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3. Задайте вопросы или ответьте на них.

1. Ask what the announcer said.

2. Answer the question.

3. Ask what he did as soon as the program finished.

4. Answer the question (three things).

5. Ask if he turned off the lights.

6. What did he do before he washed?

7. Did he draw the curtains?

8. Ask if he took off his clothes.

9. What was sticking out of the water?

10. What did he think to himself when he saw the water?

В этом тексте представлены многие фразовые глаголы. Если всем известный глагол to give переводится как давать, дарить, то коротенькое слово up, поставленное после него, полностью меняет его значение:

to give upбросать, прекра­щать,

например: Не gave up smoking. — Oн бросил курить.

Перевод фразовых глаголов дается как в общих словарях (по­сле значений основного глагола), так и в специальных. По ча­стотности употребления фразовые глаголы в английском язы­ке подобны русским приставочным глаголам.

4. Выпишите из текста все фразовые глаголы и определите их значения.

5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What do you put on after you get up?

2. What would you do before getting in the bath? (подсказ­ка: take off)

3. What must you do in order to fill the bath with water? (подсказка: turn on)

4. What do you turn off before you go to sleep?

5. If a young man was killed in an accident, who might break the news to his family?

6. What might cause someone making a speech to break off suddenly?

7. What might a doctor tell you to cut down on?

8. What might cause a village in Switzerland to be cut off suddenly?

9. What would you do if you ran out of money in a foreign country?

10. If someone cries "Look out!", what would you do?

  1. Как вы думаете, чем закончится история про наводнение, ко­торую вы прочитали в упр. 2? Придумайте ее окончание, начав сло­вами:

So Mr. Barley put on his slippers and went downstairs...

7. Невозможно выучить фразовые глаголы списком. Разумнее запоминать их по одному в конкретной ситуации. Вот несколько примеров использования фразовых глаголов.

1. The car broke down, so I had to walk.

2. He’d had a nasty blow on a head, but he soon came round (recovered consciousness)

3. Could you kindly look after the baby for half an hour?

4. We can put you up (offer you a bed for a night)

5. The bomb was set to go off in 10 minutes (to explode)

6. I want to find out where she lives.

7. They argued for a long time, but eventually Peter gave in. (surrendered)

8. They called off the game because of the weather, (can­celled)

9. She never really got over the death of her husband.

Unit 3

1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

1. to be in charge of — отвечать за что-л.

2. casualty — несчастный случай

3. warn — предупреждать

4. injury — травма

5. spill — проливать, рассыпать

6. boil — кипеть

7. treat — лечить

8. victim — жертва

2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What is Dr G. Bishop’s responsibility?

2. I low long has she had the job?

3. What subject did she talk about?

4. How did Richard injure himself?

5. I low long has he been in hospital?

6. What did Dr Bishop warn mothers about?