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«Проверь себя»

I. Используйте слова в рамке, чтобы заполнить пропуски в резюме текста.

activities expense multicultural principal unfriendliness variety

For me, the …(1) advantage of living in London is the…(2) of things that there are to see and do. I think that the shops, the choice of leisure …(3) and the transport are good and I like the fact that London is a … (4) city. The disadvantages for me are the traffic, the …(5), people's …(6) and the crime, but I don't want to leave my home.

II. Соедините абзацы текста a-I с их названиями.

....... Conclusion

....... Crime and People's Attitude

....... Environmental Problems

....... Introduction

....... Leisure Choices

....... Multicultural London

....... The Cost of Living

....... Famous Sights


Грамматика для чтения

Задание 1.

Определите, на какие вопросы отвечают выделенные слова, и чем они выражены.

  1. London is one of the largest and most exciting cities in the world.

  2. Drivers have to pay if they want to take their cars to the city centre.

  3. There are advantages and disadvantages to living here.

  4. You can travel easily across the city.

  5. They have recently introduced a congestion charge for central London.

  6. There is always something right on our doorstep.

  7. In spite of these negative points, I still wouldn't want to live outside of London.

  8. We only visit places like the Tower of London when one of our relatives comes to visit!

Задание 2.

Исправьте имеющиеся в предложениях ошибки на порядок слов:

*Помните о порядке слов в английском предложении:

1) S+V+Ob+Ad (S-подлежащее, V-сказуемое, Ob-беспредложное дополнение, Ad-обстоятельство)

2) S+V(глагол движения)+Ad+ind-Ob (S-подлежащее, V-сказуемое, Ad-обстоятельство, ind-Ob-предложное дополнение)

S V Ob Ad

  1. We like to visit museums very much.

S V Ad indOb

  1. We went there with our friends.

  2. I like very much my city.

  3. Everybody enjoyed yesterday the concert.

  4. He drives very well his car.

  5. I met by chance him.

  6. She isn’t going without me there.

  7. I went with my relatives to Camden Market.

Задание 3.

Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым в предложениях обстоятельствам образа действия. Обратите внимание на то, какое место в предложении они занимают и чем могут быть выражены.

  1. He looked at me sadly.

How did he look at me?

  1. I drive my car carefully.

  2. You can get to the centre by train.

  3. We saw our friends by chance in the park.

  4. I like my city very much.

  5. He took your newspaper by mistake.

  6. He spoke to me slowly.

Задание 4.

Посмотрите на фото и закончите предложения, ответив на вопрос.

а. Where are the tourists?

in the garden

on the bridge

at the concert

at the shop

at the museum

b. Where are the tourists going to?

to the museum

to the port

to the river

to the park

to the stadium

Задание 5.