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V. Граматичні вправи

Вправа 28. Поставте дієслово в дужках у теперішній тривалий час.

1. Many emergency situations (to happen) now all over the world. 2. The building (to burn) with people trapped inside at this moment. 3. The firefighter (to determine) the condition of the victim now. 4. The victims (to breathe) hard now. 5. The man (to bleed) severely now. 6. We (to conduct) the primary survey right now. 7. The fire brigade (to transport) a seriously injured person at this moment. 8. My friend (to give) the first aid to the victim of the accident now. 9. I (to check) his pulse now. 10. The doctor (to use) special ointment now.

Вправа 29. Зробіть речення заперечними та поставте до них всі види питань.

1. The firefighters are conducting a primary survey now. 2. The fire brigade is transporting a heavily-injured person now. 3. The young officer is rescuing the victim captured in the burning building now. 4. The doctor is examining the patient now. 5. The rescuer is checking the victim’s blood pressure now. 6. I am counting the victim’s pulse now. 7. The victims are lying on their backs now. 8. The victims are waiting for the doctor now. 9. He is complaining of a heartache (скаржиться на біль у серці) now. 10. A seriously injured person is bleeding much now.

Вправа 30. Виберіть потрібну форму дієслова із дужок.

1. The firefighter (was, is, are) the first who (arrived, is arriving) at the accident scene yesterday. 2. The firefighters usually (are conducting, conduct) a secondary survey after the primary survey. The doctor (determines, is determining) the condition of the victim now. 3. Victims with high-priority injuries (need, needed) emergency treatment yesterday. 4. The rescuer (will save, saves) the victim in half an hour. 5. Check if the victim (breathes, is breathing) now. 6. The doctor (will examine, examined) the patient last week. 7. If the patient (is bleeding severely, bleeds), take the appropriate actions to stop bleeding. 8. The process of triage will begin as soon as the firefighter (arrives, will arrive) at the accident scene. 9. The elderly people usually (are suffering, suffer) from a heartache. 10. Dizziness (запаморочення) (are, is) a common sign of shock.

Вправа 31. Зробіть подані речення заперечними.

1. This emergency situation occurred yesterday. 2. The firefighter was the last who arrived at the accident scene. 3. There are many diagnostic signs which determine the condition of the victim. 4. These victims needed emergency treatment. 5. The victim must take appropriate actions to stop bleeding. 6. The injured person checks his pulse. 7. This man will give the first aid to the victims with high-priority injuries. 8. All firefighters usually plan their roles in emergency situations. 9. The doctor wrote down the rate and the strength of the pulse. 10. This rescuer is transporting the heavily-injured victim now.

Вправа 32. Поставте питання до виділених слів.

1. People suffer from earthquakes and tornadoes. 2. The firefighters arrived at the accident scene. 3. The major life threatening conditions include the absence of pulse and breathing. 4. If the victim has burns or bruises the firefighter uses special ointment. 5. Fire department is coordinating its role with the local civil protection service. 6. Rescuers must be able to act quickly and correctly. 7. Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in the arterial wall. 8. If the bones are broken blood will leak out (витікати) into the surrounding tissues (прилеглі тканини). 9. Losing blood can make injured person feel sick and scared (наляканий). 10. He had two open fractures.

Вправа 33. Виправте помилки у поданих реченнях. Поясніть.

1. There is certain diagnostic signs which help to determine the condition of a victim. 2. A firefighters possesses good knowledge of the first aid. 3. The fire brigade must to pay special attention to the life threatening conditions. 4. If the breathing is difficult, a firefighter will provided artificial respiration. 5. When nothing will threaten victim’s life the firefighter will conduct a secondary survey. 6. They is transporting victims to a safe place. 7. His pressure are high. 8. He did not made a decision. 9. Fractures was painful. 10. He begin resuscitation some minutes ago.

Вправа 34. Перекладіть подані речення.

1. Саме зараз населення США потерпає від торнадо. 2. Пожежники зараз гасять пожежу у приватному будинку. 3. Наш викладач навчає нас робити штучне дихання. 4. Пожежник вимірює кров’яний тиск та пульс потерпілому. 5. Потерпілий важко дихає. 6. Рятувальники зараз визначають стан усіх потерпілих. 7. Цей рятувальник рахує пульс. 8. Вони зараз транспортують потерпілого з серйозними пораненнями. 9. Я розпочинаю реанімаційні заходи негайно. 10. Лікар перевіряє, чи дихає потерпілий.

Вправа 35. Зробіть подані речення заперечними та поставте до них всі види питань. Зверніть увагу на модальні дієслова.

1. During the primary survey the rescuer must pay attention to the victims’ respiration and pulse. 2. These diagnostic signs can help you to determine the condition of the victim. 3. Sometimes the rescuer can give the first medical aid. 4. The transporting of seriously injured persons must be very careful. 5. The firefighter must begin the secondary survey. 6. Skilled rescuers must act correctly and quickly. 7. If the victim has burns, the rescuer may use special ointment. 8. You should take the pulse. 9. We can distinguish (розрізняти) high-priority and low-priority injuries. 10. This rescuer must make a triage.

Вправа 36. Заповніть пропуски необхідними модальними дієсловами.

1. People … be trapped in wrecked automobiles. 2. Victims … find themselves in danger high in burning buildings. 3. There are diagnostic signs which … determine the condition of the victim. 4. During the primary survey the firefighter … pay special attention to the life threatening conditions. 5. Victims with high-priority injures usually … not breathe. 6. The doctor … examine the victim. 7. If the rescuer … not feel the pulse at the victim’s wrist, he … begin resuscitation. 8. Direct pressure … stop bleeding. 9. When nothing threatens victim’s life the firefighter … conduct a secondary survey. 10. The personnel … possess good knowledge of the first aid.

Вправа 37. Перекладіть подані речення, звертаючи увагу на модальні дієслова.

1. Можливо ця постраждала жінка має серйозне поранення. 2. Ти повинен виміряти тиск. 3. Ви могли визначити стан потерпілих. 4. Багато людей нервують під час надзвичайних ситуацій, тому їх пульс може бути пришвидшеним. 5. Ми повинні негайно зупинити цю кровотечу. 6. Постраждалі можуть мати опіки, відкриті або закриті переломи. 7. Пожежнику слід мати хороші знання першої медичної допомоги. 8. Життя потерпілого може залежати лише від кваліфікованих дій рятувальників. 9. Пожежна команда повинна узгоджувати свої дії з пожежним управлінням. 10. Я не можу знайти пульс.