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HAL DCMI Extension Driver


uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::PCKPolarity

Specifies the Pixel clock polarity: Falling or Rising. This parameter can be a value of


uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::VSPolarity

Specifies the Vertical synchronization polarity: High or Low. This parameter can be a value of DCMI_VSYNC_Polarity

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::HSPolarity

Specifies the Horizontal synchronization polarity: High or Low. This parameter can be

a value of DCMI_HSYNC_Polarity

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::CaptureRate

Specifies the frequency of frame capture: All, 1/2 or 1/4. This parameter can be a value of DCMI_Capture_Rate

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::ExtendedDataMode

Specifies the data width: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bit or 14-bit. This parameter can be a value of DCMI_Extended_Data_Mode

DCMI_CodesInitTypeDef DCMI_InitTypeDef::SyncroCode

Specifies the code of the frame start delimiter.

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::JPEGMode

Enable or Disable the JPEG mode. This parameter can be a value of


uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::ByteSelectMode

Specifies the data to be captured by the interface This parameter can be a value of


uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::ByteSelectStart

Specifies if the data to be captured by the interface is even or odd This parameter can be a value of DCMIEx_Byte_Select_Start

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::LineSelectMode

Specifies the line of data to be captured by the interface This parameter can be a value of DCMIEx_Line_Select_Mode

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::LineSelectStart

Specifies if the line of data to be captured by the interface is even or odd This parameter can be a value of DCMIEx_Line_Select_Start

15.2DCMIEx Firmware driver API description

15.2.1DCMI peripheral extension features

Comparing to other previous devices, the DCMI interface for STM32F446xx devices contains the following additional features :

Support of Black and White cameras

15.2.2How to use this driver

This driver provides functions to manage the Black and White feature

15.2.3Initialization and Configuration functions

This section provides functions allowing to:

Initialize and configure the DCMI

De-initialize the DCMI

This section contains the following APIs:



DOCID025834 Rev 2

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