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Text 5 How the Central Missouri University is Structured

New Words and Expressions.

To be located = to be situated. Where is your new supermarket located? The municipal library is located in Zarubina St.

Business Administration – управление бизнесом

Art – искусство, зд.гуманитарные науки

Education - образование, педагогика.

Science - наука (зд. точные науки в отличие от Art - гуманитарных).

Accounting - бухгалтерский учёт.

Human Resources - работа со штатом, персоналом.

List of - список чего-либо. Give me the list of students, please.

To provide with - обеспечивать чем-либо. We were provided with the exact data

То make sure - удостовериться, проверить. I'll make sure if you are enrolled in the faculty. Make sure you haven't forgotten anything.

To take a look at - взглянуть на… Just take a look at this guy - he is such fun! I would like to take a look at the list of new periodicals.

Existing - существующий (от exist - существовать). This data is not existing any more. To exist means to think.

To receive accreditation - получить аккредитацию. Both state and private universities and institutes in Russia should receive accreditation at the Ministry of Education. .

Industrial safety - техника безопасности в промышленности. Industrial safety is a very important aspect in every technological society.

2. CMSU is located in one spot. 3. All faculties are gathered together, it takes about 7 minutes or less to cross the campus, if you walk. 4. The entire University consists of several departments/schools: Business Administration, Art, Aviation, Education, Science, etc. 5. Each of these schools offers many different degrees and programs. 6. For example, the School of Business has degrees and programs such as: Finance, Accounting, Statistics, Marketing, Management, Human Resources, and many others. 7. The list of professions for which Central provides an education consists of more than 100. 8. This list is provided for you in a university catalog. 9. Make sure you have a catalog to take a look at all the existing opportunities for you at Central University.

10. Three schools at Central University have received American National accreditation, which is carried only by 13% of all Universities and colleges in the USA. 11. These Schools are Aviation, Education, and Industrial Safety and Technology. 12. Moreover, the Aviation school has been declared the best aviation program in the US!.

Exercise 16. Назовите номера предложений из текста, где употреблён страдательный залог и переведите их (5 предложений).

Exercise 17. Выпишите из текста названия факультетов и специальностей в алфавитном порядке и переведите их на русский язык