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Tending to cause harm

1. прил.; книжн.

причиняющий ущерб; пагубный, губительный, вредный

2. сущ.

1) нежелательное лицо

2) вредная вещь

3) младший брат наследника

4) нежелательный поклонник; незавидная партия (о женихе)

detrimental consequences пагубные последствия

detrimental effect вредное воздействие habit detrimental to one's health вредная привычка

Syn: harmful, damaging, injurious, hurtful, inimicaldangerous, destructive, ruinous, disastrous, , ill, bad, evil, baleful, malign,corrupting, malignant Ant: aiding

assisting, favorable

friendly, good

helpful, kind

nice, positive


I am satisfied that publication of the report would be deeply damaging and detrimental to their welfare.


Conversely con|verse¦ly

Introducing a statement or idea which reverses one that has just been made or referred to

обратно; вспять, назад; наоборот

Syn: oppositestar


at variance withstar


Ant: equally



he would have preferred his wife not to work, although conversely he was also proud of what she did


Overt /əʊˈvəːt /

Done or shown openly; plainly apparent

1) неприкрытый, очевидный, явный

2) открытый, публичный; несекретный, нескрываемый

market overt открытый рынок

overt propaganda открытая пропаганда

Syn: apparentstar





Ant: obscure





We believe that a more rational approach requires the reorganisation or overt restriction of services.



/ˌkɒntrəˈviːn /

Offend against the prohibition or order of (a law, treaty, or code of conduct)

1) преступать, нарушать

2) оспаривать, ставить под вопрос

3) вступать в противоречие; идти вразрез с чем-л.

Syn: break, breach, fail to comply with, fail to observe, violate, infringe, offend against, transgress against; defy, disobey, flout Ant: aid, allow

approve, assist

help, obey

observe, permit


It also found that the Migration Act contravened international law by barring any judicial review of detention.


To be biased


Marked by or exhibiting bias; prejudiced

1) лицеприятный, необъективный, предвзятый, предубеждённый, пристрастный,тенденциозный

2) фанатичный; слепо верящий (чему-л.)

biased jury предубежденные присяжные

biased justice пристрастный, предубежденный судья

Syn: prejudiced, weighted, one-sided, partial, 


Ant: fair, impartial


How often have I seen that my first reaction is based on half-truths and biased perceptions!



/ˈtenət; ˈtenɪt/

A principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy

догмат, доктрина, принцип

Syn : principle, belief, doctrine, precept, creed, credo, article of faith, dogma, , persuasion, idea, view, opinion, position, hypothesis Ant: disbelief

doubt, reality



No culture or religion can boast that its tenets are unique.




Make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful

1) смягчать, уменьшать (строгость, суровость; наказание)

2) умерять, сдерживать (жар, пыл)

3) облегчать (боль, страдание)

mitigate a punishment смягчать наказание mitigating circumstances смягчающие вину обстоятельства

Syn: alleviate, dce, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten, attenuate, take the edge off, allay, ease,assuage, palliate, cushion, damp Ant: aggravate

agitate, extend


irritate, provoke

raise, strengthen





It seems to have become accepted that poverty will always exist - the aim of policy is merely to mitigate its worst effects.


Solidify /səˈlɪdɪfʌɪ/

Make or become hard or solid

делать твёрдым; твердеть; затвердевать; застывать; густеть

solidifying point температура затвердевания

Syn: harden, go hard, set, freeze, ice over/up, gel, thicken, stiffen, congeal, clot, coagulate, Ant: dilute, liquefy

thin, soften

melt, divide

separate, dissolve



the magma slowly solidifies and forms crystals




Give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking or agent)

1) уполномочивать; поручать

2) разрешать, санкционировать

3) оправдывать; объяснять, извинять, находить оправдание

4) юр. легализовать, узаконивать

to authorize the lawful use of force разрешать законное применение силы authorized agent уполномоченный

Syn : give permission for, permit, sanction, allow, agree to, approve, give one's consent/assent to,consent to, assent to,  Ant: refuse, reject


the government authorized further aircraft production



/sap /

Vigour or energy

1. сущ.

1) сок (растений); живица

2) жизненные силы, жизненные соки; жизнеспособность

2. гл.

1) лишать сока; сушить, иссушать

2) стёсывать заболонь

2. гл.

1) воен.; = sap up вести сапу; делать подкоп

2) подрывать, изматывать, ослаблять (силы, здоровье)

3) подкрадываться незаметно

Syn: plant fluid, vital fluid, life fluid, juice, secretion, liquor, liquid


They were fresh and flourishing, full of sap and vigor, though many of them had been born long before him



/dɪˈsweɪd /

Persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action

(dissuade from) отговаривать (от чего-л.), разубеждать

Syn : discourage, deter, prevent, disincline, turn aside, divert, sidetrack; talk out of, persua

de against, persuade not to, argue out of, put off, stop Ant: aid, assist

encourage, help




When she had made up her mind on something it was quite hard to dissuade her from the course she had chosen.




Put right; correct

) исправлять (ошибки, упущения и т. п.), поправлять (ситуацию, положение дел)

2) выверять, регулировать настраивать (механизм, прибор и т. п.)

rectify a mistake исправлять ошибку

rectify a defect устранять дефект

Syn: correct, put/set/make right, right, put to rights, sort out, deal with, amend, revise, remedy,repair, fix, cure, heal, make good, reform Ant: corrupt

harm, hurt

injure, worsen



A concerted effort must be made to rectify the situation.



/wiːld /

Hold and use (a weapon or tool)

1) орудовать (чем-л.)

2) обладать (властью, авторитетом, влиянием и т. п.)

wield power властвовать, держать в своих руках власть

Syn: brandish, flourish, wave, twirl, display, flaunt, hold aloft, show off, swing, shake; use, put to use,employ, handle, ply, manipulate, operate Ant: ignore, misuse



He ran across the battle field, wielding no weapon except for a small knife.




A temporary suspension of fighting; a truce

прекращение огня

Ceasefire agreement Соглашение о перемирии

Syn: armisticestar


Ant: fight


War with people who break their ceasefire agreements is the default position.




Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of smth

1) оценивать, давать оценку

2) определять сумму налога, штрафа, ущерба

3) облагать налогом; штрафовать

4) оценивать имущество

assess at market value оценивать по рыночной стоимости assess damages установить сумму возмещения убытков to assess the financial situation → оценивать финансовое положение

Syn: evaluate, judge, gauge, rate, estimate, appraise, form an opinion of, check out, form an impression of, make up one's mind about, get the measure of, determine Ant: aid, assist

help, ignore

neglect, guess



the committee must assess the relative importance of the issues




Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something

1. сущ.

1) согласие

2) позволение, разрешение

2. гл.

1) соглашаться, давать согласие

2) позволять, разрешать, давать разрешение

by common consent

With the agreement of all:

informed consent

Permission granted in full knowledge of the possible consequences,

Syn: agreement, assent, concurrence, accord; permission, authorization, sanction, leave, clearance,acquiescence, acceptance, approval Ant: disapproval

refusal, veto


dissent, rejection

no change may be made without the consent of all the partners




The repeal or abolition of a law, right, or agreement.

отмена, аннулирование (закона, решения)

abrogation of an agreement расторжение соглашения

abrogation of tolerance нейтрализация толерантности

Syn: repudiation, revocation, repeal, rescinding, rescindment, overturning, overruling, overriding,annulment, cancellation, invalidation, nullification, voiding, negation, dissolution Ant:

The courts accept that abrogation of these privileges can only be made by statute but nonetheless there is considerable scope for judicial definition of limits.




 , -zɒn/

Communication or cooperation which facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations


а) контакт, связь

б) любовная связь

в) воен. связь взаимодействия

2) амер. связной, посредник

Syn: cooperation, contact, association, connection, collaboration; communication, interchange,affiliation, alliance, partnership, link, linkage Ant:

Management of toxicities in the community requires close liaison with the hospital team




The action or fact of complying with a wish or command

1) согласие; соответствие

2) податливость, покладистость, уступчивость

3) угодливость

Syn: conformitystar







Ant: difference



The empire must now be made to work through the capacity of a sovereign British authority to command compliance




Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of

1) увеличивать, усиливать, улучшать (обычно какое-л. положительное свойство)


а) повышать (цену)

б) расти в цене, дорожать

enhance the price повышать цену enhanced sanction увеличенная мера наказания

Syn: increase, add to, intensify, magnify, amplify, inflate, strengthen, build up, supplement, augment,boost, upgrade, raise, lift, escalate, elevate

Ant: decrease

lessen, weaken

subtract, undermine

Improving democracy is about enhancing the opportunities for local communities to make their own decisions



/ˈgriːv(ə)ns /

A real or imagined cause for complaint, especially unfair treatment

1) обида; недовольство

2) жалоба

grievance procedure процедура разрешения трудовых споров

pay grievance конфликт, связанный с зарплатой

Syn: injustice, unjust act, wrong, injury, ill, offence, disservice, unfairness, evil, outrage, atrocity,damage; affront, insult, indignity

Ant: happiness

joy, delight




Earlier this month, he was given the perfect opportunity to air his grievances in public when he appeared before magistrates in Guildford, charged with the same offence.




Relapse into bad ways or error

1) отступаться от веры, становиться вероотступником

2) отказываться от прежних убеждений

3) снова предаться пороку

Syn: relapse, lapse, regress, retrogress, revert to one's bad habits, weaken, lose one's resolve, give in to temptation, go astray

Ant: progress


In 1936 a system of ‘protection and supervision’ centres was established to keep converts from backsliding


By virtue

 Because or as a result of

По достоинству

make a virtue of

Derive benefit or advantage from submitting to

Syn: advantagestar


ethicstar, excellencestar

faithstar, generositystar


Ant: disadvantage


evil, imperfection



in virtue of his position he was impartial


Bare-bones level

The basic facts about something, without any detail The very lowest level of resources necessary

n these circumstances a biographer might be wise to say as little as possible beyond the bare bones of recorded fact


Water down

Make a statement or proposal less forceful or controversial by changing or leaving out certain details

разбавлять, разводить

Syn: moderate, temper, qualify, mitigate, mute, mellow, tone down, soften; subdue, curb, tame, calm, bridle; Ant: strengthen

the army’s report of its investigation was considerably watered down



/ləˈdʒɪstɪks /

The detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation

логистика (символическая логика)

1) материально-техническое снабжение

2) служба тыла

Syn: organization, planning, plans, management, arrangement, administration, masterminding,direction, orchestration, regimentation, engineering Ant:

the logistics of a large-scale rock show demand certain necessities




Cause (someone) to become unable to walk or move properly A person who is unable to walk or move properly through disability or because of injury to their back or legs

1. сущ.; пренебр.

ущербный; калека (об инвалиде)

2. гл.

1) получать травму, травмировать конечность, ногу

2) калечить, лишать трудоспособности

3) хромать, ковылять

4) портить, приводить в негодность; наносить ущерб

Syn: disable, paralyse, immobilize, make lame, lame, incapacitate, debilitate, handicap; maim, impair, damage, injure, hamstring Ant:



A young man crippled by a disease of old age may not get the operation he and his family have been hoping and praying for over the last year.




Repay (a person who has spent or lost money)

возмещение, компенсация, компенсирование

cash reimbursement возврат наличных денег

Syn: compensate, recompense, refund, repay, square accounts with, settle up with



the investors should be reimbursed for their losses




An important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based

1) архит. угловой камень (здания)

2) краеугольный камень

Syn: foundation, basis, keystone, mainspring, mainstay, linchpin, bedrock, fundament, base, key, fundamental principle, main ingredient, central component

We are under a


regime, and

the cornerstone

of all the

institutions is

the President of

the Republic.




Involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation

1) запутывать (дела, фабулу)

2) впутывать (в неприятности); ввергать, вовлекать, втягивать (во что-л. неприятное)

Syn: involve, entangle, ensnare, enmesh, catch up, mix up, bog down, mire


the organization is currently embroiled in running battles with pressure groups



/əbˈstrʌkt /

Block (an opening, path, road, etc.); be or get in the way of

1) заграждать, преграждать

2) препятствовать, мешать (развитию), затруднять (процесс)

3) спорт. блокировать, препятствовать движению

4) загораживать, заслонять, закрывать (вид, обзор)

5) полит. устраивать обструкцию

6) мед. затруднять проходимость; закупоривать

to obstruct the police оказывать сопротивление

to obstruct the traffic препятствовать движению

Syn: block, block up, clog, clog up, get/stand in the way of, cut off, shut off, jam, bung up, gum up,choke, barricade, bar, dam up Ant: aid, assist

facilitate, further

permit, unblock

uncover, release



This factor has obstructed all efforts aimed at reaching a comprehensive settlement.

в тесте 6 заданий, синонимы антонимы написать текст со словами, текст о тоне блэре, слоова перед текстом,

словарь за весь год








At hand

1. Close by; near.

2. Soon in time; imminent

  1. под рукой; находящийся под рукой; имеющийся;

  2. близкий (по времени)

  3. имеющийся в наличии


Soon, close, near

At hand

Retribution is at hand.


Adversary [ˈædvəsərɪ]

1. a person or group that is hostile to someone; enemy

2. an opposing contestant in a game or sport

3. Adversary The Devil; Satan. Often used with the.

  1. противник; враг; неприятель;

  2. соперник; другая сторона

Worthy adversery- достойный соперник


opponent, rival, opposer, enemy, competitor, foe, contestant, antagonist

Ant: friend, partner, ally, colleague, associate, supporter, helper, collaborator, accomplice, confederate, co-worker, main man

there was a long history of adversary dealings between the two nations.


Desideratum [dɪˌzɪdəˈrɑːtəm]

  1. something lacked and wanted

  2. pl form books, documents etc for collection

  1. что-л. недостающее; что-л. Желаемое

  2. дезидераты; предметы, книги (необходимые для пополнения коллекции) (мн.ч)

a list of political desiderata


Books, necessity


To impel


  1. to urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate

  2. to push, drive, or force into motion

  1. побуждать; заставлять; вынуждать; склонять;

  2. приводить в движение; продвигать; толкать


orce, move, compel, drive, require, push, influence, urge, inspire, prompt, spur, stimulate, motivate, oblige, induce, prod, constrain, incite, instigate, goad, actuate

Ant: check, discourage, restrain, rebuff, dissuade, repulse

I felt impelled to go on speaking.


To amplify

[ˈæm pləˌfaɪ]

  1. To make larger or more powerful; increase.

  2. To add to, as by illustrations; make complete.

  3. To exaggerate.

  4. To produce amplification of.


  1. To write or discourse at length; expatiate

  1. увеличивать; расширять; усиливать;

  2. развивать (мысль); сообщать подробности; уточнять; распространяться; преувеличивать;

  3. вдаваться в подробности; распространять; дополнять; утрировать

to amplify on something - распространяться о чем-либо);

Syn: 1. expand, raise, extend, boost, stretch, strengthen, increase, widen, intensify, heighten, deepen, enlarge, lengthen, magnify, augment, dilate

2. go into detail, develop, explain, expand, supplement, elaborate, augment, flesh out, round out, enlarge on

Ant: 1. reduce, decrease, cut down, curtail, condense, boil down

2. simplify, abbreviate, abridge

The music was amplified with microphones.

Intelligent guesswork must be used to amplify the facts.


To encompass [ɪnˈkʌmpəs]

1. to enclose within a circle; surround

2. to bring about; cause to happen

3. to include entirely or comprehensively

  1. окружать; обносить (стеной); обводить (рвом);

  2. осуществлять;

  3. заключить

all-encompassing presentation - всеобъемлющая презентация

Syn: 1. surround, circle, enclose, close in, envelop, encircle, fence in, ring

  1. include, hold, involve, cover, admit, deal with, contain, take in

ant:1. to give up, undo

2. to relish

His repertoire encompassed everything from Bach to Scott Joplin.

Egypt is encompassed by the Mediterranean, Sudan, the Red Sea and Libya.


To alert


  1. to warn or signal (troops, police, etc.) to prepare for action

  2. to warn of danger, an attack, etc.

  1. предупреждать (об опасности); привести в состояние готовности; насторожить

On the alert for- на чеку

Syn: warn, signal, inform, alarm, notify, tip off, forewarn

Ant: lull , ignore, calm down

I was hoping he'd alert the police.


To exacerbate


  1. to make (pain, disease, emotion, etc.) more intense; aggravate

  2. to exasperate or irritate (a person)

  1. раздражать; злить; ожесточать; обострять; усиливать; углублять (кризис); усугубить

exacerbate a conflict

exacerbate tensions

a heavy rainfall that exacerbated the flood problems.

Syn: 1. aggravate, worsen, exasperate

Ant: calm, reduce

He made a speech that exacerbated racial tensions.


To confine


  1. 1. To keep within bounds; restrict

  2. 2. To shut or keep in, especially to imprison.

  3. 3. To restrict in movement

v.intr. Archaic

  1. To border.

  1. Ограничивать;

  2. заточить; держать взаперти; заключать в тюрьму; засаживать; запрятывать;

  3. придерживаться (чего-либо);

protective confines – границы защиты

Syn: languish ant:release

1. restrict, limit

2. imprison, enclose, shut up, intern, incarcerate, circumscribe, hem in, immure, keep, cage

Ant: extend boundaries

The sick child was confined to bed.

Please confine your remarks to the issues at hand.


To impose


  1. To establish or apply as compulsory; levy

  2. To apply or make prevail by or as if by authority

  3. To obtrude or force (oneself, for example) on another or others.

  4. Printing To arrange (type or plates) on an imposing stone.

  5. To offer or circulate fraudulently; pass off


  1. To take unfair advantage

  1. облагать (пошлиной, налогом и т. п.);

  2. налагать (обязательство); возлагать; навязывать; обманывать; обложить; наложить; обмануть; всучить;

  3. заключать (печатную форму); пришивать;

  4. производить впечатление

  5. ограничивать

impose a tax

impose a peace settlement

imposed a fraud on consumers

impose a fine - наложить штраф,

Syn: 1. levy, apply, introduce, put, place, set, charge, establish, lay, fix, institute, exact, decree, ordain

2. inflict, force, enforce, visit, press, apply, thrust, dictate

Ant:to free, to release

They impose fines on airlines who bring in illegal immigrants.





erratically adverb,

erraticism noun


1. inconsistent or changeable in behavior; unpredictable.

2. deviating from the usual or proper course; eccentric.

3. having no certain or definite course; wandering; not fixed.

4. (of a boulder, etc.) carried by glacial ice and deposited some distance from its place of origin.


5. an erratic or eccentric person.

6. an erratic boulder or the like.

  1. колеблющийся (о взглядах); рассеянный; странный (о мыслях, взглядах и т. п.); беспорядочный; ошибочный

  2. эксцентричная личность; чудак; оригинал

  3. изменчивый , непостоянный

erratic earnings

erratic market


unpredictable, variable, unstable, irregular, shifting, eccentric, abnormal, inconsistent, uneven, unreliable, wayward


certain, natural, straight, normal, regular, stable, constant, steady, consistent, reliable

Argentina's erratic inflation rates.

Erratic winds are the bane of a sailor.


A robust theory

A characteristic describing a model's, test's or system's ability to effectively perform while its variables or assumptions are altered.

теория сдерживания

Robust theory applied to Jewell's hierarchical credibility model.


Damage to one’s interests

наносить ущерб интересам

Since last year, the province's handling all kinds of 362 cases of damage to people's interests


To back away from

To withdraw from a position; retreat.

Отсупать, отходить

The board of directors began to back away from the idea of taking over the rival.

Congress backed away from the plan to cut taxes.


To move into a confrontation

to cause someone or something to enter something or some place

Вступить в бой, привести к стычке,

To release tention

NATO and Russia will move into a confrontation, leading to the destruction of travian servers the world over.


To trigger


1. to initiate or precipitate (a reaction, process, or chain of events).

2. to fire or explode (a gun, missile, etc.) by pulling a trigger or releasing a triggering device.


3. to release a trigger.

4. to become active; activate

1. инициировать; вызывать; дать начало (чему-л.);

2. начинать; вызвать;

спускать курок; приводить в действие запускать; отпирать;

3. начать действовать

quick on the trigger quick to respond.

Syn: bring about, start, cause, produce, generate, prompt, provoke, set off, activate

Ant: stop, bar, block, prevent, inhibit, hinder, repress, obstruct, impede

The thieves must have triggered the alarm.


To pursue



pursuable adjective

1. To follow in an effort to overtake or capture; chase

2. To strive to gain or accomplish

3. To proceed along the course of; follow

4. To carry further; advance

5. To be engaged in (a vocation or hobby, for example).

6. To court

7. To continue to torment or afflict; haunt


1. To follow in an effort to overtake or capture; chase.

2. To carry on; continue.

  1. гнаться (за); бежать (за кем-л.);

  2. продолжать (обсуждение, занятие, поездку, путешествие);

  3. заниматься (чем-либо); следовать по намеченному пути

  4. преследовать( цель)

pursue lofty political goals

to pursue a position-добиваться положения

Syn: engage in, follow, perform, conduct, wage, tackle, take up, work at

try for, seek, desire

continue, maintain, carry on, keep on

follow, track, hunt, chase, dog, attend

court, woo, pay attention to, make up to

Ant: eschew, fight shy of

avoid, flee, shun, run away from

A fox that was pursued by hounds.

A ship that pursued the southern course.

Let's not pursue this argument.

a heavily indebted businessman was being pursued by creditors.


To codify


1. To reduce to a code

2. To arrange or systematize.

систематизировать; классифицировать; составлять кодекс; составить кодекс; приводить в систему (условные знаки, сигналы и т. п.); шифровать; зашифровать

codify laws

Syn: systematize, catalogue, classify, summarize, tabulate, collect, organize, code

The latest draft of the agreement codifies the panel's decision.


To terminate


1. To bring to an end or halt

2. To occur at or form the end of; conclude or finish

3. To discontinue the employment of; dismiss


1. To come to an end

2. To have as an end or result

завершать; класть конец; заканчиваться; приводить (in; к чему-л.); ограничивать; ставить предел; положить конец; истекать; прекращать действие

a display of fireworks that terminated the festivities.

Syn: cease, end, close, finish, run out, expire, lapse 

 stop, conclude, finish, complete, axe

Ant: start, open, begin, introduce, initiate, commence, instigate, inaugurate

A company has terminated 300 workers.

The oil pipeline terminates at a shipping port.




1. force or speed of movement; impetus, as of a physical object or course of events

2. Mech. a quantity expressing the motion of a body or system, equal to the product of the mass of a body and its velocity.

движущая сила; импульс; толчок; количество движения; механический момент

a career that lost momentum.

Syn: impetus, force, power, drive, push, energy, strength, thrust, propulsion, welly

This campaign is really gaining momentum.



[priˈɛmp ʃən]

1. the act or right of claiming or purchasing before or in preference to others.

2. the act of preempting.

вытеснение (задачи); переключение (процесса)

преимущественное право

The preemption doctrine derives from the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution which states that the "Constitution and the laws of the United States”.


To pose


1. to assume or cause to assume a physical attitude, as for a photograph or painting

2. (intr; often foll by as) to pretend to be or present oneself (as something one is not)

3. (intr) to affect an attitude or play a part in order to impress others

4. (tr) to put forward, ask, or assert


1. Rare to puzzle or baffle

2. Archaic to question closely

ставить в определённую позу (натурщика); располагать каким-л. образом; позировать; принимать позу (кого-либо; as); рисоваться; излагать; формулировать; предлагать; ставить; представлять собой; являться; ставить в тупик; приводить в замешательство; озадачивать; принимать вид;

to pose for a painter

That poses a problem

Syn: 1. present, cause, produce, create, lead to, result in, constitute, give rise to

2. ask, state, advance, put, set, submit, put forward, posit, propound

3. position yourself, sit, model, strike a pose, arrange yourself

4. put on airs, affect, posture, show off

The six foreign ministers posed for photographs.

His ill health poses serious problems.




1. compulsion, force, or restraint

2. repression or control of natural feelings or impulses

3. a forced unnatural manner; inhibition

4. something that serves to constrain; restrictive condition

принуждение; скованность; стеснение; напряжённость; тюремное заключение; принужденность; ограничение (свободы); давление; напряжение; связь; вынуждение

Syn: 1. restriction, limitation, curb, rein, deterrent, hindrance, damper, check because of financial constraints.

2. force, pressure, necessity, restraint, compulsion, coercion

3. repression, reservation, embarrassment, restraint, inhibition, timidity, diffidence, bashfulness

Their decision to abandon the trip was made

People are not morally responsible for that which they do under constraint or compulsion.


Policy dilemma

Политическая дилемма


To maintain control over

Сохранять контроль над


To articulate a theory

Сформулировать теорию


To be urged by

Делать что-то под чужим давлением, вынужден


Sharp antithesis

Резкое противопоставление противоположностей


To be subject to

1. Being dependent or conditional upon something

2. Being under the dominion or authority

3. Open or exposed to some unfortunate or undesirable thing

4. Under the necessity of undergoing something

5. Liable prone to suffer something

подчиняться; находиться под действием; подвергаться; зависеть от

Syn: liable to, open to, exposed to, vulnerable to, prone to, susceptible to, disposed to

  1. bound by, under the control of, accountable to, constrained by


Prices may be subject to alteration.


To seek a solution

Искать решение




To extinguish


1. to put out or quench (a light, flames, etc.)

2. to remove or destroy entirely; annihilate

3. Archaic to eclipse or obscure by or as if by superior brilliance

4. (Business / Commerce) Law to discharge (a debt)

тушить; уничтожать (надежду, любовь, жизнь); истреблять; убивать; гасить (надежду, любовь); погашать; погаснуть; потушить; затмевать; уничтожить; убить; аннулировать; залить; прекращать; выплачивать; заливать

to extinguish a fire

Syn: 1.put out, stifle, smother, blow out, douse, snuff out, quench

2. destroy, end, kill, remove, eliminate, obscure, abolish, suppress, wipe out, erase, eradicate, annihilate, put paid to, exterminate, expunge, extirpate

Ant: ignite, light

The message extinguished her hopes of Richard's return.




Having been delayed; done or sent too late

с запозданием

a belated birthday card

Syn: late, tardily

Ant: on time

I belatedly wished her a happy birthday


To champion


1. to act as champion of; defend; support.

2. Obs. to defy.

защищать; отстаивать; бороться (за что-л.); поддерживать кого-либо (а не быть чемпионом); продвигать

Syn: support, back, defend, promote, advocate, fight for, uphold, espouse, stick up for (informal)

Ant: oppose, criticize.

He passionately championed the poor.

he championed the rights of the working class and the poor.


An inducement


1. something that induces or persuades; incentive.

2. the act of inducing.

3. the state of being induced.

побуждение; побудительный мотив; приманка; побуждающий мотив; поощрение; встречное удовлетворение; мотивация; стимул

Syn: incentive, motive, cause, influence, reward, come-on (informal), spur, consideration, attraction, lure, bait, carrot (informal), encouragement, impulse, stimulus, incitement, clarion call

Ant: criticizm

They offer every inducement to encourage investment.

shopkeepers began offering free gifts as an inducement to trade:




1. not altered, broken, impaired, or diminished; remaining uninjured, sound, or whole.

2. complete or whole, esp. not castrated.

3. having the hymen unbroken; virginal.

неповреждённый; невредимый; целый; нетронутый; исправный; в исправности; полный; сохранился; непострадавший; в неизменном состоянии

Syn: undamaged, whole, complete, sound, perfect, entire, virgin, untouched, unscathed, unbroken, flawless, unhurt, faultless, unharmed, uninjured, unimpaired, undefiled, all in one piece, together, scatheless, unviolated

Ant: broken, damaged, injured, harmed, impaired

After the explosion, most of the cargo was left intact.

the church was almost in ruins but its tower remained intact.




1. keenly watchful to detect trouble; wary.

2. ever awake and alert.

бдительный; бессонный; неусыпный; зоркий; быть на чеку; внимательный

the vigilant eye of the town watch

Syn: watchful, alert, on the lookout, careful, cautious, attentive, circumspect, wide awake, on the alert, on your toes, wakeful, on your guard, on the watch, on the qui vive

Ant: slack, careless, lax, negligent, neglectful, inattentive, remiss

Police warned the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious.


To intertwine


to unite or be united by twisting or twining together

сплетать; переплетать; сплетаться; переплетаться; запутываться; закручиваться

Syn: interweave, entwine, interlace, cross, link, twist, braid, convolute, reticulate, interwreathe, inweave

Trees and creepers intertwined, blocking our way.


To usher


1. to act as an usher to.

2. to precede or herald (usu. fol. by in).

3. to act as an usher.

вводить; провожать; сопровождать; проводить; объявлять

ushered every Sunday at church

Syn: escort, lead, direct, guide, conduct, pilot, steer, show



They were quickly ushered away.




1. Ready and willing to be taught; teachable.

2. Yielding to supervision, direction, or management; tractable.

послушание; покорность; понятливость; сообразительность

Syn: compliance, obedience, meekness, submissiveness, manageability, ductility, amenability, pliancy, tractability, biddableness

The baby's docility had surprised him.




1. evaporating rapidly; passing off readily in the form of vapor

2. tending or threatening to break out into open violence; explosive

3. characterized by or liable to sharp or sudden changes; unstable

4. changeable, as in mood or temper; mercurial; flighty.

5. fleeting; transient.

6. (of computer storage) not retaining data when electrical power is turned off.

7. Archaic. flying or able to fly.


8. a volatile substance, as a gas or solvent.

Прил. непостоянный; изменчивый; ветреный; капризный; живой; весёлый; беспечный; недолговечный; преходящий; легко возбудимый (о подозрениях и т.п.); неуловимый; летающее существо; взрывоопасный; критический

Сущ. птицы; бабочки; летучее вещество; имеющий изменчивый характер

a volatile stock market.

a volatile political situation

Syn: 1. changeable, shifting, variable, unsettled, unstable, explosive, unreliable, unsteady, inconstant

2. temperamental, erratic, mercurial, up and down (informal), fickle, whimsical, giddy, flighty

3. unstable, explosive, inflammable, labile (technical), eruptive

Ant: 1. stable, constant, steady, inert, settled

2. calm, consistent, reliable, sober, self-controlled, dependable, cool-headed

There have been riots before and the situation is volatile.

She has a volatile temperament.

when volatile chemicals explode