you to certain life experiences, which collectively form your environment. It is that environment which directly fosters IQ differences. People often have a fatalistic sense that IQ is fixed. However, IQ can be enhanced by good environment. It doesn' have to be some fixed capacity you're born with.

(«NEWSWEEK» 2001)

II. Find in the article sentences with the following word-combinations:

To shatter one's belief; the lion's share; to have an important effect; to amplify one's innate brainpower; to reinforce a genetic bent; to indulge passion; to foster IQ differences.

III. Make up your own sentences with these word-combinations.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1.Are we really getting smarter?

2.Is IQ rise sharp or gradual?

3.What may explain the lion's share of IQ differences?

4.What interrelationship is there between IQ and environment?

5.What does higher IQ lead to?

6.What stimulates intellectual development?

7.What is the role of parents in cultivating love for learning?

8.IQ is not fixed, or is it? What do you think?

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