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Insert either for or of and translate the sentences into Russian.

      1. It was hard ... him to make friends.

      2. It is most unusual... any of our planes to be late.

      3. It's very kind ... you to take so much trouble.

      4. That's easy ... you to say.

      5. It was very good ... you to give me a lift.

      6. It was difficult... him to resist the temptation.

      7. It wasn't very smart... you to tell them your name.

  • AS … AS Clauses


Look at the sentences carefully and make your conclusions about the use of the AS … AS structure.

    1. He was as bright as his brother.

    2. Jane is not as clever as him.

    3. Now he is as lively as the rest.

    4. She is as sensible as you are.

    5. It is not so hot as yesterday.

    6. The room was as crowded as ever.

    7. We are not so young as we were.

    8. They aren’t as pretty as they used to be.

    9. The task wasn’t as hard as we’d imagined.


Translate the sentences into English

          1. Он такой же способный, как и его отец.

          2. Она не так красива, как её сестра.

          3. Она такая же высокая, как и он.

          4. Ты такого же возраста, как и я.

          5. Еда была так же ужасна, как и разговор.

          6. Она сейчас активна, как никогда.

          7. Глаза у меня не те, что были.

          8. Форма уже не такая накрахмаленная и хрустящая, как бывало.

          9. Они не так умны, как кажутся.

          10. Эта работа не так интересна, как я ожидал.


Translate the sentences into Russian.

            1. You’ve never been as late as this.

            2. Is it as interesting as that?

            3. She isn’t as bad as all that.

            4. It’s as easy as anything.

            5. One is as bad as the other.

            6. Is it as difficult as they say it is?

            7. You’re just as bad-tempered as your mother.

            8. It’s not nearly as cold as yesterday.

            9. They are nothing like as critical as you.

            10. She is every bit as beautiful as her sister.


Transform the sentences on the model:

She is superstitious. → She is a superstitious woman.

                  1. He is strong and muscular.

                  2. She is very promising.

                  3. He is knowledgeable.

                  4. She is efficient.

                  5. They are responsible and hard-working.

                  6. He is reliable.

                  7. You are naughty.

                  8. She is very gentle, isn’t she?

                  9. He is aggressive and dominating.

                  10. You are permissive.


Rephrase the sentences on the model:

This job is not very well-paid. → It’s not a very well-paid job.

            1. The test was easy.

            2. The smile was friendly.

            3. This colour is most restful.

            4. Is this statement true?

            5. The meal was delicious.

            6. This coin is worthless now.

            7. The experiment has been successful.

            8. The room is rather small.

            9. The trip was dangerous.

            10. The view is breath-taking.

            11. The game was fantastic.

            12. The meeting was boring.

            13. The explanation is confusing.

            14. The place was frightful.

            15. The suggestion is good.

  • SO versus SUCH


Use SUCH A in­stead of SO. Make all other necessary changes.

        1. He is so rude!

        2. You are so lucky!

        3. The journey was so long!

        4. The day was so tiring!

        5. The job is so boring!

        6. The bus was so crowded!

        7. This student is so lazy!

        8. The joke was so stupid!

        9. The noise is so loud!

        10. This sea is so polluted!

  • Definite article


Complete the sentences using the ad­jectives from the list:

first, last, next, only, right, same, wrong.

    1. He was the ... survivor of the crash,.

    2. They are the ... people for the job.

    3. Are you sure that was the ... decision?

    4. Neil Armstrong was the ... man on the moon.

    5. I'm afraid that was the ... bus to Leeds today.

    6. He is the ... age as his wife.

    7. Look at the tablecloth. Is that the ... side?

    8. Flying is the ... way to travel!

    9. I was the ... person to recover.

    10. What is the ... point on the agenda?

    11. Mother is obviously the ... person to talk to about it.

    12. What a surprise! You're the ... person I expected to see here.

    13. Аге they the ... people we saw here last week?

    14. I was the ... person who called him Billie to his face.


Match the halves of the sentences

    1. He is the rudest man

    1. you’ve ever done.

    1. It’s the best film

    1. I’ve ever met.

    1. It is the most difficult job

    1. I’ve ever visited.

    1. It’s the worst service

    1. I’ve ever had to do.

    1. It’s the most beautiful country

    1. I’ve ever had.

    1. It’s the most enjoyable holiday

    1. I’ve ever seen.

    1. This is the best work

    1. I’ve ever experienced.








  • Attributes


Rewrite the sen­tences on the model:

Our holiday lasted three weeks. → It was a three-week holiday.

          1. The woman was 27. She was ...

          2. The flight lasted three hours. It was ...

          3. The strike lasted four days. It was ...

          4. The book has 200 pages. It is ...

          5. The boys were ten years old. They were ...

          6. The television series has ten parts. It is ...

          7. The bottle holds two liters. It is ...

          8. Each of the tickets cost ten pounds. They were ...

          9. The building has ten storeys (=floors). It is ...

          10. This bag of potatoes weighs five kilos. It is ...

          11. We walked for five miles. It was ...

            1. I wrote a cheque for fifty dollars. It was ...

            2. Their house has nine rooms. It is ...

            3. The baby is ten months old. It is ...

            4. The conference lasted four days. It was ...


Use the noun or noun phrase in the first sentence as an attribute in the second. The first item has been done for you:

My garden has flowers in it. It is a flower garden.

              1. That handbook is for students. It is ...

              2. She is a psychologist for children. She is ...

              3. That food is for dogs. It is ...

              4. The soup has vegetables in it. It is ...

              5. The building has offices in it. It is ...

              6. That handbook is for students. It is ...

              7. She is a psychologist for children. She is ...

              8. That food is for dogs. It is ...

              9. The soup has vegetables in it. It is ...

              10. The building has offices in it. It is ...


Translate the sentences into English.

                  1. Это десятитонный грузовик.

                  2. Это получасовая программа.

                  3. Это была пятичасовая поездка.

                  4. Это трехлитровая канистра.

                  5. Это пятнадцатиэтажное здание.

                  6. Это пятизвёздочный отель.

                  7. Это костюм-тройка.

                  8. Это обед из трёх блюд.

                  9. Это шестнадцатилетний музыкант.

                  10. Это шестимильная прогулка.


Translate the sentences into English.

          1. Это обувной магазин.

          2. Это горное растение.

          3. Это книга по истории.

          4. Это выставка мебели.

          5. Это пирожок с мясом.

          6. Это ключ от машины.

          7. Это книжные шкафы.

          8. Это рамки для картин.

          9. Это канистры для бензина.

          10. Это одежда для самых маленьких.

  • Agreement between subject and verb


Choose the correct form of the verb.

  1. Draughts is/are not so exciting as chess.

  2. Diabetes is/are very dangerous.

  3. Genetics is/are the study of genes.

  4. News is/are information about a recent event.

  5. Statistics is/are often misleading.

  6. Mathematics is/are too difficult for me.

  7. Athletics is/are my favourite sport.

  8. Statistics is/are the study of probability.

  9. The acoustics of this hall is/are excellent.

  10. Money is/are the coins or bank notes that you use when you buy something.

  11. Traffic police is/are very polite here.

  12. His cattle is/are the finest in this part of England.

  13. The clergy i /are the officially appointed leaders of the religious activities of a particular church.

  14. Her hair is/are soft and glossy.

  15. The staff was /were rude in that hotel.

  16. The boat sank but the crew is/are safe.

  17. Our family is/are not poor any more.

  18. My family is/are perfectly normal.

  19. The youth is/are young people considered as a group.

  20. The youth was/were more serious than the uncle.


Translate the sentences into English using the SVCs structure.

                1. Мои часы спешат.

                2. Его одежда выглядит опрятно.

                3. Их советы всегда полезны.

                4. Свинка заразна.

                5. Волосы у неё чёрные, а глаза – голубые.

                6. Полиция ещё не осведомлена.

                7. Где бинокль?

                8. Новость была плохая.

                9. Акустика в зале хорошая.

                10. Фрукты были совсем спелые.

                11. Этих денег недостаточно.

                12. Его успехи в английском удивительны.



Make your own conclusions about the use of BOTH, EITHER and NEITHER.


          1. Both cats are asleep.

          2. Both children were happy with their presents.

          3. Both my cats are asleep.

          4. Both her parents were dead.

          5. Both the cats are asleep.

          6. Both the cars are second-hand.

          7. Both of the cats are asleep.

          8. Both of the restaurants are excellent.

          9. Both of my cats are asleep.

          10. Both of his friends are British.

          11. Both of them are asleep.

          12. Both of you are wrong.


            1. – Which of the two answers is correct?

– Either / Neither.

Either one is satisfactory / Neither one is …

Either of them is satisfactory / Neither of them is/are…

Either answer is satisfactory / Neither answer is…

Either of the (two) answers is satisfactory / Neither of the two answers is/are…

2. – Which of the two dictionaries is better?

– Either is acceptable / Neither is…

Either one is acceptable / Neither one is…

Either of them is acceptable / Neither one is/are…

Either dictionary is acceptable / Neither dictionary is…

Either of the (two) dictionaries is acceptable / Neither of the (two) dictionaries is/are…


Complete the sentences with the possessive form of the nouns in brackets. The first one has been done for you.

          1. (Mrs. Smith) Mrs. Smith’s husband is bald.

          2. (boy) The … hat is red.

          3. (boys) The … hats are red.

          4. (children) The … toys are all over the floor.

          5. (child) The … bicycle is broken.

          6. (baby) The … toys are in her crib.

          7. (babies) The … toys are in their cribs.

          8. (wives) Tom and Bob are married. Their … names are Cindy and Jane, respectively.

          9. (wife) My … coat is very expensive.

          10. (Sally) … last name is White.

          11. (Phyllis) … last name is Young.

          12. (boss) My … office is spacious.

          13. (bosses) My … office is modern.

          14. (woman) The … purse is lost.

          15. (women) The … clothes are fancy.

          16. (sister) Is your … husband rich?

          17. (sisters) Are your … husbands rich?

          18. (yesterday) … newspaper is worthless.

          19. (today) But … is a treasure.

          20. (month) A … salary would not be enough to buy that fridge.

  • Agreement between subject and verb


Choose the correct form of the verb.

            1. At least two thirds of the book on famous Americans is/are about the people who lived in the 19th century.

            2. Two thirds of the bottles was/were open.

            3. Thirty five dollars is/are all I can afford to pay for that shirt.

            4. Six miles is/are too far for me to walk.

            5. Three days isn’t/aren’t long enough for a good holiday.

            6. A number of students is/are not content.

            7. Some of the furniture in our apartment is/are second-hand.

            8. Some of the fruit in this bowl is/are rotten.

            9. Some of the letters is/are for you.

            10. “The Three Bears” is/are a well-known nursery story.

            11. Half of this money is/are mine.

            12. Half of the students in the class is/are from Arabic-speaking countries.



Supply a form of OTHER in the contexts given.

    1. I got three letters. One was from my father. … one was from my sister. … letter was from my girlfriend.

    2. Look at your hand. There is a total of five fingers. One is your thumb. … is tour index finger. … one is your middle finger. … finger is your ring finger. And … finger (the last of the five) is your little finger.

    3. There are different means of transport. The train is one means of transport. The aeroplane is ...

    4. There are different means of transport. The aeroplane is one. ... are the train, the automobile, and the horse.

    5. There are two women standing on the corner. One is Helen Jansen and ... is Pat Hendricks.

    6. One common preposition is "from". ... common one is "in". ... are "by", "for" and "of'.

    7. Two countries border on the United States. One is Canada.... is Mexico.

    8. One of the countries I would like to visit is Sweden.... is Mexico. Of course, there are a lot of... places I would like to see.

    9. Some people are tall; ... are short.

    10. Some people are fat; ... are thin.

    11. Some people are short-sighted;... are long-sighted.

    12. That country has two basic problems. One is inflation, and ... is the instability of their government.

    13. Since I came to the US, I have been to three cities. One is New York, and ... are Washington, D.C., and Chi­cago.

    14. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America, ... are from ... countries


Complete the sentences, using an appropriate form of OTHER.

          1. I speak two languages. One is…

          2. I speak three languages. One is…

          3. George Washington is one American hero. Abraham Lincoln…

          4. I have two books. One is…

          5. Some TV programs are excellent, but…

          6. There are three colours that I especially like. One is…

          7. There are three places that I would particularly like to visit in the US. One is…

          8. Some metals are magnetic, and …

          9. They had two little daughters; one a baby, …

          10. We looked at four cars today. The first two were far too expensive, but…

  • Verb


Translate the sentences into Russian.

              1. The plan looks impressive enough on paper.

              2. Things are looking promising at the moment.

              3. It looks very suspicious to me.

              4. He is only 40 but he looks 50.

              5. She looks her age.

              6. She looks her best in tweeds.

              7. He sounded sloppy and stuffed.

              8. His love affair sounded romantic.

              9. His love affair sounded improbable.

              10. This may sound odd, but…


Match SUBJECTS (S) and COMPLEMENTS (C); make up sentences with the link verb SMELL.















(old) paper

done (= baked / cooked)



baby’s hair





Make up sentences using the adjectives as complements.



What food tastes sweet?

What objects feel soft?

… … acid?

… … silky?

… … bitter?

… … smooth?

… … tart?

… … mossy?

… … creamy?

… … rough?

… … delicious?

… … hard?

… … superb?

… … hairy?

… … lousy?

… … furry?

… … rotten?

… … clammy?


Reconstruct a possible first half of each sentence using either a ‘sensing verb’: TASTE, FEEL, SMELL etc., or SEEM or both.

    1. … but in fact it’s very good for you.

    2. … but in fact he is rather nice.

    3. … but in fact it’s very enjoyable.

    4. … but in fact they are poisonous.

    5. … but in fact it’s quite safe.

    6. … but in fact she’s very gentle.

    7. … but in fact it’s no good at all.

    8. … but in fact they work very well.

    9. … but in fact he is reliable.

    10. … but in fact it is old.


Complete the sentences with the following adjectives:

shrill, grave, warmer, louder, interesting, grey, intent, tall, worse, bigger

          1. His face grew…

          2. Her hair is growing…

          3. The girl’s eyes grew…

          4. The man’s voice grew…

          5. The weather grew…

          6. The tree grew…

          7. The noise slowly grew…

          8. Little details grew…

          9. The work grew…

          10. The situation grew…


Restore the subject in each sentence.

            1. … grew harder.

            2. … grew thick and hoarse.

            3. … grew louder.

            4. … was growing more dense.

            5. … is growing more intense.

            6. … grows more demanding every day.

            7. … grew less frequent.

            8. … grew deeper than ever.

            9. … has grown worse over the last four months.

            10. … is growing dark.


Translate into English using the link verb GET and the adjectives in brackets.

    1. Входите, устраивайтесь поудобнее! (comfy)

    2. Скорей сушись, а то простудишься. (dry)

    3. Ты уже собираешься идти спать? (ready)

    4. Ты что, не можешь от них отделаться? (rid of)

    5. Займись своим велосипедом, что ли! (busy)

    6. Сейчас оденусь и приду. (dressed)

    7. Она наверху, переодевается. (changed)

    8. Когда устроитесь, я вам покажу город. (settled)

    9. Она упаковывается, не мешай ей. (packed)

    10. Не промокни! (wet)


Translate the sentences into Russian.


          1. It was getting quiet in there; I couldn’t hear a sound.

          2. It’s getting late, but I hate to say good-bye.

          3. Look, the moon’s almost down. A little while, and it will be getting light.

          4. By now the summer was over and it was starting to get cold.

          5. It is getting darker.

          6. It’s going to get a good deal hotter.


  1. Things got progressively worse.

  2. Things can only get better.

  3. My father died when I was about twenty and things got more difficult.

  4. He will soon know how rough things can get.

  5. Things were getting desperate.

  6. Can things get worse?


  1. The handle has got loose.

  2. The label has got unstuck.

  3. These bricks don’t get dirty.

  4. The lining has got soiled.

  5. The hair was getting a little thin.

  6. The rope suddenly got limp.


  1. You’re getting better every day.

  2. I’m trying to get used to the idea.

  3. Does he ever get angry?

  4. I don’t know why he does it, but he suddenly gets bossy and starts ordering me around.

  5. I get lonely, so lonely living on my own.

  6. It’s time you put your things on. You are getting cold.

  7. I wish you to get well soon.

  8. The child is getting sleepy.

  9. I get sick when you’re around!

  10. Watch out! You’ll get hurt!

  11. She’s getting old, she’s thin and wizened.

  12. I think we’d better start barbecuing, before the kids get too tired and hungry.


Read the contexts carefully. Make your conclusions about the use of TURN and GO.


  1. In the summertime my hair always turns white.

  2. He sank on a chair, gasped, and turned purple in the face.

  3. She turned very pale.

  4. Miss Stoner turned white to the lips.

  5. Her eyes turned green.

  6. He noticed that the leaves were turning yellow.

  7. Last time I saw you it was turning golden ....

  8. The weather suddenly turned hot...

  9. The weather turned much warmer.

  10. My entire body turned cold with fear.


  1. The telephone went dead.

  2. The milk went sour.

  3. The beer has gone flat.

  4. The cheese has gone moulded.

  5. The chocolates have gone stale.

  6. The sauce has gone lumpy.

  7. The fingers have gone sticky.

  8. The man may go blind.

  9. Some men go bald very early.

  10. The poor old woman went mad.

  11. It's a pity he's going so bitter.

  12. Jessica felt herself go tense.

  13. She went hot and cold with anger.

  14. I felt myself go as white as a sheet.

  15. I went scarlet in my turn, and then suddenly we were both laughing.


Translate the sentences into English.

            1. Ты становишься подозрительным.

            2. Мы промокли и устали.

            3. Она скоро поправится.

            4. Стало темнеть.

            5. Вскоре они поженились.

            6. Я привыкла к своим новым обязанностям.

            7. Он покраснел от злости.

            8. В жаркую погоду рыба быстро портится.

            9. Листья стали жёлтыми и коричневыми.

            10. Она, кажется, спит.

            11. Задание оказалось трудным, но интересным.

            12. Дом казался заброшенным.

            13. Ей только 30, но выглядит она на 40.

            14. Лучше всего она выглядит в чёрном.

            15. У него был озадаченный вид.

  • Tense forms of the verb


Can you see (and explain!) the difference in meaning between a) and b) in each pair of sentences?

            1. a) He is careless.

b) He is being careless.

            1. a) Things turned nasty.

b) Things were turning nasty.

            1. a) We’re getting close again with my father.

b) When are you getting married?

            1. a) You’re growing bitter and suspicious.

b) You’ve grown bitter and suspicious.

            1. a) The boys will be happy.

b) Boys will be boys.


Fill the gaps with BE in the tense form suggested by the contexts. Think of the contexts that would call for BE in Present Simple.

          1. The neighbours … friendly. It makes quite a change.

          2. The children … very quiet at the moment. I wonder why.

          3. I can’t understand why he … so selfish. He isn’t usually like that.

          4. Jack … very nice to me at the moment. He feels guilty, I’m sure.

          5. Normally she is very sensible. I don’t know why she … so silly about this matter.

          6. Your brothers … not kind to you today, … they?

          7. He … very generous, don’t you think? I wish I knew what he wants from us this time.

          8. John … a martyr today. That’s something new.


Translate the sentences into English.


            1. Он понемногу выздоравливает.

            2. Ребёнок подрастает с каждым днём.

            3. Мы стареем.

            4. Шум усиливается.

            5. Еда остывает.

            6. У неё седеют волосы.

            7. Листья желтеют. Туман редеет.

            8. Погода улучшается.

            9. Она толстеет.


  1. Молоко прокисло.

  2. Рыба испортилась.

  3. Хлеб зачерствел.

  4. Сыр заплесневел.

  5. Пиво выдохлось.

  6. Батарейка села.

  7. Железо проржавело.

  8. Фирма обанкротилась.

  9. Он облысел.

  10. Она сошла с ума!

  • Modal auxiliaries


Can you see the difference in meaning between a) and b) in each pair of sentences?

1. a) You must be reasonable.

b) You must be hungry.

2. a) You may both be happy.

b) May you both be happy!

3. a) It may not be so late.

b) It can't be so late.

4. a) The shop might not be open now.

b) The shop couldn't be open now.

5. a) He can't be that ill.

b) He can't have been that ill.

6. a) You couldn't possibly be right.

b) You couldn't be more right.

7. a) It could have been a mouse.

b) It could have been a disaster.

8. a) You mustn't fee pessimistic.

b) You needn't be pessimistic.

9. a) You should be more careful.

b) You should have been more careful.

10. a) That must be the reason.

b) That has to be the answer.


Put the expressions of PROBABILITY in the order of “strength”:


                1. – There's someone at the door.

– It should be Roger. He promised to come round at about 8 o'clock.

  1. – Who's that at the door?

– That will be the postman. He always comes at this time.

  1. – Will you answer the phone? It could be your mother...

  2. – Who can that be at the door? Can it be the postman?

– It can't be the postman – he has already been here today.

  1. – Who's that outside?

– It may be Simon.

– But it may not be him, because he usually phones first.

  1. – There's the doorbell. That must be her now.

– It's about time...

  1. (The doorbell rings.)

– Could it be Susan?

– It won't be Susan. She said she would never come here again.

  1. – What do you think that noise is?

– It might be a cat.


Translate the sentences into English choosing the right modal verb: MUST, MAY, MIGHT or COULD.

      1. Она, должно быть, устала после тяжёлого рабочего дня.

      2. Мои часы, скорее всего, отстают.

      3. Возможно, он и прав.

      4. Он явно нетрезв.

      5. Я могу опоздать к обеду.

      6. Вы, наверно, муж Клары.

      7. Не трогай этот гриб. Он может быть поганкой.

      8. Возьми на всякий случай шарф. Вдруг вечером похолодает.

      9. Осторожно! Это, наверняка, ловушка!

      10. Он, вероятно, очень горд своим сыном.

      11. Не шевелите ногой. Она может быть сломана (есть вероятность, что…).

      12. Может быть, вам это покажется странным, но…


Translate the sentences into Russian/ Compare the results for sections A and B.


  1. I may not be able to come round tonight.

  2. It may not be at all easy.

  3. Things might not be so bad after all.

  4. She may not be quite so depressed as you think.

  5. Why don’t we try that hotel? It may not be as expensive as it looks.

  6. I don’t know anyone by that name. He might not even be a student at this college.


  1. She can’t be seventy yet. She is still working.

  2. You can’t be so sure about it, you know.

  3. You couldn’t be that tired. We’ve only walked a mile.

  4. It couldn’t possibly be poison.

  5. This cannot be the whole story.

  6. – I’ve decided to give up my job.

– You can’t be serious. It’s such a good job.


These sentences with CAN give information about the characteristic behavior of people and things. Find the most appropriate way of translating CAN + BE into Russian.

      1. Bill can be very discourteous at times.

      2. Sue can be very unfriendly sometimes – when she feels like it.

      3. He can be very annoying at times, if you let him, – but usually he’s very helpful.

      4. They can be really helpful when they try.

      5. My grandmother can be very unpleasant sometimes, though normally she is most agreeable.

      6. Parents can be very possessive, I agree.

      7. It can be difficult to find a hotel in London.

      8. Measles can be quite dangerous.

      9. Scotland can be very warm in September.

      10. New York can be dangerous at night.


Fill the gaps with appropriate modals.

        1. The meal you had … (be) very good. Otherwise you wouldn’t feel sick now.

        2. – Why didn’t Bill come to see us yesterday?

– I don’t know. He … (be) too busy.

        1. – She brought up six children on her own.

– It … (be) easy for her.

        1. I heard about the fight. It … (be) a very unpleasant experience for you.

        2. Don’t shout at her. It … (be) her fault.

        3. – We went to Majorca.

– That … (be) very nice.

        1. – Wasn’t it awful!

– On the contrary, you were lucky. It … (be) worse.

        1. – Do you think he wanted to ruin your plans?

– I think that … (be) the intention.

        1. You were driving too fast. You … (be) more careful.

        2. It’s a pity you couldn’t make it. Things … (be) so different.

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