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HAL LTDC Generic Driver


36 HAL LTDC Generic Driver

36.1LTDC Firmware driver registers structures


Data Fields

uint8_t Blue

uint8_t Green

uint8_t Red

uint8_t Reserved

Field Documentation

uint8_t LTDC_ColorTypeDef::Blue

Configures the blue value. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x00 and Max_Data = 0xFF.

uint8_t LTDC_ColorTypeDef::Green

Configures the green value. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x00 and Max_Data = 0xFF.

uint8_t LTDC_ColorTypeDef::Red

Configures the red value. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x00 and Max_Data = 0xFF.

uint8_t LTDC_ColorTypeDef::Reserved

Reserved 0xFF


Data Fields

uint32_t HSPolarity

uint32_t VSPolarity

uint32_t DEPolarity

uint32_t PCPolarity

uint32_t HorizontalSync

uint32_t VerticalSync

uint32_t AccumulatedHBP

uint32_t AccumulatedVBP

uint32_t AccumulatedActiveW

uint32_t AccumulatedActiveH

uint32_t TotalWidth

uint32_t TotalHeigh

LTDC_ColorTypeDef Backcolor

Field Documentation


DOCID025834 Rev 2


HAL LTDC Generic Driver


uint32_t LTDC_InitTypeDef::HSPolarity


configures the horizontal synchronization polarity. This parameter can be one value of




uint32_t LTDC_InitTypeDef::VSPolarity


configures the vertical synchronization polarity. This parameter can be one value of




uint32_t LTDC_InitTypeDef::DEPolarity


configures the data enable polarity. This parameter can be one of value of




uint32_t LTDC_InitTypeDef::PCPolarity


configures the pixel clock polarity. This parameter can be one of value of




uint32_t LTDC_InitTypeDef::HorizontalSync


configures the number of Horizontal synchronization width. This parameter must be a


number between Min_Data = 0x000 and Max_Data = 0xFFF.


uint32_t LTDC_InitTypeDef::VerticalSync

configures the number of Vertical synchronization height. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x000 and Max_Data = 0x7FF.

uint32_t LTDC_InitTypeDef::AccumulatedHBP

configures the accumulated horizontal back porch width. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = LTDC_HorizontalSync and Max_Data = 0xFFF.

uint32_t LTDC_InitTypeDef::AccumulatedVBP

configures the accumulated vertical back porch height. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = LTDC_VerticalSync and Max_Data = 0x7FF.

uint32_t LTDC_InitTypeDef::AccumulatedActiveW

configures the accumulated active width. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = LTDC_AccumulatedHBP and Max_Data = 0xFFF.

uint32_t LTDC_InitTypeDef::AccumulatedActiveH

configures the accumulated active height. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = LTDC_AccumulatedVBP and Max_Data = 0x7FF.

uint32_t LTDC_InitTypeDef::TotalWidth

configures the total width. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = LTDC_AccumulatedActiveW and Max_Data = 0xFFF.

uint32_t LTDC_InitTypeDef::TotalHeigh

configures the total height. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = LTDC_AccumulatedActiveH and Max_Data = 0x7FF.

LTDC_ColorTypeDef LTDC_InitTypeDef::Backcolor

Configures the background color.


Data Fields

uint32_t WindowX0

uint32_t WindowX1

uint32_t WindowY0

uint32_t WindowY1

uint32_t PixelFormat

uint32_t Alpha

uint32_t Alpha0

uint32_t BlendingFactor1

uint32_t BlendingFactor2

DOCID025834 Rev 2


HAL LTDC Generic Driver


uint32_t FBStartAdress

uint32_t ImageWidth

uint32_t ImageHeight

LTDC_ColorTypeDef Backcolor

Field Documentation

uint32_t LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::WindowX0

Configures the Window Horizontal Start Position. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x000 and Max_Data = 0xFFF.

uint32_t LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::WindowX1

Configures the Window Horizontal Stop Position. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x000 and Max_Data = 0xFFF.

uint32_t LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::WindowY0

Configures the Window vertical Start Position. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x000 and Max_Data = 0xFFF.

uint32_t LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::WindowY1

Configures the Window vertical Stop Position. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0000 and Max_Data = 0xFFFF.

uint32_t LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::PixelFormat

Specifies the pixel format. This parameter can be one of value of LTDC_Pixelformat

uint32_t LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::Alpha

Specifies the constant alpha used for blending. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x00 and Max_Data = 0xFF.

uint32_t LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::Alpha0

Configures the default alpha value. This parameter must be a number between

Min_Data = 0x00 and Max_Data = 0xFF.

uint32_t LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::BlendingFactor1

Select the blending factor 1. This parameter can be one of value of


uint32_t LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::BlendingFactor2

Select the blending factor 2. This parameter can be one of value of


uint32_t LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::FBStartAdress

Configures the color frame buffer address

uint32_t LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::ImageWidth

Configures the color frame buffer line length. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0000 and Max_Data = 0x1FFF.

uint32_t LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::ImageHeight

Specifies the number of line in frame buffer. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x000 and Max_Data = 0x7FF.

LTDC_ColorTypeDef LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef::Backcolor

Configures the layer background color.


Data Fields

LTDC_TypeDef * Instance

LTDC_InitTypeDef Init

LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef LayerCfg

HAL_LockTypeDef Lock


DOCID025834 Rev 2

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