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Insert appropriate adjectives

  1. There are very … things in the world.

  2. There are some … snakes in these parts.

  3. There are … women and … men.

  4. There are no … or … answers.

  5. There is often … weather here.

  6. There are no … films on.

  7. There was a … smell in the kitchen.

  8. There was a … atmosphere in the class.

  9. There’s some … news, I’m afraid.

  10. There was a … poster on the wall.

  • Attribute = -ING / TO-infinitive / Relative clause


Join the halves of the sentences. Translate them into Russian.


1. There's only a form

  1. There is no reason

  2. There are no calls

  3. There are no boring people

  4. There were no footprints

  5. There are a lot of letters

  6. There isn't enough evidence

  7. There is no need

  8. There is a danger

10. There are lots of ways

a) to answer.

  1. to talk to.

  2. to fill in.

d) to be written.

e) to hurry.

f) to prove the ease.

g) to be seen.

h) to disbelieve him.

i) to meet people in London.

j) to overorganise the children.












1. There's a taxi

  1. There was an oak-tree

  2. There was a little boy

  3. There's a train

  4. There are flames

  5. There's somebody's coat

  6. There was a kite

  7. There were a few people

  8. There was a girl

10. There was a revolver

a) water-skiing on the lake.

b) coming out of the window.

  1. lying there among the papers.

  2. waiting just round the corner.

  3. flying high above.

  4. growing at the edge of the lane.

  5. hurrying home.

h) crying for his mother.

i) hanging in the hall j) leaving just after 9 o'clock.












1. There are sheep

  1. Look! There's a sign

  2. There is a young lady

  1. There was a time

  2. There are some old shops

  3. There was one person

  4. There are three reasons

  5. There's a starry flower

  6. There is a station

  7. There's a friend of mine

  1. who wants to see you.

  2. where you can get trains to London.

  3. whose name for the moment escapes me.

  4. where you can buy local food.

  5. who is coming from London.

  6. that says Don't Walk.

  7. who suffered from a heart complaint.

h) why we should support this action.

i) when this was true. j) which eat seaweed instead of grass.












Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. There's a Mr. Jones to see you

2. Miss Posit, there is a gentleman to see you. Mr. Moore.

  1. There's someone to see you.

  2. There's a man to see you.

5. There's a lady waiting to see you.

6. There's a young lady who wants to see you, Mr. Poirot.


Translate the sentences into English.

  1. На подоконнике сидела рыжая кошка.

  2. Мимо проезжала машина.

  3. Какой-то мальчишка перебегал дорогу.

  4. Несколько пациентов ожидали, когда их примет врач.

  5. Одинокая золотая рыбка плескалась в стеклянной банке.

  6. Какая-то муха жужжала в паутине.

  7. По пустынной улице неслась скорая помощь.

  8. На самом верху развевался флаг.

  9. Какой-то полицейский пытался успокоить толпу.

  10. Белые овцы пощипывали травку на лугу.


Translate the sentences into English. Add some chilling details to make it a mock horror story.

  1. В комнате никого не было.

  2. Почти не было мебели.

  3. Была лишь пара стульев и софа у окна.

  4. Не было занавесок на окнах, не было абажура.

  5. Голая лампочка свисала с потолка.

  6. Прямо в центре комнаты, на полу, стоял телефон.

  7. Рядом лежала какая-то книга.

  8. Стояла пепельница, полная окурков.

  9. В воздухе стоял табачный дым.

  10. В раковине на кухне – гора немытой посуды.

  11. В холодильнике никакой еды.

  12. В шкафчике – больше дюжины пустых пивных банок.

  13. Царила атмосфера тупой безнадёжности.

  14. Там нечего было делать.

  15. Точнее, ничего нельзя было сделать.


Mark the subjects as either A (active), or P (passive).

1. There is no information to justify this conclusion.

2. There wasn't any work to do.

3. There is somebody to see you.

  1. There is only a form to fill in.

  2. There are no trains to catch, no telephones to answer. . .

6. There is nothing to cause a fever.

7. There is nothing to worry about.

  1. There is nobody to think about me.

  2. There are no boring people to talk to.

  3. There is always something to do in town.

  4. There is nothing to see here.

  5. There are a few letters to write.

  • Attribute = Prepositional Phrase


Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions.

1. There is no point … going there today.

2. There are several alternatives … your plan.

3. There is no mistake . . . it; he is the biggest fool I've met.

  1. There's a good deal of confusion . . . what this notion involves.

  2. Honey is delicious — there is no doubt . . . it.

  3. There's no fear . . . her coming here; she is in London.

  4. There is no prospect . . . more money at the moment.

  5. There was an air . . . excitement at the meeting.

  6. There is no real benefit . . . me if I do it.

10. Is there any age limit . . . the children who go there?

11. Are there any special advantages . . . us if we follow your plan?

12. There's a strong resemblance … him and her, isn't there?

13. There's a difference … 300 degrees . . . the day and the night.

14. I don't think there's any logical connection . . . the two halves of the question.

15. There has been serious disagreement . . . the political parties . . . this question.

16. There have been several disputes . . . who owns this land.

17. There's a world conspiracy . . . men . . . women.

18. There was a sudden development . . . the situation.

19. There's been an improvement . . . your work this year.

20. There's a fault . . . this building, it isn't safe.


Make up sentences by matching their halves. Write out the sentences and translate them into Russian

  1. There was no reaction

  2. How much similarity is there

  3. There are problems

  4. There must be some solution

  5. There are several differences

  6. There's little contact

  7. There's certain opposition

  8. There're strong arguments

  9. Is there any advantage

  10. There's little hope

11. There's little agreement

12. Is there any reason

13. There are no signs

14. Is there any chance

15. There's no doubt

  1. about what to do.

  2. against smoking.

  3. of any change.

  4. for staying here longer?

  5. about the identity of the two signatures.

  6. to what I said.

  7. with cable television.

h) to this problem.

i) between teachers and parents.

j) of borrowing your typewriter?

k) between the two religions.

1) to our proposals.

m) of finding some passengers alive.

n) in doing this project first?

o) between cricket and football.

















Fill each gap with one of the prepositions.

above, across, against, along, at, beyond, near, over, on, upon

  1. There is a ladder … the wall.

  2. There was a bus waiting … traffic lights.

  3. No walking … this point!

  4. Look! There’s a kite right … our heads.

  5. There is a footbridge … the river.

  6. There were patches of yellow marigolds … the path.

  7. There was a large block of council flats right … the road.

  8. There was sweat … his forehead.

  9. There were only trees and forests … both sides.

  10. Is there anywhere … where I could get a cup of tea?


Translate into English.

  1. На северо-востоке пройдут дожди.

  2. На небе странное зеленоватое сияние.

  3. На поле стояли палатки.

  4. На улице Виктории есть банк.

  5. Впереди меня сидела женщина в огромной шляпе.

  6. Позади меня в автобусе сидели двое мальчишек.

  7. Сзади на конверте был записан какой-то номер.

  8. В шестой строке опечатка.

  9. Вверху страницы – фотография, а внизу – карикатура.

  10. Наверху в шкафчике есть полка для полотенец.

  11. На верхушке рождественской ёлки была звезда.

  12. Под зеркалом была полочка.

  13. Под горой стоит деревушка.

  14. Прямо напротив школы – кинотеатр.

  15. Дым по всему дому!


Can you see (and explain!) the difference?

1. a) There's a TV set in the corner.

b) There's a telephone on the corner.

c) There was a care parked at the corner.

  1. a) There is a small window at the top of the tower.

b) There is a flag on top of the tower.

  1. a) There are some goldfish at the bottom of the pond.

b) What's there on the bottom of the sea?

  1. a) There's a pullover underneath my coat.

b) There was a shelf under the mirror.

  1. a) There must be a signature on the back of the form.

b) There was a big file cabinet at the back of the of­fice.

6. a) There were two first-class carriages at the front of the train.

  1. There's a telephone number scratched on the front of an old envelope.

  2. There was a trap-door in the front of the stage.

7. a) There's a truck right in our way.

  1. Be careful - there's a police car ahead.

  2. There was a man standing in front of me

  1. a) There's a public footpath through the woods.

  1. There was a path across the meadow.


Make conclusions about the use of HERE/THERE and UP/DOWN


  1. There’s a magazine on the side table over there.

  2. There’s a nice pub down there on the river.

  3. There isn’t enough room in here.

  4. Is there a station near here?

  5. There must be my briefcase about here.

  6. There’s something coming along here on the river.

  7. There was something going on up there.

  8. There was something out there across the road.

  9. There’s a comfy chair over here by the window.

  10. There’s still a lot of light out here, darling.


  1. There’s a health farm high up.

  2. There’s a notice up on the board about it.

  3. There’s a police station further up.

  4. There’s a house to let just up the street.

  5. There’s a friend of mine up in Scotland / in Oxford.

  6. There’s an old curry house just up the road from Midlands Bank.

  7. It’s very early in the morning and there’s no one down yet.

  8. There’s a man down in Brighton who does that.

  9. There’s a toilet down the corridor.

  10. There used to be dozens of mills up and down Airedale.


Translate into Russian

  1. There’s a dirt road towards the south.

  2. There were areas of open country east of the river.

  3. There used to be a coffee-bar every three or four doors.

  4. There was a fast-food restaurant a little way back from the road.

  5. There were more than four boats out on the river at any time.

  6. There is a family hotel right on the sea front.

  7. There was a small cottage on the edge of the moors.

  8. There’s a hospital about a mile past the school.

  9. There is a Roman villa further afield.

  10. Roughly midway between San Paolo and Porto Alegre there is a small island.

  11. There are car and coach parks for some distance along the road to the Granada Studios.

  12. There’s fur on the inside of the coat and woolen cloth on the outside.

  13. There were some books piled on top of each other.

  14. Beneath a pile of bills, note pads and comic books there was a telephone directory.

  15. There were no shops and no one about.

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