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3. Преобразуйте следующие предложения, заменив действи­тельный залог на страдательный.

1. The greenhouse effect has reduced wheat yields in America.

2. The rising sea level will flood London.

3. Nuclear power stations produce electricity.

4. Poorer nations do not save energy.

5. Developed nations have damaged the environment.

6. Factories were polluting the atmosphere in the 1960s.

7. Many countries produced too much waste in the ’80s.

8. Some countries had made laws against river pollution before 1980.

4. Ниже даны восемь коротких текстов и восемь названий к ним. Подберите название для каждого текста.

1. We must stop throwing away so much glass, paper, metal and plastic. We can recycle them.

2. Our factories emit huge amounts of sulphur dioxide into the air. We are polluting the atmosphere.

3. Our drinking water is full of chemicals. The seas are filthy because we continue to put chemicals and waste into them.

4. Our cars put poisonous gases into the air, which affects our health. We should walk whenever we can and fit catalysers to our cars.

5. Three hundred thousand square kilometres of rainforests gone in a year! Rainforests destruction could alter the world’s climate.

6. We should ban the use of CFC gases completely. We do not have to use aerosols — we can find substitutes.

7. Our power stations are polluting the air and the acid rain that results is killing our trees.

8. We use nuclear power to produce energy for today but the dangers of radioactivity and nuclear waste will last for cen­turies.

a) The Ozone Layer,

b) Acid Rain,

c) Recycling,

d) Air Pollu­tion,

e) Safer Energy, f) Car Exhausts,

g) Saving the Rainforests,

h) Water Pollution

5. Переведите названия текстов.

6. Найдите в текстах слова, которые обозначают следующее:

a) to use again after treatment

b) to send out (especially heat, light, smell and sound)

c) very dirty

d) to change

e) to forbid

7. Закончите следующие предложения, используя подсказку в скобках и страдательный залог.

1. Recycling: Glass, paper, cans and plastic (can/recycle)

2. Air pollution: Sulphur dioxide (should not/emit)

3. Car exhausts: Poisonous exhausts (should/ban)

4. Water pollution: Drinking water (must/purify)

5. Saving the rainforests: The rainforests (must/save)

6. The ozone layer: The CFC gases (should/stop)

7. Acid rain: Sulphur emissions from power stations (must/ reduce)

8. Safer energy: Nuclear power (can/made safer)

  1. Переведите на английский язык следующие слова и словосо­четания:

загрязнение воздуха, озоновый слой, очищать (окружаю­щую среду), кислотный дождь, парниковый эффект, выхлопные газы, засуха, наводнение, угроза существованию человечества, ледник, ураган, запрещать аэрозоли, выделять двуокись серы, очищать выхлоп (машины), уровень моря, разрушать, атомные электростанции.

  1. Вернитесь на с. 5. Снова прочитайте текст об актере Дэвиде Ирвине и выразите в страдательном залоге следующие идеи (если это возможно).

David said, "They’ve shot me thirteen times, they’ve drowned me twice, they’ve run me over with a car on seven occasions, and I’ve fallen to my death from six high buildings. Apart from that I’ve been burnt to death. I’ve died three horrible deaths from drinking poison. Finally they have exploded the bomb and I had my head tom. However, I must say I’ve enjoyed it all tremendously."