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Lesson 4

Ex. 1*. Remember the pronounciation of the following words. Try to translate them without a dictionary:

Neutral Acetylene

Mercuric Cylinder

Chlorine Respiration

Aquatic Spherical

Apparatus Gaseous

Ex. 2*. Check up if you remember the following verbs: heat, obtain, form, use, dissolve, smell, depend upon, produce, increase, melt, compress, evaporate, discover.

Ex. 3*. Find ajectives corresponding to the following nouns. Translate them:


solubility, odour, aqua, sphere, importance, chemistry, gas, fraction.

Ex. 4*. Translate the words with the same root: Soluble, solution, solubility, dissolve, solvent.

Colour, colouring, coloured, colourless. Pure, impure, impurity, purification.

Oxygen, oxide, oxidation, dioxide.

Ex. 5*. Translate the following chains of words: small works and factories cylinders of compressed oxygen; mountain climber; smoke filled building; iron production; increased iron and steel yield.

Ex. 6. Translate the sentences. Remember the meaning of the following words:

Because - так как, потому что Because of- из-за

Result (from) - результат, получаться в результате

Result in - приводить к чему-либо

Resulting - получающийся в результате

As a result - в результате

  1. The compoundsinvolving radicals are often ionic because of the transfer of electrons.

  2. Light is a form of energy and it must result from the transformation of some other source of energy.

  3. The actual chemical structure of the units from which a polimer is built has a primary effect on the properties of the resulting materials.

  4. Because carbon monoxide is odourless, the presence of this gas is not easily detected.

  5. A physical change may result in a more or less temporary alteration of the properties of a substance, but no change in composition results from it.

  6. The decrease of weight of the product resulted may be the result of the loss of some invisible gas.

  7. Phosphorus is never found free in nature because of its strong affinity for oxygen.

  8. As a result of these collisions new elements are formed which may be radio­active for a time.

  9. Explosions resulting from the combustion of a finely devided carbonaceous materials always result in the formation of some carbon monoxide.

  10. Hydrogen diffuses more rapidly than any other gas because of its very small density.

Ex. 7. Read and translate the text.


Oxygen is the most abundant of the elements. It forms one-fifth (1/5) by volume, of the air. eight-ninth (8/9) of the weight of water; and one-half 91/2) of the total weight of all rocks. Oxygen was discovered in 1774 by Joseph Priestly who obtained it by heating mercuric oxide - a method no longer used because of its expense and its low yield.

In industry oxygen is obtained by the fractional distillation of liquid air.

Oxygen is a colorless gas, odorless, when pure (the laboratory sample smells slightly of chlorine). It is denser than air and slightly soluble in water(about 3 ml oxygen dissolve in 100 ml water under room conditions). Upon this slight solubility depends the breathing of all aquatic life.

Oxygen is neutral to litmus, doesn't bum but supports combustion vigorously. The uses of oxygen depend upon its ability to support life through respiration. Oxygen is used to enrich the air blast during the production of iron from ore in the blast-furnace and the conversion of iron into steel. This results in a higher furnace temperature, an increased yield of iron and steel, and a purer product. Burning apparatus fed with oxygen and acetylene will give a flame with a temperature of about 3000 °C. This flame will melt steel easily. It is used in engineering for welding metal sections together. For small works and factories cylinders of compressed oxygen are most convenient. In engineering works and shipyards where large quantities of oxygen are used liquid oxygen is delivered in spherical insulated tones. The oxygen evaporates from these and the resulting gaseous oxygen is piped to the work sites.

Breathing apparatus in which oxygen supplied by a cylinder of compressed gas is inhaled through a face-mask is used by airmen and mountain climbers at high altitudes, by drivers, miners in rescue teams, by firemen entering smoke-filled buildings and by hospital patients whose breathing is feeble.

Ex. 8. Choose the correct Russian equivalents to the English terms:

    1. Weight а) распространенный

  1. solubility б) горение

  2. yield в) пламя

  3. volume г) испарять

  4. abundant д) вес

  5. combustion е) резервуар

  6. furnace ж) выход

  7. flame з) растворимость

  8. tank и) объем

  9. evaporate к) печь

Ex. 9. Fill in the sentences the missing words: respiration, iron, tank, yield, apparatus, abundant, heating, distillation, cylinders, liquid.

    1. Oxygen is the most... of the elements.

    2. Oxygen was firstly obtained by ... mercuric oxide.

    3. In industry oxygen is obtained by fractional... of... air.

    4. Oxygen is used for production ... from ore, it increases... of iron and steel.

    5. Oxygen can be transported in ... or in spherical insulated ...

    6. Oxygen supports..., that is why it is used in breathing.

Ex. 10. Discuss the following statements. Supply facts from the text.

  1. Oxygen is the most abundant of the elements.

  2. Oxygen was discovered by Joseph Priestly.

  3. One of the main uses of oxygen depends upon its ability to support combustion.

  4. Another use of oxygen depends upon the fact that it supports life through respiration.

Ex. 11*. Translate into English.

  1. Кислород - самый распространенный элемент.

  2. Он составляет 1/5 часть воздуха, 8/9 - воды, 'А - горных пород.

  3. Кислород был открыт в 1774 г. Джозефом Пристли.

  4. Кислород - это бесцветный газ, он не имеет запаха, легко растворим в воде.

  5. Кислород не горит, но поддерживает горение.

  6. Он используется для производства железа из руды в доменных печах.

  7. Кислород используется в сварочных аппаратах для сваривания металлических предметов.

  8. Кислород доставляется в цилиндрах со сжатым кислородом или 1 больших резервуарах в жидком состоянии.

  9. Кислород также используется в дыхательных аппаратах,

Ex. 12. Describe the physical properties of oxygen.

Ex. 13. Divide the text into logical parts and give a title to each part.

Ex. 14. Retell the text in short.


Ex. 1*. Remember the pronunciation of the following words:

Sulphur Throughout

Hydrogen Oxygen

Liquid Structure

Chloride Astrophysicist

Nitrogen Reagent

Sulphide Acid

Ex. 2. State to what part of speech the following words belong: combustible mixture,

explosion, rapidly, ordinary, active, heated, metallic, remarkable, organize, famous, lightest, violent.

Ex. 3*. Check up if you remember the following terms: colourless, odourless to evaporate,

to heat, bum, combustion, pure, solubility, liquid, salt, property, explosion, substance, for example.

Ex. 4*. Translate and remember the words with the same root: liquid - liquefy soluble - solution, compress - compressoin, mixer - mixture, evaporate -evaporation, atom - atomic, physics - physicist.

Ex. 5. Read and translate the sentences. Remember the meaning of the following words:

That of - слово-заменитель, переводится ранее упомянутым существительным That is - то есть

Compared with - по сравнению с ...

Most + прилагательное - самый, наиболее, очень Most (of) - большинство, большая часть Slightly - слегка

  1. The colour of this liquid changes slightly on heating.

  2. The electrons and the nucleus are very small as compared with the size of atom.

  3. None of the methods of the past can be compared in efficiency with that of our days.

  4. Hydrogen doesn't support combustion, that is, substances will not burn in it,

  5. Hydrogen is now used in large quantities, and most of it is obtained from water gas.

  6. The composition of water varies slightly with elevation.

  7. Radium radioactivity is several million times stronger than that of uranium.

  8. Solid and liquid substances which are most similar chemically will dissolve most readily in one another.

  9. Most of the soluble salts are unaffected by boiling.

  10. Gases are characterized by extreme lightness compared to liquids and sol ids.

Ex. 6. Read and translate the text.


Hydrogen is a colourless, odourless gas when pure. It is sixteen times lighter than oxygen, being the lightest of all known substances. The solubility of hydrogen in water is very slight, compared with that of oxygen.

Hydrogen is liquefied by compression when cooled below its critical temperature (-234 C). Liquid hydrogen is also colourless, and when allowed to evaporate rapidly, it freezes to a colourless solid.

Hydrogen burns in air forming water. Although hydrogen is readily combustible, yet it is not a supporter of combustion; that is, substances will not burn in it.

At ordinary temperatures hydrogen is not an active element. But under certain conditions it combines with many elements. For example, if a mixture of hydrogen and chlorine is exposed to the sunlight, the two gases will combine with explosion forming hydrogen chloride. Under right conditions hydrogen combines with nitrogen forming ammonia, and with sulphur forming hydrogen sulphide. If a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is heated to about 800 °C a violent explosion occurs and water is formed.

Hydrogen was discovered by the famous English physicist Henry Cavendish, and it was a most valuable finding to chemists. Hydrogen helped them to understand the structure of acids and bases, these most important classes of chemical compounds.

It became an important laboratory reagent for precipitating metals from solutions of salts, and for reducing metallic oxides. Astrophysicists, who stidied the composition and structure of stars stated that hydrogen is element Number One in the Universe. It is the main component of the Sun and the stars. Another remarkable property of hydrogen is that its atom emits radiations having a wave-length

of 21 centimetres. This is called an Universe constant because it is the same throughout the Universe. So, the scientists organize radio communications with other inhabitied worlds on the hydrogen wave.

Ex. 7. Translate into Russian: cool, solid, explosion, combustible. Universe, compound, composition, wave-length, precipitate, solution, acid, base, valuable, mixture, nitrogen, occur.

Ex. 8. Finish the formulas and read them. Remember the reading of chemical formulas:

+ plus, and, react with

= give, form, produce

  1. hydrogen + air =

  2. hydrogen + chlorine ... hydrogen chloride

  3. hydrogen + nitrogen

  4. hydrogen +... = hydrogen sulphyde

  5. hydrogen ... oxygen = water

Ex. 9. Answer the questions:

  1. What is hydrogen?

  2. Is it lighter than oxygen?

  3. What's the solubility of hydrogen?

  4. At what temperature is hydrogen liquefied?

  5. What's the colour of liquid hydrogen?

  6. Does hydrogen bum in air?

  7. Does it support cimbustion?

  8. Name as mny reactions of hydrogenwith other substances as you can.

  9. Is hydrogen an active element or no?

  10. Whom was hydrogen discovered by?

  11. What is hydrogen used for in the laboratories?

  12. How is hydrogen used in astrophysics?

Ex. 10*. Translate into English.

  1. Водород - это бесцветный газ, без запаха, когда он чистый.

  2. Он самый легкий из всех известных веществ.

  3. Водород сжижается при сжатии, когда его охлаждают ниже критической температуры.

  4. Водород горит в воздухе, образуя воду.

  5. Водород был открыт известным английским физиком Генри Кавендишем.

  6. Водород - это важный лабораторный реагент.

  7. Он помогает осаждать металлы в растворах солей.

  8. Водород - это элемент номер один в нашей вселенной.

  9. Он является главным компонентом солнца и звезд.

  10. Его атом испускает радиацию, имеющую длину волны 21

Ex. 11. Speak on the following topics:

  1. Physical properties of hydrogen.

  2. Chemical properties of hydrogen.

  3. Usage of hydrogen.