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Our everyday life is rather tough. It is full of work, troubles, unexpected situations, problems and so on. We can change almost nothing and should accept it as it is and just try to cope with it. At least we should try to balance our emotions and find something to gain strength from. I believe different activities, entertainments and our hobbies can help us. And I’d like to speak more detailed about typical pastime activities of young people in Britain and in Belarus.

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To begin with, I’d like to mention that it’s impossible to describe all the hobbies known in the world. Tastes differ. Much depends on what this or that person does in his or her everyday life, on his or her mode of life, education, and even fashion. Some people like reading and are of the opinion that except a living man there’s nothing more wonderful than a book. Some enjoy just lying on the sofa and watching films, performances, sporting events on TV, while others go out with their friends to the cinema, theatre, to a restaurant. Very often sport plays an essential role in people’s lives. They believe that physical fitness is not only on of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. That’s why they are interested in all sorts of outdoor activities like camping and hill walking, do a bit of swimming, play tennis, hockey, badminton, and just lead a healthy way of life. Some people are fond of dancing and are sure that dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body. Some love taking photos, and some are just crazy about gambling and betting. Besides, there are people who devote most of their spare time to music. It forms their internal world, helps to understand occurring events correctly and to bring up taste. Moreover, music gives these people some hope in the most hopeless situations and doubles their joy and pleasure when they are happy.


I also can’t help mentioning that there are people who always try to make time and those who never have enough time. I believe the more things we try to do, the more things we manage to do. That’s why I agree with the saying: “It is the busiest man who has time to spare”.

The most memorable party I have been to. My idea of a “good” or “bad” party (“Memorable Parties”)


I’m sure everybody is familiar with the saying: “All work and no play made Jack a dull boy”. As far as our everyday life is rather tough, we should try to balance our emotions and find something to gain strength from. People need to devote some time to themselves. And in my opinion a party is a wonderful opportunity just to let loose and enjoy yourself. In our auditory class we’ve listened to three people speaking about the most memorable parties they had, and I’d like to describe these events and tell about the most memorable party I have been to.

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A memorable event is the one that stay in our mind for a long time. Unfortunately, these can be not only pleasant moments, but also unpleasant or even embarrassing ones. A party can be considered to be a good one if every guest is made to feel at home and part of the group. For instance, the memorable party that one of the speakers was to. It was an event for both deaf and hearing people. And somehow the deaf host and hostess made all the hearing people part of that deaf evening. And because of the warm and friendly atmosphere, that party became the most fascinating and exciting one the speaker has ever been to. Unlike him, the most memorable party experience another speaker had is one of intense embarrassment. The woman was invited to a party through a friend, and she was told that she should wear a fancy dress. And when the woman arrived at the party in an elaborate witch costume, she realised that her friend had pulling her leg, and other sixty people were just casually dressed. The speaker was appalled and had to prevail upon the host to lend her something casual to dress. The woman just felt terribly exposed. So, that event left not very good memories in her mind. And at some parties absolutely hilarious things may happen. For example, the story that the third speaker told. His best friends went to a party with a bottle of champagne, he knocked on the door of the house he was invited to, and the lady of the house came down after about five minutes in a dressing gown with a towel round her hair, and he said, “Oh, I’ve come for the party’, and the hostess replied, “There’s not a party tonight, that was last Thursday, and you were there!”

And as to the most memorable party I have been to, I believe it was my school-leaving party. Indeed, I spent an unforgettable time with my classmates and teachers. We danced, talked, and simply enjoyed ourselves. Without any doubt, that even would stay in my mind forever.


To sum it up, I’d like to say that our life consists of both good and bad moments. And it would be great if there were much more pleasant minutes in our life and only few sad ones. I also believe we should do our best to remember only nice things.

British school pupils’ likes and dislikes (“Interviewing School Pupils”, The School I Attended”)