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Lesson 5 Body Language

In this lesson you learn words and phrases denoting gestures, then some movements of the body and their meaning, and then you study the importance of body language for the speaker.


Verbal / non-verbal behaviour

Exercise 1. Body parts and their meaning:

Body part




  1. покачать/кивнуть головой


  1. наклонить голову

Tip of the nose

  1. нахмуриться

Bridge of the nose

  1. поднять брови


  1. прищуриться

  1. подмигнуть

  1. покраснеть (вспыхнуть)

  1. ухмыляться/усмехаться

  1. покусывать губы

  1. поджать губы

  1. пощипывать спинку носа

  1. почесать/потереть нос/подбородок

  1. закрыть рукой подбородок


  1. податься вперед

  1. откинуться назад

  1. развалиться/растянуться

  1. сидеть прямо

  1. быть в напряжении



  1. пожать плечами


  1. подтолкнуть кого-л. локтем

  1. скрестить руки (на груди)



  1. пожать руку


  1. сжать руку в кулак


  1. стукнуть кулаком по столу


  1. хвататься за

  2. показать большие пальцы

  3. указать большим пальцем на

Index finger

  1. указывать на

  1. погрозить пальцем

  1. «потрясти» кулаком (погрозить)

  1. жестикулировать



  1. скрестить ноги

Exercise 2. Some gestures and their meaning.

It is important to understand what your interlocutor feels, and also to realize what message you are giving to him non-verbally. Match some non-verbal signs and their meaning:

Non-verbal signs:


Hand open, palm up

Sincerity, openness, sympathy

The jacket is unbuttoned or off

Hands hidden (behind the back, in the pockets)

Awareness of one’s guilt or of the general tension

Arms crossed on the chest

Fingers balled in a fist or clutching hard at smth

Defense, resistance

Hand relaxed

Sitting at the edge of the chair, leaning forward

Interest, attention

Head tilted to the side

Rubbing the chin (sometimes also screwing up the eyes)

Doubt, distrust

Palm cups the chin

Slow walking about the room


Pinching the bridge of the nose

Putting the hand over the mouth while talking


Putting the hand over the mouth while listening

Avoiding eye contact

Thinking over a difficult decision

Looking to the side

Lightly touching the nose or the eyelid (usually with the long finger) when talking

Desire to leave

Lightly touching the nose, the ear or the eyelid while listening

Secretiveness, concealing one’s position

Feet or whole body directed at the exit

Watch video 1 and fill in the table:

– (wrong gestures)


+ (correct gestures)

Watch video 2 and summarize the contents.

Cultural note. Non-verbal behavior.



1) A fist with the thumb sticking up in the US, Australia and New Zealand may have three meanings:

  • That the person wants to hitch a ride.

  • That everything is OK.

  • Sharp thrusting of the thumb has an extremely rude meaning. Be careful.

2) Slapping himself across the forehead, a Briton shows he is pleased with himself.

3) For an American refusing to speak with the person who is in the same room with you is very rude. In Britain it is common practice (the British value privacy and personal space very much).

4) An American wanting to be alone goes to his room and closes the door. Using space as a barrier is not customary for the British, so in such a situation a Briton will get worried what has happened.

5) Americans talk loudly to show that they sympathize with you and that they have nothing to hide. The British take this as intonational aggression. The British themselves talk loudly enough for one person to hear. The Americans call this “whispering”. It may cause distrust, especially during business talks.


1) Get ready for a quiz on words denoting parts of the body and gestures.

2) Read about gestures: http://www.languagetrainers.co.uk/blog/2007/09/24/top-10-hand-gestures/

3) Text “20 Body Language Facts”

4) Text “Visual Impact”

5) Ears and eyes Dictionary Quiz (look up in the dictionary)

1 What’s an eardrum?

2 Which is correct: lend an ear or lend an eye?

3 If you keep an eye on someone, how do you feel about them?

4 What do you do if you play something by ear?

5 What’s the difference between an eyeful and an earful?

6 If something is very noisy is it ear-bashing or ear-splitting?

7 What’s the difference between an eyebrow and an eyeball?

8 If you are out on your ear, what does it mean?

9 If something catches your eye, do you like the look of it?

10 Does someone who is all ears have big ears?

11 If you don’t see eye to eye with someone, do you agree with them?

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