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Прочитайте следующий текст. Какие виды транспорта могут быть использованы в качестве машины скорой помощи? Переведи­те их названия на русский язык с помощью словаря (или препода­вателя).

Ambulance Vehicle Types

Ambulances can be based on many types of vehicle, although emergency and disaster conditions may lead to other vehicles serv­ing as makeshift ambulances:

1. Van — A typical ambulance is of a van construction, based on a standard chassis, usually with a maximum road weight loaded of between 3.5 and 7.5 tonnes. In North America, the large box type ve­hicles are referred to as "mods" (modular) and the smaller van type vehicle is often called a "high-top".

2. Car/SUV — Used either as a fly-car for rapid response or for patients who can sit, these are standard car models adapted to the requirements of the service using them. Some cars are capable of taking a stretcher with a recumbent patient, but this often requires the removal of the front passenger seat, or the use of a particularly long car. This was often the case with early ambulances, which were converted (or even serving) hearses, as these were some of the few vehicles able to accept a human body in a supine position).

3. Motorcycle — In developed areas, these are used almost exclu­sively for rapid response in an emergency as they can travel through heavy traffic much faster than a car or van, although in the develop­ing world, trailer or sidecar adaptations make these patient trans­porting units.

4. Bicycle — Also used for response, but usually in pedestrian­ised areas where road vehicles find access difficult.

5. All Terrain Vehicle — Such as a "quad bike", these are used for response off road, especially at events. Some ATVs are modified to carry a stretcher, and are used for tasks such as mountain rescue in inaccessible areas.

6. Golf cart — Also used for rapid response at events. Function similar to ATVs, with less rough terrain capability, but also less noise.

7. Helicopter Usually used for emergency care, either in plac­es inaccessible bv road, or in any area where speed is of the essence, as they are able to travel significantly faster than a road ambulance.

8. Fixed-wing aircraft - These can be used for either acute emer­gency care in remote areas (such as in Australia, with their "Flying Doctors") or for patient transport over long distances (usually a re­patriation following an illness or injury in a foreign country).

9. Boats & Ships — In some areas boats may serve as ambulanc­es, especially in island areas. Some lifeboats or lifeguard vessels may also fit the description of an ambulance. There are also hospital ships, mostly in the military, which meet the definition of ambulances as they provide transport to the sick and wounded (along with treatment). These are often sent to disaster or war zones to provide care for the casualties of these events.

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